Stranger Things: Season4 in 2022? WTF

So, I started thinking about why would they spare Max after all of that? Then I started thinking about the Stranger Things mobile game from a few years back. Max was a playable character and she had powers in the game. I think she could shoot projectiles. I thought we would see that on the show but it never happened. That was just a mobile game, maybe they meant nothing by that but since Max is still technically alive, maybe she comes back next season with powers as the game once suggested years ago.
the last two eps were a little long though - 2 hours each! I kept falling asleep because i watched it late....
I think the break took my hype to levels that were unreasonable but overall I enjoyed the last two episodes a lot

This season was amazing, only S1 has it beat in my opinion

When El pulled up on scene for the final battle, I legit caught the holy ghost at 2 am in the morning.

El: Hi

Eddie shredding on the guitar one last time was an epic TV moment. For me it’s up there with the Max/Vecna scene from episode 4. Just a perfectly shot and executed moment. Hate he had to go though. Dude became one of my favs for sure.
So, I started thinking about why would they spare Max after all of that? Then I started thinking about the Stranger Things mobile game from a few years back. Max was a playable character and she had powers in the game. I think she could shoot projectiles. I thought we would see that on the show but it never happened. That was just a mobile game, maybe they meant nothing by that but since Max is still technically alive, maybe she comes back next season with powers as the game once suggested years ago.
I think it would have been pretty tragic just because she was so wounded and was struggling so hard and I'm sure it's going to set up a big plot point for the next season. I did think another major player would kick the bucket for real though. They certainly tease everyone, but I think they could have pulled the trigger on one more to up the stakes
So I watched the entire season 4 without the break and I gotta say this series continues to impress me..
I really am gonna miss Eddie..what a dope as hell character that you really got invested in

I really thought the Russia plot was pointless other than the action scenes

El getting her powers back dragged out a bit too much but I think that was the point

Max dying/not dying was well done but honestly thought she should’ve got the ax even though I liked her as a character

I think they should’ve killed off one or two more characters but I guess we wait to see in Season 5

Season 5 let’s gooooo
Do the duffer bros like feet like tarantino? They kept showing eleven’s feet and had a few closeups. Was weird.
Season was fire.

I think the wait overhyped it but in retrospect, we will all understand this as an alley-oop to an incredible final season.

Eddie was ****ing incredible., went out like a G. He and Dustin's relationship :frown:, Homie basically lost his big brother.

IMO Will has gotten annoying as hell to me. Homie looks 25 with that bowl cut and is always complaining.

They haven't said it explicitly but Will is definitely gay right? Seems like he's in love with Mike and has been slowly dying inside because he can't express that...

Or am I buggin?
Finally finished S4.
Awesome stuff... but like many have said... expected a few more casualties. Maybe they're saving them to pick them off one by one in the final season. I was surprised they kept Max around. ... but that's a lot of fractures! 😨 And yeah, that Russian subplot felt pretty unnecessary. I get that they needed to tell the story of how he gets out, but it felt a bit too drawn out.

But RIP Eddie... he was a real hero. 😞
Random *** question as I begin a drunken rewatch of S4, but does anyone else let the intro ride? I feel like that theme song sets the tone like no other. Love that ****. :pimp:
I let the intro play even now on season4. The intro hits so hard. Steve really left on the outside playing the third wheel. Dustin ain't pick up any crutches or anything. LOL. Damn they vaporized the jock. LMAO. Can't lie when Sarah Conner I mean Nancy Wheeler was handling that shotgun I was like don't get so close. I don't get why Eddie and Dustin didn't have some kind of fire attack for the bats.

El definitely going to need some time in the hyperbolic chamber because she ain't ready for this level. Unless she gets some powerful backup.
Russian Plot felt a little long, would have preferred them to wrap it up sooner and tie them up on the plane back. Instead of going back, didn't really need to leave the base in the first place. Eddie and Dustin really screwed up taking a spear to kill bats, should of tried a sword or something easier to swing. LOL.
Russian Plot felt a little long, would have preferred them to wrap it up sooner and tie them up on the plane back. Instead of going back, didn't really need to leave the base in the first place. Eddie and Dustin really screwed up taking a spear to kill bats, should of tried a sword or something easier to swing.

They thought they’re Mad Max RV was fool proof.

The vents did them in.
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