STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Pushed myself and deadlifted 275 today for 4 reps. Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks i can get to 315
My quest bars were suppose to come in the mail today... I didn't receive them, I'm tight

I forgot to being peanuts to work as well
how are those? 
the only way you will look the same month after month is if you dont have a proper diet and dont bust your *** in the gym. a lot of people do it where they spend all this money on supps and hit the gym but dont do a damn thing.

stop assuming everyone does it.
From reading most of your post you seem to be on point with most of what you say. it just seems like a lot of people only talk about supplements.

which would lead me to believe,, proper diet= proper supplements

but yes, you do need to have all in check to grow,




omega 3 sure eat them up. not that big a deal and they are cheap, but food is always better.

creatine= maybe 5 lbs added , lets just hope its going in the right places
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Sounds Delish. How many calories?
What's so special about this type of bread? Whole grains?

Sprouted grains. Not really a super huge difference from whole grain but I've read decent things abt it and wanted to give it a try.
the only way you will look the same month after month is if you dont have a proper diet and dont bust your *** in the gym. a lot of people do it where they spend all this money on supps and hit the gym but dont do a damn thing.

stop assuming everyone does it.
From reading most of your post you seem to be on point with most of what you say. it just seems like a lot of people only talk about supplements.
which would lead me to believe,, proper diet= proper supplements
but yes, you do need to have all in check to grow,

omega 3 sure eat them up. not that big a deal and they are cheap, but food is always better.
creatine= maybe 5 lbs added , lets just hope its going in the right places

im not big on supps honestly. while i do take them, i dont count on them for my body.

if i take whey, its sparingly after a workout. the only other supp i take which i didnt want to take for as long as i can remember is creatine which does work but again, you have to bust your *** in the gym.

all other supps are garbage IMO, same could be said for the two i take but its w/e. i dont count on them, i dont need them. i get most if not all my protein from FOOD but at times its like hey why not have a little extra especially as a delicious little shake after 1 1/2 hours at the gym? its like a little reward and its better than going and drinking something full of calories and sugars

am i going out spending 100s a month? hell no, and i never would.

have a proper diet and be dedicated in the gym and you will def see some muscle gain and improvement in your physique. supplements a lone wont do a damn thing.
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lol all I know is I`m gonna keep taking my protein, keep taking my fish oil, keep taking my multi, keep taking my creatine, and keep making these gainz
lol all I know is I`m gonna keep taking my protein, keep taking my fish oil, keep taking my multi, keep taking my creatine, and keep making these gainz

those are the best but im referring to BB supps.

multi and fishoil should be taken by everyone so im not including that.

the only reason i say protein is worthless is some like to abuse it and think taking 5 or 6 scoops a day will give me 18 inch biceps...

i read all this crap on other forums with kids who get all their protein from whey. like wth? its disturbing, whey is there to aid in a proper diet.
What do you guys think about 2-a-days? Working out a major body part in the morning, and the a smaller muscle detail session in the late afternoon or night, like calves, abs, forearms.
Sounds like a waste of your time brah.

I spend more when I meal prep than when I eat out. Lean meats and chicken breast are not cheap. Fruits and veggies add up as well, on top of that their shelf life is short.

Supplements are just that, they are not magic pills, they are there to supplement whatever nutrition deficiencies you may have.
Wait seriously? You spend more when you prep your own meals than when you eat out? How? Am I missing out on some glory source of cheap, healthy prepared food? I straight up don't believe you.

Just playing devil's advocate here and speaking of logical arguments. Protein powders are supplements.

A scoop of ON Whey and :nerd:z of milk is 300 calories. For someone cutting, eating ~6 meals a day, why can't it be a meal replacement?
I consider protein powders food. Even if sells them and they come in nifty packages, I consider em food

Best place to get Ezekial bread? Don't feel like driving 30 minutes to the health food store that I know has it.

how are those? 

Some are better than others...

...but ALL of em taste better than most other brands
There's multiple kinds of peanuts?
Need a little feedback on my bulking diet:

Meal 1:
multi-grain bagel + 2 tbsp natural PB
1 scoop ON whey + 8 oz water
black coffee w/ skim milk
(not a big morning eater :smh: )

Meal 2:
whole grain rice + black beans
2 handfuls of roasted almonds
2 clementines
1 cup of yogurt + fresh raspberries, blue berried and naked protein granola

Meal 3:
4 egg whites + 2 whole eggs
1 oz of cheddar
1 cup lowfat cottage cheese

Meal 4:
Post-wrokout smoothie -
10 oz skim milk
1 scoop ON whey
1 whole banana
2 tbsp natural PB
8 strawberries
2 egg whites
flax seeds

Meal 5:
large chicken breast
1 whole tomato
mixed greens, romain, spinach
1 cup plain oatmeal

supps: fish oil caps
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