STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I asked this a while back regarding headset. It looks like my Shuffle is crapping out so I'm going to buy a Nano. I'll probably get a Bluetooth headset. I believe Lucky recommended the LG 730. Anyone else have other suggestions? I'm not looking for anything bulky since I do a lot of cardio activities. Thanks!
This for the chocolate or reg flavor?
Tastes good. I can vouch for it.

ITT Jewbacca promoting his dad's powdered peanut butter brand...
Might just be a genetic thing. Can't exactly change where your muscles insert. No need to skip an important lift (one of the big four) just for fear of hitting your triceps. Just do the lift, if your delts are actually the limiting factor, the stressor on your delts will be much greater than that on the triceps. They'll catch up basically.
Good point...
See? Bad form on presses -> improve your press form and keep on pressing. Things will balance out.
**** I wanna go on vacation. This chick got off the train at my stop with a big *** bag, so I was all "Where'd you go on vacation?" She was all "OMG I didn't go on vacation." It's all good though because I was wearing short shorts so she got to witness my quad separation in action.
I think the "PWOS are placebos" generally is intended to mean that PWOS aren't much more than caffeine and BCAAs. The whole advertising hype behind them does provide a considerable placebo effect, I think. So yeah there are ingredients in them that certainly work, but there's also a bunch of advertising hype to go with it.
Couldn't you do legs on Monday and Thursday so you get a little more rest in between sessions? Also I don't understand why you're so set on a 5 day bodybuilding split. No offense but based on the deadlift number you posted a few days ago, you'd probably benefit a lot from a linear progression.
Triathalons seem like the crossfit of endurance sports.
Come on brah. The answer is rest it.
Maybe it's the fact that you aren't using proper nutrition and your training sucks. A single product isn't gonna turn things around.
Tuna and cottage cheese are the two "bodybuilding" foods I just can't get down with.
Yup. Basically, if you're having trouble gaining weight, look to liquid calories. There are plenty of whole food sources that should be prioritized to goofy *** products. Also, use real milk (whole preferably) rather than almond milk to maximize cals.

Once again those were not my deadlift numbers, that is just what I lifted to make sure my form was correct. I'm gonna try a split of
Sun,Mon,Tue,Thur, Fri

Sun tue fri = ABABA alternating lifts with A=Chest and Back and B =Shoulder, Bi
Mon and Thur =Legs and deadlift
Wed and Sat do absolutely nothing not even cardio.
On my A and B days I will do 15 min of HIIT in the eliptical post workout
Didn't pig out this weekend, :smokin

Didn't eat right either, :smh:

Still got workouts in on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Back at it today 8)

Hope everyone had a great weekend.
finally back in the gym tonight, chest and tri's

cant wait hope it goes good. gonna try and add in some cardio too.
I'm guilty of doing things like arching my back while going heavy on the bench press. Believe me, the consequences are not worth it. If you can't lift it with good form, then you probably shouldn't be lifting hay heavy anyway
To this Monday upon us in which is National Chest Day thy does not do chest but instead thy does Legs in which 1 will engage in Beastmode(on)

I'm gonna go to the la fitness next to my job I pray it isn't packed at 430pm. That's why I designated legs for Monday Andy Thur because I know Monday is national chest day.
I'm guilty of doing things like arching my back while going heavy on the bench press. Believe me, the consequences are not worth it. If you can't lift it with good form, then you probably shouldn't be lifting hay heavy anyway

is it bad that i dont even arch my back period?
gonna try to go to the gym late tonight instead of right after work. Want to deadlift then get in back and bi's....if i go right afterwork i will be miserable trying to get that done with the 100000 people there
I'm gonna go to the la fitness next to my job I pray it isn't packed at 430pm. That's why I designated legs for Monday Andy Thur because I know Monday is national chest day.

Unless you're Tom Hanks on Castaway, that place is going to be packed. Terrible time to workout. Setting yourself up for failure, get ready for the bro's on the squat racks doing curls, :lol:
Unless you're Tom Hanks on Castaway, that place is going to be packed. Terrible time to workout. Setting yourself up for failure, get ready for the bro's on the squat racks doing curls, :lol:

What time should I go? I don't want to go after eating dinner. How is 6 or 7 pm? I could eat a pbj sammich around 5 then go after an hour since there are 2 LA fitness by my houss
I used to be put off by going to the gym right after work, but nowadays I rarely have to wait for equipment.  Helps to at least establish some kind of rapport with the people around you.  You can either work in with someone or guilt that random person lollygagging into speeding up their workout.  Haven't had any issue getting my workout in when the gym is crowded, regardless of the gym and I've been a member of several over the past few years.

As for the question about sacrificing form, you'd be surprised how much greater your gains will be if you just get someone to spot you when you're going heavier.  The psychological aspect of not having to worry about the weight harming you helps, plus you have someone there when you're squeezing out that last rep or two.
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If your benching for the sole purpose of lifting heavy *** weight for a couple of reps then you should have a arch in your back. If your just trying to get a pump and doing more reps then there is no need for a arch. 
What time should I go? I don't want to go after eating dinner. How is 6 or 7 pm? I could eat a pbj sammich around 5 then go after an hour since there are 2 LA fitness by my houss

It really depends on your locations. Where I'm at it's usually 5am-8am or 9pm to 12pm. Anything in between is a cluster ****.
Got in my new Fishoil, multi-vitamin (s/o to lucky for the new brand to try), and creatine monohydrate over the weekend.

Stoked to get some strength gains w/ the creatine.

Its my first time ever taking it :nthat:
I squeeze my shoulder blades together when I Bench... a natural arch forms in my lower back. I'm not sure how you can avoid the arch unless you're not squeezing your shoulders together.
nt fitness WDYWT

It really depends on your locations. Where I'm at it's usually 5am-8am or 9pm to 12pm. Anything in between is a cluster ****.

The one by my job is a newer one and they say it isn't as packed as the one down the road from it I'm still gonna go after work, if its crowded I will just leave and go to the one by my house around 730
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