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315, zamn bruh. How her other 2 lifts?

315 squat, 440 or so DL. She's the top lifter in the world in her weight class for total and bench. 

Gahdamn. I thought she was gonna do it reverse grip at first too. :lol:

Wanna see what her chest looks like, like for real.

She looks pretty normal in person, pretty fit.

Me and her have almost identical numbers. I can squat more but her bench is better than mine....she has be beat by 2....PLATES!!! :lol:
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idk if this is bro science or not, but don't they say flat bench press is pretty much not needed for females who are working on their physique. ? ??? :nerd:
like yea it makes them stronger but its not how they want their chest to build. they want to work on more incline,decline and fly movements?

315 bench for anyone in my eyes is impressive the fact that's she's under 150 and female makes her a beast
And who the hell keeps reporting me
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I was hyped putting up 225 clean for 1 rep yesterday. Not anymore. :lol:

There's this really hot lady bout my height at my gym who can clean and jerk 200. She's 5'3, not even that muscular an upper body but her legs are like trunks.

I would smash with the power of a thousand suns, if I could just talk to her :frown:
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'Made to bench but has opposite body for it?' o_O
Did you take a stupid pill lately? lol

She has long arms and is very lean, which is not the normal body type for a world class bencher.
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Lol take it easy bruh

Saying made to bench but has opposite body for it would contradict each other, no

I wanted you to elaborate

Lol take it easy bruh

Saying made to bench but has opposite body for it would contradict each other, no

I wanted you to elaborate

Aw im just playing boo

I guess that sounds confusing now that I think about it., carry on.
end of week 2 on my slow cut. down another 1.5-2 lbs.
started 211-210 now 205.2
I may do a refeed on sunday

still looking for a new work out program

How is this a slow cut if you're losing more than 1lb a week...does not compute.

Lol i started after a huge cheat day. 4 of those lbs was probably water..

Plus if youre a bigger guy. Your first 2 weeks of a cut 5lbs should be easy
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Bro you're not going to go on a cut.

You'll make excuses.

"My strength has suffered"

"I'm tired"

Stay big for life.

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