STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You dont think I reported you do you? I got reported too

Unless you reported me cause you think I reported you
Nahhh bro I didnt, it wasnt that big of a deal 

It was one of these cupcake boys in here.

Your a monster though, repped, salute.

Just killed my legs, felt like puking before I was finished. For my guys that train for strength/powerlifting what % of your 1rm are you doing for working sets on squats? Im at about 80% and by the 5th set its starting to feel damn heavy. Curious to see how heavy you guys go.
im currently on the jonnie candito program and he switches it up every week. last week was 3 x 10reps 81% of 1RM squats. **** was intense. :x :x
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im currently on the jonnie candito program and he switches it up every week. last week was 3 x 10 81% of 1RM. **** was intense. :x :x

Just finished candito's program. Got pretty good gains and I'll probably go back to it after a couple months of body part splits. Went from PPL to candito's upper/lower to now a traditional body part split.
Heads up for dudes who don't care about fillers in their protein but has a glitch for 6lbs protein for like 34 bucks
I've been taking mutis and fish oil for a long time. I'm going to stop taking them when the bottle finishes and see if there really needed.
Just finished candito's program. Got pretty good gains and I'll probably go back to it after a couple months of body part splits. Went from PPL to candito's upper/lower to now a traditional body part split.

yeah man i started with PPL when i first started lifting but fell in love with power lifting. started with wendler 5/3/1 and been on JC for a couple months. Traditional body part split is definitely not for me i got bored really fast when i was on it.

gotta say no program or channel has helped me with my lifting like jonnie candito has. dude fixed my squat and deadlift technique. he puts out soo many good informative and helpful videos without any of the BS.

sooo close to a 4 plate squat. >: just started 2nd year of lifting a couple months ago and my goals at the end of this year is 300 bench, 500 deadlift and 400 squat at 5'7 ~185. lil by lil. :D
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haha for real when i saw the 2nd week of his program i was like wtfeezy. he has you do it twice in that week too.
Yeah I plugged in some of my stats in his spreadsheet but didnt do anything past that. Im sticking with 5x5s till I stop seeing results then Ill switch to a specific program. 

Whats he have you do for DLs? I hate them.
Lol I screwed my lower back all the way up seems like it's started feeling weirder since I've been at work. Hopefully I can at least do rows and lat pulls, I'll hold off on squats and deads for a week or two
Lol I screwed my lower back all the way up seems like it's started feeling weirder since I've been at work. Hopefully I can at least do rows and lat pulls, I'll hold off on squats and deads for a week or two

Wound up in snap city a few months back :smh:

Lower back aint been the same since.

Slowly getting better tho.
Lol I screwed my lower back all the way up seems like it's started feeling weirder since I've been at work. Hopefully I can at least do rows and lat pulls, I'll hold off on squats and deads for a week or two
I jacked up my back years ago. I dont even remember from what but it wasnt because of the gym. I couldnt get out of bed or walk normally it was so bad.
What worked wonders for me is wearing a weight lifting belt for a few days. its the same concept as a back brace but if you dont have one and have a weight belt, you can use that
Nahhh bro I didnt, it wasnt that big of a deal :lol:

It was one of these cupcake boys in here.

Your a monster though, repped, salute.

Just killed my legs, felt like puking before I was finished. For my guys that train for strength/powerlifting what % of your 1rm are you doing for working sets on squats? Im at about 80% and by the 5th set its starting to feel damn heavy. Curious to see how heavy you guys go.
Thanks bro. Repped right back
Chest Mondays!?!?


Leg Mondays today.

Dropten I rem you doing your first show a while back, how did the tats hinder you?

I rem that being a concern.
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Chest Mondays!?!?


Leg Mondays today.

Dropten I rem you doing your first show a while back, how did the tats hinder you?

I rem that being a concern.
Yea I was worried about that until I found out about dream tan. Its a thick cream and it covered well. Depending on the color type you get, it gives you a nice polished look.
Some people OD with it though and look like a bronze statue, which looks some what OK

Check dude in the middle
Can someone post Candito's program? I shouldn't even be on here while at school lol

Reps will be given.
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