Stranger Things: Season4 in 2022? WTF

nah blood I screamed at that Steven Seagal hip toss :rofl:

Season 8 of TWD is probably going to be my last. they're doing one of my favorite story lines in All Out War so they get one shot.

Stranger Things legit might be my favorite shows right now. Game of Thrones Season 7 was pure fan service

Cot damn twd up to 8 seasons? Saw the ******** going down in season 2 and dipped early. Season 1 was pretty great though.
I thought y'all were overreacting with episode 7. Man. So bad.

I see a lot of complaints about not being like season 1 enough. It's fine to me. You guys want the same story? With that being said, they should of had 11 meet the guys way sooner. Not that cool saving her until the end of the show.
Episode 7 is just so off :lol:
Episode 7 was a polarizing episode. Fans either love it or hate it.

I loved it. Twas nice to take a break from the old town feel
I really enjoyed season 2. It definitely avoided the slump that a lot of series experience with their 2nd seasons. Noah Schnapp who plays Will should get an Emmy & Golden Globes win. He nailed all the subtleties of his character especially the look he had in his face when he was tied up & his family & friends were telling stories about him. I don’t understand the hat on Ep 7. Yeah it broke up the momentum of the story line but it told a valuable story line. The Duffle Bros caught lightning in a bottle with all aspects of this show; story, cinematography, casting... the soundtrack is absolute fire...
cool ST art


I had more of a problem with the placement of episode 7. They could've easily moved it to earlier in the season and restructured the story telling.

I believe it's episode 2 that starts with the telling of how eleven got to meet up with Hopper, while continuing with the main story. They could've easily just gone into the hopper eleven fight and El going to see her mom and then going to meet 8. The way 6 ended and then going into 7 was such a huge letdown and killed the momentum of the show so much that if this was a "network" show it would've easily been considered filler, something I thought Netflix and this show in particular prided themselves on.
I do believe we needed the storyline, but an entire episode dedicated to it....nah. If El was going to have an entire episode dedicated to her, it should've been how she met up with hopper(episode 2)
I thought the Bob character was going to be “an agent” of the lab & it’s doctors or the upside down like the mother’s boyfriend who was a vampire himself in The Lost Boys. I swore he was up to no good.

I though the placement of the story for Ep 7 was fine bcs it gave 11 a chance to find out more about herself & let loose with her powers. She came back to Hawkins with new duds & ready to kick some ***. She came in like gang busters or like the Wolverines in Red Dawn... lol, chance to use another 80s reference...
I had more of a problem with the placement of episode 7. They could've easily moved it to earlier in the season and restructured the story telling.

I believe it's episode 2 that starts with the telling of how eleven got to meet up with Hopper, while continuing with the main story. They could've easily just gone into the hopper eleven fight and El going to see her mom and then going to meet 8. The way 6 ended and then going into 7 was such a huge letdown and killed the momentum of the show so much that if this was a "network" show it would've easily been considered filler, something I thought Netflix and this show in particular prided themselves on.
I do believe we needed the storyline, but an entire episode dedicated to it....nah. If El was going to have an entire episode dedicated to her, it should've been how she met up with hopper(episode 2)

I think she went on her adventure in ep7 because Hopper was missing for a long period of time. This gave her time to contemplate doing stupid things and get in contact with her mom.
I think she went on her adventure in ep7 because Hopper was missing for a long period of time. This gave her time to contemplate doing stupid things and get in contact with her mom.

She went on her adventure because her and hopper had that fight, Hopper gets trapped for days and then tries to call on the radio with that long apology(that eleven gets when she goes to that special place of hers) Like I said I'm all for El going on her own adventure, and none of what I said negated any of the events actually happening(and thats without criticizing how bad the episode was) I'm just saying they could've easily switched back and forth between the hawkins and Eleven's adventure. I mean it would've actually been better if we see Hawkins dealing with the demodogs and then it shows Eleven harnessing her powers.
The fact that this was planned out to air like this is what I feel gets people upset, since it's on Netflix, we expect tighter storytelling and episode 7 wasn't that, I mean 8 episodes for season 1, 9 for season 2....hmmmm, I wonder which episode seemed somewhat tacked on, when it didn't really even need to be an episode. Duffers already showing they can handle multiple characters, and develop their storylines in one episode masterfully. (thats why we discussing season 2)Yet this epsiode has some of the weakest side characters(8's crew) and their whole motivation was pretty wack, as well as 8's usage of her powers.
You are the only person I've seen who loved it

It was aight. Was cool to see someone else with a different power. People complaining about the episode too much, but I understand that you can’t really put a filler episode into a show that only has 8-9 seasons. It was more than a filler ep since they want it to connect to a possible spinoff but it wasn’t received well.
He episode was fine itself. Just weird placement :lol:

Like someone said if they showed the first scene in the in the first episode as the last scene it would of been way better.
The way season 2 started....with 8 and her crew avoiding the cops...i thought that was good.

But you would think because it started the season 8 would have had more screen time.
But she was only in ONE episode lol.

Also I felt that episode also kind of took away from 11s character somewhat. It's like all of a sudden shes helping people break into houses to kill people lol wat.
I mean I understand the reasoning I guess but everything about that episode felt off.

It was like 11 made an appearance in a spin-off show.
She went on her adventure because her and hopper had that fight, Hopper gets trapped for days and then tries to call on the radio with that long apology(that eleven gets when she goes to that special place of hers) Like I said I'm all for El going on her own adventure, and none of what I said negated any of the events actually happening(and thats without criticizing how bad the episode was) I'm just saying they could've easily switched back and forth between the hawkins and Eleven's adventure. I mean it would've actually been better if we see Hawkins dealing with the demodogs and then it shows Eleven harnessing her powers.
The fact that this was planned out to air like this is what I feel gets people upset, since it's on Netflix, we expect tighter storytelling and episode 7 wasn't that, I mean 8 episodes for season 1, 9 for season 2....hmmmm, I wonder which episode seemed somewhat tacked on, when it didn't really even need to be an episode. Duffers already showing they can handle multiple characters, and develop their storylines in one episode masterfully. (thats why we discussing season 2)Yet this epsiode has some of the weakest side characters(8's crew) and their whole motivation was pretty wack, as well as 8's usage of her powers.

I agree that the episode was a bit weak, but maybe if they broke it up and included bits in the other episodes, either those episodes or ep 7 content wouldn’t have been as effetive. We’ll never know. However, I thought the timeline of it made sense because everyone was too busy to worry about the other characters as the episodes went by. This is why we got the whole Steve and Dustin bromance as well. It also doesn’t make sense for El to leave after 1 tantrum. It was the build up of Hopper keeping her in and breaking his promises that made her finally say f*** it and leave.
I agree that the episode was a bit weak, but maybe if they broke it up and included bits in the other episodes, either those episodes or ep 7 content wouldn’t have been as effetive. We’ll never know. However, I thought the timeline of it made sense because everyone was too busy to worry about the other characters as the episodes went by. This is why we got the whole Steve and Dustin bromance as well. It also doesn’t make sense for El to leave after 1 tantrum. It was the build up of Hopper keeping her in and breaking his promises that made her finally say f*** it and leave.

I mean most of the episodes have action broken up and at least for me, had the same emotional feeling(if not more) had I seen it all in one long scene. Showing EL and what happened after that final confrontation, her trying to survive, finding the eggos were all great split up between what was happening in current time. It's a great way to connect to all the characters, we jump to EL, then to Lucas,Max and Dustin, then to Will, Then to Bob, Steve and Nancy...etc.
I just feel like since they're doing that with the heavy hitters in such an effective way, LOL why on earth would you feed us continuous scenes of easily the weakest characters of this show. 8's crew would've probably flourshed with this format.

This also makes sense so we don't have to wait 6 episodes before we see 8 again. I mean after that opening I had honestly forgotten about that whole scene and the characters featured. So when we get to them, the stakes are so high at Hawkins that I'm like :stoneface:

to me the timeline would still stay the timeline, only edit in episode 7 into the rest of the shows episodes, so we go back to 8 episodes and no content gets lost

hoping a superfan does this
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I agree that the episode was a bit weak, but maybe if they broke it up and included bits in the other episodes, either those episodes or ep 7 content wouldn’t have been as effetive. We’ll never know. However, I thought the timeline of it made sense because everyone was too busy to worry about the other characters as the episodes went by. This is why we got the whole Steve and Dustin bromance as well. It also doesn’t make sense for El to leave after 1 tantrum. It was the build up of Hopper keeping her in and breaking his promises that made her finally say f*** it and leave.

She didn’t bounce because of just one tantrum, she left when she found out Hopper was lying about her mom being alive and wanted to find her.

Episode 7 was ok but it would have been better if the season ended on the opening scene with 8 getting away with her crew. In season 3 they could have 11 discovering her mom is alive and meeting her “sister.”
just randomly started watching this today and its pretty good... im binge watching and currently on episode 2 season 1
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