Stranger Things: Season4 in 2022? WTF

If anything, Robin being gay didn't add anything to the storyline since her and Steve will technically still be friends now anyway.

If I had to put more thought into it then yes, I'd have to agree with the folks that say it just feels like another "2019 quota/checked box" but whatever, it is what it is. If you feel proud that Robin is representing the lesbians, more power to you. I do dig her and Steve's chemistry and look forward to how they progress in Season 4.
If anything, Robin being gay didn't add anything to the storyline since her and Steve will technically still be friends now anyway.

If I had to put more thought into it then yes, I'd have to agree with the folks that say it just feels like another "2019 quota/checked box" but whatever, it is what it is. If you feel proud that Robin is representing the lesbians, more power to you. I do dig her and Steve's chemistry and look forward to how they progress in Season 4.

I mean it explains why her and Steve don’t get together
I always find it funny when people complain that a poc, or anybody not straight has to have a "reason" to be in a story :lol:
DIng ding ding ding!!!

Why do y’all care so much?
There’s gay people everywhere. Not seeing why this is so far fetched to believe.
Why does there have to be some sort of reasoning to appease the narrow minded that there’s a lesbian in the show?
I always find it funny when people complain that a poc, or anybody not straight has to have a "reason" to be in a story :lol:

Right. As if they don’t exist in the real world, and haven’t existed there since the beginning of time.

People need a reason because to them it doesn’t make sense or isn’t seen as “natural”. Or right. So in order to justify having to be confronted with things they view as unnatural, gross and/or wrong, there has to be a good reason for it to exist. Things simply being that way in real life isn’t good enough. All stories must be told from the vantage point of a straight person for it to make sense or have value, unless of course there’s a good reason to interject a LGBTQ angle.

The irony here is that even if there was a “good reason” for it, you’d still hear about the “LGBTQ agenda”. Homophobes gon’ homophobe, I guess.
RE: Robin being gay..I didn't think it was that deep either way :lol:

But back on the subject of the show, I just realize S3 delivered on my expectations from the S2 trailer (with the humongous Mind Flayer):pimp:

Is it farfetched to believe the Duffer Bros. already have the next season or two planned? I actually remember David Harbour saying he knew how the series ended when S2 dropped (I guess he did know how it ended...for HIM :lol:)
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