STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

hmmmm I got some wrist straps already and the only lift I use it for is deadlifts, but wanted to ask does anyone here use wrist wraps/supports for all there push lifts just for the extra support? If so, helpful? Suggestions?

I only do it for DL and BB rows. I have a really weak grip. But after some heavy rowing or movements like that, having that suport for say pulldowns finishing a workout, makes it easy to target the lats...
:lol: Damn let cuz live tho!

I've added 200 crunches to my morning routine before getting ready for work. Anybody else do quick little things in the morning?


I'm not asking on anyone's opinion on the relevancy of said morning acts, just asking out of curiosity

im about to start doing 100 crunches a day while im at home in the morning.
Thanks fellas, prolly not gonna get the wrist wraps then, I'm content with the straps for now, but TBH I don't use them as much either since they got chalk in my gym. Just asking about the wraps for other movements.
Thanks fellas, prolly not gonna get the wrist wraps then, I'm content with the straps for now, but TBH I don't use them as much either since they got chalk in my gym. Just asking about the wraps for other movements.
If you got chalk you dont need Straps. IMO

I wouldn't do it if we can use chalk. 
Box jumps - 3x6. 36 in
1 leg box jump - 3x6. 18 in
Hang power clean 3x6. 165
Banded front squat. 3x6. 225

All 4x5
Bench press - 250
Military press - 145
Dips - 50 lbs

All 4x5
Sumo deadlift - 345
Single leg deadlift - 95
1 leg bench squat - 40 lb kb offset
Banded back squat - 275

Pull ups - 50 lbs
Chin ups - 55 lbs
Suspended Y/Suspended rear delt
Inverted row - bodyweight. 3x8

I warm up with box jumps/ ladder drills on leg day.

Really open my hips up.

You tried seated box jumps?
hmmmm I got some wrist straps already and the only lift I use it for is deadlifts, but wanted to ask does anyone here use wrist wraps/supports for all there push lifts just for the extra support? If so, helpful? Suggestions?

I use wraps. Once I go heavy enough for push movements, my left wrist starts aching.

I have some new ones from Richards Sporting Goods. Harbinger brand, like $12. I have some I ordered from a while back on. Gasp brand.
Pretty much, lol. Bunch of laughs catching up on this thread. So much keyboard cappin. So much emotion. So much insecurity. Guess for some, the net is real life lol.

Feel stronger now than I did prior to my planned 2 week break. Definitely what the doc ordered. Looking forward to smashing some PRs over the coming months. Need to improve my lower body flexibility. Get my squat up.

Rumble roller has definitely been a godsend.
If you're not already, get on defranco's agile 8/11 mobility routine

hmmmm I got some wrist straps already and the only lift I use it for is deadlifts, but wanted to ask does anyone here use wrist wraps/supports for all there push lifts just for the extra support? If so, helpful? Suggestions?
Wraps or straps? Different purposes. Don't see why wraps would be relevant outside of pushing motions, and dont see how straps would be relevant for anything other than pulling motions

Bro I think my dog can run a mile under 10
Dogs are fast bro
Does anyone have any recommendations on how I should attack my calories. I'm 5'11, 172 & wanna put on some lean muscle. I figure I'd start off taking in 3,000 cal per day & see what it do.

My split is 45/35/25 CFP and that puts me at 190 grams of protein. My protein sources are so lean I'm left taking in a ton of carbs if I follow this split I see.

I'm hovering around 14% BF but wanna be 9-11% by the summer weighing 172-180. Any advice?

Thanks fam!
So which one of you females reported me 

Thats why we cant have any discussions in here Durden, people get too butt hurt over the interwebz... Id hate to see how some of you act in real life when people disagree with you

Timbo I agree it was a very dumb topic to argue about I apologize.

BUT since its Monday, yall already know what time it is......LEG DAY. All you bros out there hittin chest and biceps are missin out.

One love

:lol: Damn let cuz live tho!

I've added 200 crunches to my morning routine before getting ready for work. Anybody else do quick little things in the morning?


I'm not asking on anyone's opinion on the relevancy of said morning acts, just asking out of curiosity

im about to start doing 100 crunches a day while im at home in the morning.
On the cool, I need to get back on this thang, I always go hard march-June in the weight room and at the field, then I bs the rest of the year

I'm gonna start doin stuff like this to stay fitness oriented
Does anyone have any recommendations on how I should attack my calories. I'm 5'11, 172 & wanna put on some lean muscle. I figure I'd start off taking in 3,000 cal per day & see what it do.

My split is 45/35/25 CFP and that puts me at 190 grams of protein. My protein sources are so lean I'm left taking in a ton of carbs if I follow this split I see.

I'm hovering around 14% BF but wanna be 9-11% by the summer weighing 172-180. Any advice?

Thanks fam!
I would switch it up to 40/40/20 or something close personally. I like a little more protein in my diet and less fat. Just see how much weight you start gaining and adjust accordingly. I would aim for a pound a week at the very most. Lift heavy and you will see results.
Box jumps - 3x6. 36 in
1 leg box jump - 3x6. 18 in
Hang power clean 3x6. 165
Banded front squat. 3x6. 225

All 4x5
Bench press - 250
Military press - 145
Dips - 50 lbs

All 4x5
Sumo deadlift - 345
Single leg deadlift - 95
1 leg bench squat - 40 lb kb offset
Banded back squat - 275

Pull ups - 50 lbs
Chin ups - 55 lbs
Suspended Y/Suspended rear delt
Inverted row - bodyweight. 3x8

I warm up with box jumps/ ladder drills on leg day.

Really open my hips up.

You tried seated box jumps?

I typically do ladder drills twice a week with my battling ropes.

Ive never heard of seated box jumps. Im assuming its jumping up to a box from sitting on top of another box?
So which one of you females reported me :lol:

Thats why we cant have any discussions in here Durden, people get too butt hurt over the interwebz... Id hate to see how some of you act in real life when people disagree with you

Timbo I agree it was a very dumb topic to argue about I apologize.

BUT since its Monday, yall already know what time it is......LEG DAY. All you bros out there hittin chest and biceps are missin out.

One love

You dont think I reported you do you? I got reported too :lol:
Unless you reported me cause you think I reported you :nerd:
^That looks really good, man.

I ate horribly this weekend. Feels bad, man

Do you guys take off a week after 8-10 weeks of training to give your body a break? I remember several folks suggested this in the OG thread. The best I can do is like 3-4 days...I get eager to go back after that.
Took two weeks off from weights.  Feel stronger than ever.

I personally think some have this irrational fear of "losing their gains" as if it's something that's just going to happen overnight.  Like timbo said, I try and make sure to do some mobility stuff during any break, though.  Plus I'm always doing some form of calisthenics (pullups, dips, pushups, core work).
Im not attacking you or trying to put you down. We cant have an actual discussion on this? Thats the biggest problem we have with this thread. There isnt any real discussion on a topic. Im not making personal shots at anyone. However, I dont think you can say that you can say what you say from personal experience because A. Youve never been in that type of shape and tried to pose and B. you yourself you struggle with having that type of mind-muscle connection. No shots, just being honest.

CV conditioning isnt the same thing as putting stress on the CV system. Youre thinking about it from a "running" viewpoint and im speaking on it from a "physiological" aspect.

Im not disagreeing with you when you say they arent in great shape besides having big muscles and im not disagreeing with your definition of good physical shape. Im not trying to change your mind on that. I agree with you.

How am I adding fire to this? I said I agreed with him on the fact that it puts a lot of stress onto the CV system.

In terms of my talking about my goals or going to the gym, im not the type of person who finds it helpful to type "chest day", "blasted my legs today" and talk about my experience in the gym that day. Im not into the bodybuilding aspect of exercise. My workouts are typically for sport performance, and discussions on that dont happen in here.
When did anyone say it took cardiovascular fitness or muscular endurance to pose? Those are your words.
Mind posting up your routines/workouts to help us out or discuss actual workouts for sport performance?
Box jumps - 3x6. 36 in
1 leg box jump - 3x6. 18 in
Hang power clean 3x6. 165
Banded front squat. 3x6. 225

All 4x5
Bench press - 250
Military press - 145
Dips - 50 lbs

All 4x5
Sumo deadlift - 345
Single leg deadlift - 95
1 leg bench squat - 40 lb kb offset
Banded back squat - 275

Pull ups - 50 lbs
Chin ups - 55 lbs
Suspended Y/Suspended rear delt
Inverted row - bodyweight. 3x8
See, now this is the type of training I can get with.  Strong focus on compounds, explosive movements, and calisthenics.  I want to start sumo deadlifting as well as getting back into box jumping.
Pretty much, lol. Bunch of laughs catching up on this thread. So much keyboard cappin. So much emotion. So much insecurity. Guess for some, the net is real life lol.

Feel stronger now than I did prior to my planned 2 week break. Definitely what the doc ordered. Looking forward to smashing some PRs over the coming months. Need to improve my lower body flexibility. Get my squat up.

Rumble roller has definitely been a godsend.
If you're not already, get on defranco's agile 8/11 mobility routine
Just added this to my favorites on Youtube.  Gonna take a look at it after I leave the office.

at the idea of reporting anyone outside of a spammer.  Just ignore the stuff that you don't wanna read.  Goodness.  This stuff was way more tame and actually worth reading compared to the nonsense from a couple of days ago.
I typically do ladder drills twice a week with my battling ropes.

Ive never heard of seated box jumps. Im assuming its jumping up to a box from sitting on top of another box?

It's exactly that.

Really hopes with explosion.
I typically do ladder drills twice a week with my battling ropes.

Ive never heard of seated box jumps. Im assuming its jumping up to a box from sitting on top of another box?

It's exactly that.

Really hopes with explosion.

Hmm. Ill give it a shot. Not sure if it's better or more "functional" than traditional box jumps because of the lack of the countermovement but it's worth trying.
Pulled a muscle last night squatting
last year I tweaked my lower back and pulled a muscle and it seems that I did the same thing. Last time it hurt really bad, while right now it's not killer but more so annoying sharpness in lower right back when I make certain movements. I did the test of touching my chest with my chin and thats when I feel the sharpness and they say thats how you know its a pulled muscle.

I do squats 3 times per week and I have Deadlift one time this week, should I do alternative workouts until this heals or what? Like I said its not like last time where I couldnt do stuff if I wanted, I was thinking about just cutting down the weight.
Pulled a muscle last night squatting
last year I tweaked my lower back and pulled a muscle and it seems that I did the same thing. Last time it hurt really bad, while right now it's not killer but more so annoying sharpness in lower right back when I make certain movements. I did the test of touching my chest with my chin and thats when I feel the sharpness and they say thats how you know its a pulled muscle.

I do squats 3 times per week and I have Deadlift one time this week, should I do alternative workouts until this heals or what? Like I said its not like last time where I couldnt do stuff if I wanted, I was thinking about just cutting down the weight.

I'd go light, or even avoid squatting and deadlifting...

Injuries like that aren't to play with.
I'd go light, or even avoid squatting and deadlifting...

Injuries like that aren't to play with.

True, I was thinking about just doing 225 on squats but doing light dead lifts wouldn't mentally seem pointless to me. I'm probably gonna replace squats with seated leg press and do a different back exercise instead of deadlifts for this week then try to see if I'm normal by next sunday
I typically do ladder drills twice a week with my battling ropes.

Ive never heard of seated box jumps. Im assuming its jumping up to a box from sitting on top of another box?

It's exactly that.

Really hopes with explosion.

Hmm. Ill give it a shot. Not sure if it's better or more "functional" than traditional box jumps because of the lack of the countermovement but it's worth trying.

I like doing box jumps with boxes of varying heights and distances. Plus them either in a row jumping forward or sideways.

one of these days I want to be able to jump out of a pool. Not sure if I can now or not, its entirely possible that I can, but I'm afraid to try and find out the hard way that I can't lol
This topic about posing got me looking back at some of my older pics. These were about 2 months out from contest and before I knew what real posing was :lol:





I miss competing..I think I might do a show next year
Thanks guys, pretty set on going back to the normal splits after this week. Aiming for strength while cutting so the big compounds will be in the 4-6 rep range (Bench Press, Squats, Deadlifts, OHP, Pendlay Rows) with the accessory lifts in the 8-12 range. 6 days a week (Mon-Sat) with the 6th day being just a focus on lower weight and form with Bench, Squat, OHP, Rows.

Squats (4X4-6)
Straight Leg DL (3X8-12)
Powercleans with superset Box Jumps (3x4)
Leg extensions with superset calf raises (4X10)

Barbell Bench Press (4X4-6)
Incline Bench Press (3X8-10)
Decline Bench Press (3X8-10)
Weighted Dips (4X8-10)
Skullcrushers (3X8-12)
Tricep Pushdowns (3X8-12)

OHP (4X4-6)
Arnold Press (4X8-10)
Side Raises (3X8-10)
Upright Rows with superset DB shrugs (3X10)
Cable Crunch/Toe to Head Raises/Decline Crunches/wheel outs/planks - basically 2 sets of abs

Pendlay Rows (4X4-6)
Lat Pulldowns (3X8-10)
DB Row (3X8-10)
Pullups (3X8-10)
DB Curl (3X4-8)
Preacher Curl (3X8-10)

Barbell Deadlift (4X4-6)
Front Squat (3X8-10)
Lunges (4X8-10)
Leg Press with Superset calf raises (4X8-10)

Full focused on form

Any tips, suggestions, etc is welcome.

New routine starting it off with leg Mondays. Any suggested changes fam? Also since this is NT does anyone else find it hard tossing or throwing shoes you tore up in the gym/working out?
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