STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I made the biggest mistake and clicked on a bicep tear compilation vid on YT. Got 30 seconds in and had to exit. 
   And I gotta DL tomorrow
I made the biggest mistake and clicked on a bicep tear compilation vid on YT. Got 30 seconds in and had to exit. :x    And I gotta DL tomorrow

Yooo ive seen that. I couldnt get thru it. When that one guys bicep popped during that competition and u could hear it.....holay that was a wrap for me
I can **** with that white pair, someone should mock up some red and gold added in and they would be fire.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a video of an Olympian popping his arm bone out his skin on a clean and jerk

It was nasty af

I went head to head with someone on the DL 3 Max Rep...Dude steady always looking at me when it time to lift.

Lets just say. he died in the end. Struggled with his 2 reps at 405...

405 on his ***... 

And it had to be TOUCH AND GO!

I went head to head with someone on the DL 3 Max Rep...Dude steady always looking at me when it time to lift.

Lets just say. he died in the end. Struggled with his 2 reps at 405...

405 on his ***... :nthat:  

And it had to be TOUCH AND GO!

I see u!:pimp:

He wasnt bout it bout it

I went head to head with someone on the DL 3 Max Rep...Dude steady always looking at me when it time to lift.

Lets just say. he died in the end. Struggled with his 2 reps at 405...

405 on his ***... :nthat:  

And it had to be TOUCH AND GO!


Just hit 405 for 5 on Tuesday.

Just got back to DLs and I was nauseous as ****. Gotta get my breathing and hydration right.

I get nauseous sometimes after heavy DL's too, idk why either. :lol:

I drink a **** load of water because I'm usually stoned as **** in the gym and it usually happens after I'm done and working on accessory lifts.
since starting dead lifts again 3 weeks ago i've stayed light, but I feel like i could get 400 atleast twice.

todays work out was
6x4 Squat 250lbs.
I'm getting lower which is good. really been working on just getting that flexibility for myself and getting lower.
150 meter lunges
5x5 bench press 205lbs
135 to failure
I gassed out for the day. been up since 4 a.m. and I do morning cardio.

205 bench for me isn't bad since my shoulder injury. I doubt i'll ever get to the 315 club ever again tho :smh: (feels batman)

but my squat and deadlift i know i want that 405 on both by the end of this year
I'm 184lbs now. but i know by december i'll be up 10lbs slow bulking now and trying a new meal plan out (shout out to MarmourJ)
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