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I really dont get the fascination with trap,bicep, forearm and to a lesser degree calf exercises.

For like 99% of people, theyre useless exerices and wasted time. I feel like theres a huge disconnect between why people exercise and the exercises that are done. Its a shame really.
so you dont believe in isolating muscle groups? while i do agree that with solid program of compound lifts will allow biceps, traps, and forearms to grow, but its still a good idea to work them out seperately, imo 

and for the most part, most people arent in the gym training for a sport or competition, they just like working out. aint nothing wrong with making gainz on them glamour muscles 

Some isolation exercises are ok, but if your body doesnt work in isolation why is it trained that way? Understanding the purpose of working out and tailoring the exercises to that purpose is the best way to see "gainz".

You think most people arent training for some sort of sport or competition? I think more people are training for those two reasons than you think.
Some isolation exercises are ok, but if your body doesnt work in isolation why is it trained that way? Understanding the purpose of working out and tailoring the exercises to that purpose is the best way to see "gainz".

You think most people arent training for some sort of sport or competition? I think more people are training for those two reasons than you think.

i get what your are saying about the people that train for a sport/strength/performance, but for some one that
sorely lifts for aesthetics reasons, whats wrong with doing isolation exercises?
lets say shrugs for bigger traps...
Trap exercises are not useless. They are equally important just like training any other muscle. A matter of fact working out my traps has really helped with my gains in deadlifting.
Serious question, am I the only person doing all this for aesthetic purposes above all? Lol I don't care about strength that isn't functional or running a mile in 10 min. I just want to be shredded.
Serious question, am I the only person doing all this for aesthetic purposes above all? Lol I don't care about strength that isn't functional or running a mile in 10 min. I just want to be shredded.

I think everyone who works out do it for aesthetics....chicks dig ripped guys and guys like fit chicks....especially those who squat! BUT, you cant expect to be aesthetic if u dont push any weight. Your body will never change.
Serious question, am I the only person doing all this for aesthetic purposes above all? Lol I don't care about strength that isn't functional or running a mile in 10 min. I just want to be shredded.

Why not both?

I'm a proponent for compound exercises, but I see nothing wrong with having iso involved.

*kanye shrug*
Some isolation exercises are ok, but if your body doesnt work in isolation why is it trained that way? Understanding the purpose of working out and tailoring the exercises to that purpose is the best way to see "gainz".

You think most people arent training for some sort of sport or competition? I think more people are training for those two reasons than you think.

i get what your are saying about the people that train for a sport/strength/performance, but for some one that
sorely lifts for aesthetics reasons, whats wrong with doing isolation exercises?
lets say shrugs for bigger traps...

How many people truly exercise for aesthetics though? From my perspective, thats essentially missing the global viewpoint of what exercise is. Its so vain, and for some people I truly believe its a sign of some deep seeded insecurities. Popcorn muscles.

Trap exercises are not useless. They are equally important just like training any other muscle. A matter of fact working out my traps has really helped with my gains in deadlifting.

No offense, but I have a hard time believing trap isolation work was the determining factor in gains while deadlifting. Its the equivalent of doing calf work and attributing squat gains to an increase in calf work.

Serious question, am I the only person doing all this for aesthetic purposes above all? Lol I don't care about strength that isn't functional or running a mile in 10 min. I just want to be shredded.

Serious question, am I the only person doing all this for aesthetic purposes above all? Lol I don't care about strength that isn't functional or running a mile in 10 min. I just want to be shredded.

doing it for the same reason :lol:

but i also want to keep my diet and check and be healthy so its both of those.
No offense, but I have a hard time believing trap isolation work was the determining factor in gains while deadlifting. Its the equivalent of doing calf work and attributing squat gains to an increase in calf work.

Its cool i respect ur opinion. I've gone heavy on deads and traps and this has worked for me. I've seen gains over a period of time.

Trial and error is the only way you'll know what works for u. What may work for one person may not work for another. The same applies to nutrition.
Why not both?

I'm a proponent for compound exercises, but I see nothing wrong with having iso involved.

*kanye shrug*

Where I'm going with this is I see dudes bragging about bench and squat numbers and speak as if that should be everyone's goal. Like I said I only care about strength in a functional sense, and being that I don't play sports anymore its not a big focus on getting "stronger". With getting "bigger" strength gains almost go hand and hand but once again strength isn't the focus.

And Durden with you speaking on insecurities, essentially what makes someone who lifts for the purpose of lookin good vain and insecure? Look at what site you are on. That is like saying people only dress in what they consider to be nice because they have deep down insecurities. In a sense I would assume you believe bodybuilders as a whole are just a group of insecure humans, since nobody lifts and competes to brag about bench, they compete to see who has the "best" body. With your logic someone who lifts to get stronger only could be considered insecure, since they are clearly trying to make up for the lack of something else.
How many people truly exercise for aesthetics though? From my perspective, thats essentially missing the global viewpoint of what exercise is. Its so vain, and for some people I truly believe its a sign of some deep seeded insecurities. Popcorn muscles.
No offense, but I have a hard time believing trap isolation work was the determining factor in gains while deadlifting. Its the equivalent of doing calf work and attributing squat gains to an increase in calf work.

I agree with you til a certain point, the average lifter may have insecurities and tries to fix it
by lifting and molding their bodies, where we differ is that i dont get how thats a bad thing.
I lift for performance and strength, but i also like to look good, I dont see a problem with that
or with a person lifting for purely aesthetics
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i definitely am not working out to gain functional strength. i don't even really do it for aesthetic reasons. i just set certain goals and work towards achieving them for personal/spiritual growth. move on to something else when i reach my goal. some of my goals at one point or another: bench 2 plates for reps. get up to one plate OHP for reps with strict form. do more than 10 pull-ups all the way up and down (i was fatter back then don't laugh). right now it's getting deeper on squats comfortably with a nice pause at the bottom as well as cutting enough fat to show some nice ab definition (not so much to look good but to push myself to get to that point). i guess i do it mainly to train myself to learn deeper dedication and stricter sacrifice with the end result of me being a better person. i really think i pushed myself harder this last year because i'm a daddy now and want to be a good example for my son.
Pic on left was 180. Pic on right I was 147. I'm short. 5'7 and asian lol...It was a long process actually done over a one yr period cutting and bulking and cutting again.


I really dont get the fascination with trap,bicep, forearm and to a lesser degree calf exercises.

For like 99% of people, theyre useless exerices and wasted time. I feel like theres a huge disconnect between why people exercise and the exercises that are done. Its a shame really.
I agree with you on the fascination aspect.

I think everyone who works out do it for aesthetics....chicks dig ripped guys and guys like fit chicks....especially those who squat! BUT, you cant expect to be aesthetic if u dont push any weight. Your body will never change.
If you're working to pull chicks you barely need to do any work. Just cut down to 11-12 percent and make sure you have a little bit of muscle mass. Average chicks get intimidated if you're exhibiting a greater level of dedication. It hits their deep down body insecurities. Basically, if you get shredded and huge, it gives you access to a certain subset of very desirable females, but it also closes off most of the average (physically) girls, at least in terms of relationships.

Why not both?

I'm a proponent for compound exercises, but I see nothing wrong with having iso involved.

*kanye shrug*
Go back to Durden's original point re: time spent. The fact of the matter is you have a limited amount of time you can spend in the gym, getting sleep, and prepping food. There are much more rewarding ways of spending your time than doing an arms day or pounding out all kinds of calf raises on your leg day.

Everyone has different goals, and one shouldn't judge another person's goals due to it differing with their own.
Fair enough, but there's a large disconnect between goals and how to actually achieve them. Novice trainees go on these overly complex 5 day bodybuilding splits because they see it on and then see lackluster results. They'd be better doing a simple linear progression that would both get them stronger and help them put on the mass to look aesthetic.
I think everyone who works out do it for aesthetics....chicks dig ripped guys and guys like fit chicks....especially those who squat! BUT, you cant expect to be aesthetic if u dont push any weight. Your body will never change.
If you're working to pull chicks you barely need to do any work. Just cut down to 11-12 percent and make sure you have a little bit of muscle mass. Average chicks get intimidated if you're exhibiting a greater level of dedication. It hits their deep down body insecurities. Basically, if you get shredded and huge, it gives you access to a certain subset of very desirable females, but it also closes off most of the average (physically) girls, at least in terms of relationships.

No way, 11-12 percent/some muscle is average to be honest (if you're mildly athletic)... I wouldn't expect to be able to leverage my physique to pull girls unless I was at least 7% BF and some fairly solid muscle, almost everyone can hit the gym so unless you're benching 225 for reps at 150 lbs you really aren't that special (IMO), and girls won't really take a second look at you.

Also, I feel like it's the opposite, I'm trying to get hyper ripped/shredded and I get the feeling all the average girls will prefer it over the dimes just cause of how guys are expected to be in shape. You're showing to them you're what they've dreamt of, while dimes just see you and are like whatever. All good though, cause I love normal girls to be honest.

I think you guys are missing the point they are trying to make. A average female cant tell the difference between 7 and 11% and i dont think anyone is walking around with a bench so they wont know how weak you are either. If you "look" fit and in shape that is all that will matter to them.

At the same time if the person is insecure and lacks the social skills to talk to a female they are fighting a losing battle already.
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I think you guys are missing the point they are trying to make. A average female cant tell the difference between 7 and 11% and i dont think anyone is walking around with a bench so they wont know how weak you are either. If you "look" fit and in shape that is all that will matter to them.

At the same time if the person is insecure and lacks the social skills to talk to a female they are fighting a losing battle already.
Plus, facial aesthetics >>> body aesthetics. In most realistic situations, it's not like females will see you in post-gym form pumped and under good bathroom lighting. They're gonna be looking at face & eyes when you're engaged in conversations, not your bod.
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And Durden with you speaking on insecurities, essentially what makes someone who lifts for the purpose of lookin good vain and insecure? Look at what site you are on. That is like saying people only dress in what they consider to be nice because they have deep down insecurities. In a sense I would assume you believe bodybuilders as a whole are just a group of insecure humans, since nobody lifts and competes to brag about bench, they compete to see who has the "best" body. With your logic someone who lifts to get stronger only could be considered insecure, since they are clearly trying to make up for the lack of something else.
Incorrect. They are called powerlifters and they have meets to test the bench, squat, deadlift. I think you know this though.

I also think a lot of people are forgetting what perspective Durden comes from, which is based on facts proven by science. I agree with what both sides are saying, its like lowering a car and putting rims on it versus putting a bigger turbo on a car. Forum vs function. But at the same time I want to look good and be strong, so I see no problem in doing some heavy deadlifts then some bicep curls after...
That's true, you have to be able to at least talk to someone, but keep in mind 7% BF means you're ripped and the normal person will see striations while you move your arm and 11% you're just going to be "fit".

One will make people double take, the other will just have people saying "yeah he plays sports".
If getting to 7% is the only way to get girls then Im in trouble.
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Bodybuilding isn't a sport, I guess :rolleyes.

Yes, training biceps, and such isn't so important if you're doing it for a sport like football, baseball, etc.

I eventually want to compete in a physique show, so I shouldn't do shrugs, bicep curls, and the likes because it isn't functional?

I believe he misquoted you and meant to quote the poster before yours.
Yeah I misquoted him, I meant to quote.
Going on Vacation to Arkansas today until the 28th....worked my butt off for 16 months to lose 100lbs and today is the day where I get to show off my results to my old friends! Thankfully I have a buddy who is working out over there too so I'll still be able to get in some good workouts while on vaca. Lets go out there and get it guys!
wiegh yourself when you wake up after you "relieve yourself" that'll be the most accurate since the last time you ate was the day prior.
Also be consistent when you weigh yourself.  I used to weigh myself in the morning one day then at night the next and wonder why my numbers were so off.
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