STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

If you guys are having trouble with sleep or waking up, I just downloaded "sleep cycle" for iPhone. Not sure if there is an android equivalent but I've been waking up refreshed for the past few days. In a nutshell it's an app that wakes you up during your lightest sleep possible. Sometimes we get enough hours of sleep but our alarm clocks wake is up while we're in our deepest state of sleep which why we feel so groggy. Check it out. It's $1
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just killed my legs. like literally beat the ***** out of them. and hit a new pr of 650 on leg press. i've done more for 1-2 max joints, but i dont really count them as success since i dont think i really gained anything from it. more or less ego spikes. but i worked 650 for 8 reps for 2 sets. it was after i was completely warmed up, i pyramided up to that weight, i actually couldve gone higher i think maybe, but there's always next time. today was a success.

legs are gelatin.
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I might just say f anyone else's routine and pick a body part group for the day, and just go hard in the paint.
I might just say f anyone else's routine and pick a body part group for the day, and just go hard in the paint.

Thats what I do, I just stick to 4 sets and 6-8 reps and just focus on each body part and have compound stuff

that's all that i do as well. i do A LOOOOOOT more than 4 sets though. i do as much damage as i can within an hr-hr.5. each workout, i dedicate all my efforts to one body part, usually. i do hit supersets sometimes with something completely unrelated too tho. that's what I've found to be the most effective in my own exploits.
that's all that i do as well. i do A LOOOOOOT more than 4 sets though. i do as much damage as i can within an hr-hr.5. each workout, i dedicate all my efforts to one body part, usually. i do hit supersets sometimes with something completely unrelated too tho. that's what I've found to be the most effective in my own exploits.

I have my days divided as

Chest and Back and tris
Delts and Bis

I do legs on each day too, 3 day split.
REALLY? Maybe you should try eating a **** instead.

:rofl: That caught me off guard.

Settle down. I'm not knocking dudes who work hard. All I'm saying is I'd much rather be knocking off 3000 calories a day, eating a ton of chicken, bacon, cheese, drinking milk, etc versus nearly starving myself like I need to do right now. No need to get your jimmies rustled.
LOL at this conversation, but IMO bulking is way more funner then cutting. Eat, Eat, Eat and lift some heavy *** weights.

Here's some gym motivation music:

February fellas, let's get it.
I had to utilize the safety pins in the squat rack for the first time today. I felt fine with rep 6 but tried 7 and I wanted to go back up but my legs didn't. Dropped 5 lbs off of it and did my 3rd set like nothing happened :lol:
just killed my legs. like literally beat the ***** out of them. and hit a new pr of 650 on leg press. i've done more for 1-2 max joints, but i dont really count them as success since i dont think i really gained anything from it. more or less ego spikes. but i worked 650 for 8 reps for 2 sets. it was after i was completely warmed up, i pyramided up to that weight, i actually couldve gone higher i think maybe, but there's always next time. today was a success.

legs are gelatin. 
Man I wish me and you could do a leg workout no romo. I am scared to go past 720 without someone watching and its usually at the end of the pyramid but I know I could get 900 up no doubt after a little warmup. 

#Team1Kpress LETS GET IT 

Man I would rather be a smaller dude with low bf trying to build mass versus having to cut fat for a long time then try to put lean mass on. You can get away with a lot more when bulking in my opinion. But **** it, can't change who you are, just make the best of what you have to work with.
Can someone school me on the spartacus workout

I used to do it 2-3 times a week when i didn't have constant access to weights. I'm a bigger guy that was in decent shape so i'd use 20 lb dumbbells and sometimes 30 lbs, if you are just starting though definitely stay with 10-15 pounders.

The basic concept is that you do 3 sets of 10 exercises, do each exercise for 1 minute and then go directly to the next exercise (the workout gives you 15 secs but i found if you stop to breathe, it ends up being a 45 second break). After you complete all 10 exercises, rest for 2 minutes and then go through the circuit again, rest again, and then hit it one more time. It's not for the faint of heart but in 6 weeks I dropped 13 lbs on it (combined with a serious calorie deficit too though)

Good luck!
thanks man... i will try it out... ill do what i can... im in this detoxing, trying to shred weight before i go to vegas at the end of the month

I used to do it 2-3 times a week when i didn't have constant access to weights. I'm a bigger guy that was in decent shape so i'd use 20 lb dumbbells and sometimes 30 lbs, if you are just starting though definitely stay with 10-15 pounders.

The basic concept is that you do 3 sets of 10 exercises, do each exercise for 1 minute and then go directly to the next exercise (the workout gives you 15 secs but i found if you stop to breathe, it ends up being a 45 second break). After you complete all 10 exercises, rest for 2 minutes and then go through the circuit again, rest again, and then hit it one more time. It's not for the faint of heart but in 6 weeks I dropped 13 lbs on it (combined with a serious calorie deficit too though)

Good luck!

iLLest, was this the same Spartacus workout that was offered on the iPhone Men's Health app? I might end up doing this on a day off just for some cardio and I remember you recommended the app, but if this is what you were talking about, I'll save the $1.99 and use this LOL.
I'm a 22 year old male, 5'10 and about 165 pounds

I eat terribly...late at night, skip breakfast, snacks, junkfood

I'm also incredibly out of shape...My cardio is non existent and my strength is laughable

I need a simple workout and diet plan that would get me in shape and I could do at home

If anyone can point me in the right direction as far as exercises and diet goes it would be greatly appreciated

^Hit up

They have everything you need.  Meal plans, workout routines......its a good site.
just killed my legs. like literally beat the ***** out of them. and hit a new pr of 650 on leg press. i've done more for 1-2 max joints, but i dont really count them as success since i dont think i really gained anything from it. more or less ego spikes. but i worked 650 for 8 reps for 2 sets. it was after i was completely warmed up, i pyramided up to that weight, i actually couldve gone higher i think maybe, but there's always next time. today was a success.

legs are gelatin. 

Man I wish me and you could do a leg workout no romo. I am scared to go past 720 without someone watching and its usually at the end of the pyramid but I know I could get 900 up no doubt after a little warmup. 

#Team1Kpress LETS GET IT :pimp:

[rule]Man I would rather be a smaller dude with low bf trying to build mass versus having to cut fat for a long time then try to put lean mass on. You can get away with a lot more when bulking in my opinion. But **** it, can't change who you are, just make the best of what you have to work with.

yea bro that'd be dope. hell, i wish i could workout with all of you guys at some point. Bro time is Go time.
started working out/dieting 2 weeks ago went from 260 to 253 been eating horrible all week im at 258 smh... after super bowl i will start again im disappointed in myself
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