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Why not do quads and hams different days?

Whats the point in this? Squats will hit everything and everything else is accessory work essentially.

Shoulder is bugging me agaib, really bothers me during incline bench, can barely do military pressed and dumbbell presses after cause it hurts. May lay off for a week or two, thats gonna bother me mentally though.

Should I just decrease the weight and keep truckin through or lay off?
Unless you're a competive bodybuilder, there's no need to separate quads and hamstrings.

Don't overthink things.

Squats, lunges, stiff legged deadlift should be the staples in your leg work.
Finally switched to the trutein cinnabun. Wow amazing, fastest i've gone through a tub before. Saw some lean gains and overall better body composition. Gonna Order the 5lb tub now
About 2 months for someone in the gym 4 times a week.
I've always had a slim basketball player type build (with no real defined abs
)hovered in the 165-175 range for about 2 years. Always thought I did enough cardio but I started doing HIIT and lost some fat but gained 5lbs. I've been hovering over 180 last few days

Just upped my protein, continued my NOW adam multi, and started taking d3.

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i read this thread religiously for so long....and still cannot find a way to get myself to the gym ive been paying for for years now lol....lazy as ****...i hate being like this. too tired after work, cant go in the morning because i have untreated sleep apnea and need as much sleep as i can get. Sorry, just needed to rant.
i read this thread religiously for so long....and still cannot find a way to get myself to the gym ive been paying for for years now lol....lazy as ****...i hate being like this. too tired after work, cant go in the morning because i have untreated sleep apnea and need as much sleep as i can get. Sorry, just needed to rant.

Losing weight will help with sleep apnea though, win.
Finally switched to the trutein cinnabun. Wow amazing, fastest i've gone through a tub before. Saw some lean gains and overall better body composition. Gonna Order the 5lb tub now

met, trash to drink IMO

good to cook with.

stuff was wayyyyyyyy too grainy and chalky and too much damn cinnamon. in yogurt, oats, and pancakes tho? easily the best brand to use bar none.

would never purchase to drink again.
i read this thread religiously for so long....and still cannot find a way to get myself to the gym ive been paying for for years now lol....lazy as ****...i hate being like this. too tired after work, cant go in the morning because i have untreated sleep apnea and need as much sleep as i can get. Sorry, just needed to rant.
Th best way to start going is to just start going. You have to want it. Period. 
Just go bro. Sometimes in the morning, I too feel two tired but once I step foot in and get a warm up done I'm ready to go hard.
About 2 months for someone in the gym 4 times a week.

I've always had a slim basketball player type build (with no real defined abs :smh: )hovered in the 165-175 range for about 2 years. Always thought I did enough cardio but I started doing HIIT and lost some fat but gained 5lbs. I've been hovering over 180 last few days

Just upped my protein, continued my NOW adam multi, and started taking d3.

Thanks for the info brotha I'm ordering some next paycheck. I've also have the whole slim ball player build and the protein/mass gainer that I have now isn't doing **** for me gains wise.
Just eat whole foods instead of taking a mass gainer.

I too have trouble putting on weight. I checked out an old vid of me dunking and I look like a flying stick figure. I just try to keep eating regardless if I'm hungry or not and so far I put on about 10 pounds.
How do you guys prepare your tuna? About to make a deez batch but I want to make it tasty. Hate eating it straight from the pouch/can with no seasoning.
Easiest way to sneak in calories: pulse raw steel cut oats (regular will suffice) in a food processor or coffee grinder til it's ground. Add a quarter cup into smoothies.

Simple post-workout shake if you're trying to add mass:

1 serving almond milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 serving greek yogurt or cottage cheese
1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 serving peanut butter

Add spinach or kale if you want to get in more greens. Won't really affect the taste much.
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To take the words off the jar/bag, it's peanut butter with 85% less fat calories.

Serving size 2 tablespoons
calories 45
Fat calories 10

Total Fat 1g
Total Carbs 6g
Sugar 3g
Protein 4g
This for the chocolate or reg flavor?

so you mix it with water? lol

might have to order some if it tastes good?
Tastes good. I can vouch for it.

ITT Jewbacca promoting his dad's powdered peanut butter brand...

My bad, just saw this. Should I cut down on shoulder presses since those hit my triceps? My biggest issue is my triceps kind of overshadow/stand out from behind my shoulder, I feel like I should be working my rear delts more?
Might just be a genetic thing. Can't exactly change where your muscles insert. No need to skip an important lift (one of the big four) just for fear of hitting your triceps. Just do the lift, if your delts are actually the limiting factor, the stressor on your delts will be much greater than that on the triceps. They'll catch up basically.

I think a ton of schools have a prowler, but only the varsity teams can use it.
Good point...

Word, I'll give that a shot. I don't know, I never liked the look of having big arms, biceps or triceps, but somehow I ended up with large triceps cause when I first started lifting I had bad form on my presses and just pushed with my triceps instead of my chest or shoulders. Now I feel like I look like a gorilla smh
See? Bad form on presses -> improve your press form and keep on pressing. Things will balance out.

Dont like the look of having big arms?? Never heard that one :lol:  Im guessing you mean in the sense of having them proportional to your shoulders?

Aint nothing like getting a early morning workout while on vacation, then heading to the beach 8)

Lets get it boys :nthat:

**** I wanna go on vacation. This chick got off the train at my stop with a big *** bag, so I was all "Where'd you go on vacation?" She was all "OMG I didn't go on vacation." It's all good though because I was wearing short shorts so she got to witness my quad separation in action.

Pre-workout are not placebo, they are also not magic.

It's usually the caffeine giving the push, in reality black coffee or caffeine pills will do the same trick.
I think the "PWOS are placebos" generally is intended to mean that PWOS aren't much more than caffeine and BCAAs. The whole advertising hype behind them does provide a considerable placebo effect, I think. So yeah there are ingredients in them that certainly work, but there's also a bunch of advertising hype to go with it.

Gonna tryna 5 day split with Monday and Wed being default leg days and Sunday Tuesday Thursday alternating with shoulder/bi and chest back
Couldn't you do legs on Monday and Thursday so you get a little more rest in between sessions? Also I don't understand why you're so set on a 5 day bodybuilding split. No offense but based on the deadlift number you posted a few days ago, you'd probably benefit a lot from a linear progression.

Changed up my whole workout routine since i started doing triathlons this year.

Where in the past i was trying to gain muscle now i'm struggling to get rid of it. I'm about 195 and that's quite a lot of weight to haul.

It's hard work but it's cool to have events to work towards. And there's no better incentive to work out than the prospect of drowning.
Triathalons seem like the crossfit of endurance sports.

Whats the point in this? Squats will hit everything and everything else is accessory work essentially.

Shoulder is bugging me agaib, really bothers me during incline bench, can barely do military pressed and dumbbell presses after cause it hurts. May lay off for a week or two, thats gonna bother me mentally though.

Should I just decrease the weight and keep truckin through or lay off?
Come on brah. The answer is rest it.

Thanks for the info brotha I'm ordering some next paycheck. I've also have the whole slim ball player build and the protein/mass gainer that I have now isn't doing **** for me gains wise.
Maybe it's the fact that you aren't using proper nutrition and your training sucks. A single product isn't gonna turn things around.

How do you guys prepare your tuna? About to make a deez batch but I want to make it tasty. Hate eating it straight from the pouch/can with no seasoning.
Tuna and cottage cheese are the two "bodybuilding" foods I just can't get down with.

Easiest way to sneak in calories: pulse raw steel cut oats (regular will suffice) in a food processor or coffee grinder til it's ground. Add a quarter cup into smoothies.

Simple post-workout shake if you're trying to add mass:

1 serving almond milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 serving greek yogurt or cottage cheese
1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 serving peanut butter

Add spinach or kale if you want to get in more greens. Won't really affect the taste much.
Yup. Basically, if you're having trouble gaining weight, look to liquid calories. There are plenty of whole food sources that should be prioritized to goofy *** products. Also, use real milk (whole preferably) rather than almond milk to maximize cals.
Anyone took or knew someone that took Deer antler velvet extract spray... Groupon is selling bottles at $6 each
Anyone know the fastest ways to cut stubborn belly fat to let the abs show?

Or should I just keep running and strengthening my core?
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