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Any1 else ready to bulk in the winter..i hate the winter but im ready to bulk and move into the Super Heavyweight class

i use DAA - That is the chepest and best option out of all the test boosters I have used
Do they really work? You can notice size and strength gains? Does someone under 25 even benefit from them? I can't decide if I want to start taking them.

Durden care to chime in? 
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Turning 30 in august. I'm ready to ramp up and may want to include test booster.  recommend legal ones please.
Any1 else ready to bulk in the winter..i hate the winter but im ready to bulk and move into the Super Heavyweight class
Dog I'm so ready. My lifts are about to skyrocket once I get my weight up.
I've actually cut about 12 lbs from my reg weight for the summer yet ive still gotten stronger..gainin weight deff helps to lift heavier but if possible bro have some1 spot u and go to failure on everything on every body part..ur strength gains will be incredible..

Edit: Also as a tip dont count ur reps on working sets on any exercise and rep till failure..

For example with my wo partner spottin me on the last couple reps ive went from 135lbs to 180lbs on the preacher curl alone
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I need your help guys... this tendonitis in my elbow ("tennis elbow" even though I don't play tennis) is KILLING my workout routine... I had to rest a week and it is still super inflamed.

do the phiten elbow straps work (the velcro one you strap in during workouts)?
physical therapy?

I really don't want surgery but this injury has been sidelining me way too much :{

You can't get a diagnosis or treatment online, but tennis elbow generally doesn't require surgery and is often caused by weak grip/forearm muscles. I suggest you educate yourself on this subject. Also, things like Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) are beneficial.

It can be caused by aiming for too much intensity without building proper volume. For example, in the past when I tried to train eccentric one arm chin ups, I would experience left elbow pain. After building volume with lighter loading, I returned with no elbow pain and the ability to do a slower eccentric. Structural imbalances, using proper loading, and soft tissue health are the most important aspects.

Also, minimizing inflammatory foods in your diet (grains, legumes, dairy), maximizing anti-inflammatory agents (high quality fish oil with high percentage EPA), and using anti-inflammatory creams such as Traumeel will benefit you greatly. I've had great experiences with Traumeel and wintergreen essential oil to reduce inflammation.
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A baked/heated cookie dough quest bar topped with a couple scoops of Artic Zero vanilla... My not so guilty pleasure lol. Can't wait to be done with contest prep to eat it again.
I've actually cut about 12 lbs from my reg weight for the summer yet ive still gotten stronger..gainin weight deff helps to lift heavier but if possible bro have some1 spot u and go to failure on everything on every body part..ur strength gains will be incredible..

Edit: Also as a tip dont count ur reps on working sets on any exercise and rep till failure..

For example with my wo partner spottin me on the last couple reps ive went from 135lbs to 180lbs on the preacher curl alone
Good looks, I need to start going to failure. Unfortunately I dont have a spot or partner to lift with so its hard to reach failure on certain movements. Ive been switching things up between strength training and bodybuilding style and like it. Keeps things fresh. 
Purus Labs D-Pol
Animal Test
Animal Stak
Can you explain how these work exactly?

If not, I don't think you are particularly qualified to recommend them. No hate - I just think that with things like test boosters, which can potentially interfere with your body's hormones, individuals recommending them have a certain amount of responsibility to understand and be able to frankly discuss the mechanism in play, including benefits and cons of the product recommended.
Can you explain how these work exactly?

If not, I don't think you are particularly qualified to recommend them. No hate - I just think that with things like test boosters, which can potentially interfere with your body's hormones, individuals recommending them have a certain amount of responsibility to understand and be able to frankly discuss the mechanism in play, including benefits and cons of the product recommended.
This, I want someones opinion who has ran them and can give me some real life experiences with them. 
omg u trippin..

pb n jelly
vanila almond
apple pie
cocunut cashew
mixed berry bliss
banana nut

u can fap while eating those. giving free sample of new questbar cinnamon roll.

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I'm an avid snowboarder, but with the off-season I've been using the gym to stay in shape. I'd much rather be doing fun activities to stay fit, but it is too hot in Las Vegas to do anything outside while the sun is shining.

I have decided to be more dedicated to eating clean and working on building muscle definition, especially during this summer, but the more I have been training the more weight I keep losing and I'm watching whatever muscle definition I did have sort of dissolve? I eat alll the time, but can't seem to get enough protein or something still I guess. So I'm thinking its time to add a protein shake or something to my diet to maybe give me that boost of what I'm missing? I want to build muscle and strength, not watch it melt away lol. I am happy at 120 pounds and am not trying to lose any weight or be any thinner.

I do train by myself though, my friends care more about convenience then eating clean and being dedicated so I'm sort of on my own as far as no training partner or person to discuss these types of things with at home lol..... My bf looks at me like I'm a crazy gym freak now when I come home excited that I lifted something heavier then usual.

It would be super appreciated if you guys have any suggestions on the best options, (whey powders, etc) to adding this extra protein and nutrients into my body?
test boosters will not increase your test levels to the point where you'll see a change in body composition. i've tried daa, daa stacked with erase, triazole, bioforge, tropinol xp, ape and some of the older ones. they basically did nothing for me in terms of strength gains outside of what i'd already be gaining through nutrition and training. i don't think they're worth taking and i'm older than probably most of you (going to have my test levels checked this week). if you wanna take something that actually works well, do your research and be aware of the potential dangers.

i'm just a regular dude though. this might be better answered by the bodybuilder dudes like Repsol1k or SuperJU.
lol it's like a wild insurgence of creatine in this thread lately. Seems like everybody is either taking it or getting hip to it.
And you guys talking about boosting test, what leads you to believe your test is low? Just working out boosts your testosterone. So what are you guys hoping to achieve by fiddling with your hormones?
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