Talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger uses the N-Word.

Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
First and foremost, "Dr. Laura's" entire position and dialogue were characterized by open hostility, unabashed stereotyping, asinine assumptions, and the severely misguided and oppressive notion that she, a rich white woman, has the authority and is in the position to tell black people when they should and shouldn't be offended by something they perceive to be racist.  But
at her unhesitating public use of the "n-word" in such a demeaning and racist way... all of which adds up to white entitlement at its "finest."
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by eghckk

I just don't get why white people/non blacks are always fighting for the right to say the word.
We're asking you not to use one word out of millions of words in the English language, is it really that big of a deal or that hard to just not say the word out of respect?
Why do you wanna be able to say it so badly? Is it a white entitlement thing?

I really don't get it.
What's there not to get?

Once again, no one's fighting for the right to say the word.  No one's campaigning for the right to say it. No one wants to be able to say it so badly and it has absolutely nothing to do with (white) entitlement. All that is a bunch of nonsense.

Whenever this discussion comes up Non-black people (white people for the sake of the argument) always resort to pointing out the "double standard"; "If black people are allowed to use the word then why can't white people?" Which to me stems from one or two things; white people's undeserved sense of entitlement or complete lack of sensitivity or both.
When white people are always arguing about how unfair it is that they're being asked to refrain from using the word, then that comes across as white people "fighting for the right" to say the word. Why else would you argue in defense of your using the word if you yourself didn't want to use it? God forbid white people not be allowed to do something, nevermind the fact that we say the word offends us that's still not a good enough reason for white people to stop using it. The word serves no purpose in your vocabulary, you don't NEED to say it at all so if you're being told not to say it because it's offensive just accept that and refrain from saying it. Why argue?
It's about the appropriation of a word and the myth that its use is "'allowed" by and for one group.

If you're going to go down the respect route - if you want to be respected, you should respect yourself enough to refrain from using it.

Black people can't appropriate a word that we didn't invent in the first place…we simply made an attempt tore-appropriate a word that was used to oppress and disparage us in America (linguistic re-appropriation happens all  the time, many other groups have done it not just a black thing).
A lot of people (of all races) who use the word today don't know the history behind it. They don't see how disrespectful the use of the word is to the people who's last moments on Earth consisted of hearing the n-word being shouted at them as they were whipped to death, hung from trees, set on fire, chased by dogs, tied to the back of pick-up trucks and dragged for miles to their death. People who use the word today don't know that before rappers started using it, the word "n-ga/er" meant to be excluded from institutions, country clubs, public bathrooms, stores, restaurants etc. just because of the color of your skin.
That's a shared experience that only Black people (and maybe some Latinos/Hispanics) can understand and that's why black people feel like we have the right to "own" the word and say who can or can't identify. 
Why do YOU want to say it so badly?
Why are you assuming that I use the word?

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by anygivensunday

It's just one of those unwritten rules of life. If you're not black, you're not supposed to say it. It's that simple. I don't understand why people who aren't black have any desire to use the word; Chris Rock uses that word habitually, but I bet you the studio heads and comedy writers aren't in the production meetings dropping N-Bombs with him.
I still can't believe people think they have entitlement over others to use a word. You can THINK that it's an unwritten rule, but people are going to use the word regardless (with or without your unneeded permission). You using the word does not help the situation, it's a word and it's not off limits to anyone. I can't understand why people WHO ARE black have any desire to use the word considering that it was used as a demeaning term against blacks for such a long time.
Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.

The same sense of white entitlement displayed by "Dr. Laura" is apparent in many of the posts in this thread.  And it's so deeply ingrained and insidious that people can't even recognize it in themselves even when another blatant and extreme example of it is brought to their immediate attention.
First and foremost, "Dr. Laura's" entire position and dialogue were characterized by open hostility, unabashed stereotyping, asinine assumptions, and the severely misguided and oppressive notion that she, a rich white woman, has the authority and is in the position to tell black people when they should and shouldn't be offended by something they perceive to be racist.  But
at her unhesitating public use of the "n-word" in such a demeaning and racist way... all of which adds up to white entitlement at its "finest."
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by eghckk

I just don't get why white people/non blacks are always fighting for the right to say the word.
We're asking you not to use one word out of millions of words in the English language, is it really that big of a deal or that hard to just not say the word out of respect?
Why do you wanna be able to say it so badly? Is it a white entitlement thing?

I really don't get it.
What's there not to get?

Once again, no one's fighting for the right to say the word.  No one's campaigning for the right to say it. No one wants to be able to say it so badly and it has absolutely nothing to do with (white) entitlement. All that is a bunch of nonsense.

Whenever this discussion comes up Non-black people (white people for the sake of the argument) always resort to pointing out the "double standard"; "If black people are allowed to use the word then why can't white people?" Which to me stems from one or two things; white people's undeserved sense of entitlement or complete lack of sensitivity or both.
When white people are always arguing about how unfair it is that they're being asked to refrain from using the word, then that comes across as white people "fighting for the right" to say the word. Why else would you argue in defense of your using the word if you yourself didn't want to use it? God forbid white people not be allowed to do something, nevermind the fact that we say the word offends us that's still not a good enough reason for white people to stop using it. The word serves no purpose in your vocabulary, you don't NEED to say it at all so if you're being told not to say it because it's offensive just accept that and refrain from saying it. Why argue?
It's about the appropriation of a word and the myth that its use is "'allowed" by and for one group.

If you're going to go down the respect route - if you want to be respected, you should respect yourself enough to refrain from using it.

Black people can't appropriate a word that we didn't invent in the first place…we simply made an attempt tore-appropriate a word that was used to oppress and disparage us in America (linguistic re-appropriation happens all  the time, many other groups have done it not just a black thing).
A lot of people (of all races) who use the word today don't know the history behind it. They don't see how disrespectful the use of the word is to the people who's last moments on Earth consisted of hearing the n-word being shouted at them as they were whipped to death, hung from trees, set on fire, chased by dogs, tied to the back of pick-up trucks and dragged for miles to their death. People who use the word today don't know that before rappers started using it, the word "n-ga/er" meant to be excluded from institutions, country clubs, public bathrooms, stores, restaurants etc. just because of the color of your skin.
That's a shared experience that only Black people (and maybe some Latinos/Hispanics) can understand and that's why black people feel like we have the right to "own" the word and say who can or can't identify. 
Why do YOU want to say it so badly?
Why are you assuming that I use the word?

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by anygivensunday

It's just one of those unwritten rules of life. If you're not black, you're not supposed to say it. It's that simple. I don't understand why people who aren't black have any desire to use the word; Chris Rock uses that word habitually, but I bet you the studio heads and comedy writers aren't in the production meetings dropping N-Bombs with him.
I still can't believe people think they have entitlement over others to use a word. You can THINK that it's an unwritten rule, but people are going to use the word regardless (with or without your unneeded permission). You using the word does not help the situation, it's a word and it's not off limits to anyone. I can't understand why people WHO ARE black have any desire to use the word considering that it was used as a demeaning term against blacks for such a long time.
Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.

The same sense of white entitlement displayed by "Dr. Laura" is apparent in many of the posts in this thread.  And it's so deeply ingrained and insidious that people can't even recognize it in themselves even when another blatant and extreme example of it is brought to their immediate attention.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
dude it's African-Americans that are using the word and making money with it, when white people use it they get ridiculed by everyone. White people don't want to use the word as bad as some of you might think.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
dude it's African-Americans that are using the word and making money with it, when white people use it they get ridiculed by everyone. White people don't want to use the word as bad as some of you might think.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

anygivensunday wrote:
It's just one of those unwritten rules of life. If you're not black, you're not supposed to say it. It's that simple. I don't understand why people who aren't black have any desire to use the word; Chris Rock uses that word habitually, but I bet you the studio heads and comedy writers aren't in the production meetings dropping N-Bombs with him.
I disagree with you whole hearted. I am a black male, and I feel that no one should use the word.

I agree, no one should be using the word.  I don't understand how a word so steeped in racism and hatred has evolved into a term of endearment or how some black people jump to rationalize calling each other that word.  Since we as black people are so offended by the word, then we should stop using it on ourselves.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

anygivensunday wrote:
It's just one of those unwritten rules of life. If you're not black, you're not supposed to say it. It's that simple. I don't understand why people who aren't black have any desire to use the word; Chris Rock uses that word habitually, but I bet you the studio heads and comedy writers aren't in the production meetings dropping N-Bombs with him.
I disagree with you whole hearted. I am a black male, and I feel that no one should use the word.

I agree, no one should be using the word.  I don't understand how a word so steeped in racism and hatred has evolved into a term of endearment or how some black people jump to rationalize calling each other that word.  Since we as black people are so offended by the word, then we should stop using it on ourselves.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix


Like I said. All ya'll saying you can say whatever you like. Go say it around your nearest hood, go ahead.
Sounds like you're confident hood people will act in an inane manner and increase jail statistics. That's not helping anybody.

Lol your rebuttal had nothing to do with my statement. Nice try though.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix


Like I said. All ya'll saying you can say whatever you like. Go say it around your nearest hood, go ahead.
Sounds like you're confident hood people will act in an inane manner and increase jail statistics. That's not helping anybody.

Lol your rebuttal had nothing to do with my statement. Nice try though.
Originally Posted by DarkNight

Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
dude it's African-Americans that are using the word and making money with it, when white people use it they get ridiculed by everyone. White people don't want to use the word as bad as some of you might think.
Did you even read my post? A huge part of my point was that I (and lots of other Blacks) are against ANYONE saying that word, including Blacks. And I did not single out whites in my first sentence, I said non-african-americans, which includes more races than just white folks, in case you forgot.  
Making money off of it? Because rappers and comedians use the n-words in their songs and acts? You're starting to sound like Dr. Laura.  And if you wanna take it there, the main group of people that made that word so popular in this country initially (yes, Whites) have made more than enough money off of Blacks in the past few hundred years.  Look at the foundation of this country and really think about that before you complain about such a thing.  I'm not justifying it but to even bring such a thing up in this discussion is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by DarkNight

Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by DarkNight

Why do some Africa-Americans want to use the word so bad?

A better question is, why do some non Afro-Americans want to use the word so bad?
Seriously, I know more Asians that use the word than the Black folks I know.    

I think the word is wrong, period. It's one of the most offensive terms in the world, and everyone knows it.  I'm Black and I don't use it and most of the Black people close to me don't either. It'll never be fully accepted, so why even ask why? It's all about to respect.  You'll never catch me using any type of derogatory term towards ANY ethnic group, because I have that mutual respect I would want others to show me.   It's beyond cliche, but be the change you want to see in the world.  I don't even trip if someone uses the N-word anymore, but it used to get me heated.  The truth is hearing a Black person say the word almost stung just as much as a non-black using the word.  My level of respect drops for anyone I hear using that word or any other derogatory term.

And for the last time, it does NOT matter if you pronounce it with an "er" or an "a" sound.  Words being pronounced with an "A" came about because of people's  accents, it's not supposed to be a conscious thing you do.  If you say the word with an "a" at the end, you should be pronouncing EVERY word the same way that is properly pronounced with an "er".  If you go down south and hear a white person with a certain accent call you that word, they don't mean it in an affectionate way.
dude it's African-Americans that are using the word and making money with it, when white people use it they get ridiculed by everyone. White people don't want to use the word as bad as some of you might think.
Did you even read my post? A huge part of my point was that I (and lots of other Blacks) are against ANYONE saying that word, including Blacks. And I did not single out whites in my first sentence, I said non-african-americans, which includes more races than just white folks, in case you forgot.  
Making money off of it? Because rappers and comedians use the n-words in their songs and acts? You're starting to sound like Dr. Laura.  And if you wanna take it there, the main group of people that made that word so popular in this country initially (yes, Whites) have made more than enough money off of Blacks in the past few hundred years.  Look at the foundation of this country and really think about that before you complain about such a thing.  I'm not justifying it but to even bring such a thing up in this discussion is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.
It's not a matter of what you should or shouldn't be doing that we're debating. People have been blatantly saying the word is restricted from outside use of the black community and my point is that it's not. I don't think anyone should be using the word personally, including blacks, but I'm a all in type of person when it comes to the word. So, if one group is using it, then so is everyone else. I don't need you to lecture me on double standards of life. And there are plenty of black people who agree with these sentiments.

Blah blah blah. So many of you say the same things with different words it gets to be annoying.
(The word belongs to everyone or no-one)

I recall a time in college where I was in the dorms chillin and a drunk white dude said something like "what is up my ni****?" I said I feel you man- just watch the words. Dude immediately sobered up and was trying to get smart with me, only then did I realize that white people really just enjoy testing us black folks- I am sure he had boys who let him say it, but I wasn't playing that !%!. Do I know his black friends? Do I care that his black friends let him? %+*% no. Just as long he kept that word out of his mouth around me I was coo with it.

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.
It's not a matter of what you should or shouldn't be doing that we're debating. People have been blatantly saying the word is restricted from outside use of the black community and my point is that it's not. I don't think anyone should be using the word personally, including blacks, but I'm a all in type of person when it comes to the word. So, if one group is using it, then so is everyone else. I don't need you to lecture me on double standards of life. And there are plenty of black people who agree with these sentiments.

Blah blah blah. So many of you say the same things with different words it gets to be annoying.
(The word belongs to everyone or no-one)

I recall a time in college where I was in the dorms chillin and a drunk white dude said something like "what is up my ni****?" I said I feel you man- just watch the words. Dude immediately sobered up and was trying to get smart with me, only then did I realize that white people really just enjoy testing us black folks- I am sure he had boys who let him say it, but I wasn't playing that !%!. Do I know his black friends? Do I care that his black friends let him? %+*% no. Just as long he kept that word out of his mouth around me I was coo with it.

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.

How does one get these"white privileged  upbringings"?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.

How does one get these"white privileged  upbringings"?
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.
It's not a matter of what you should or shouldn't be doing that we're debating. People have been blatantly saying the word is restricted from outside use of the black community and my point is that it's not. I don't think anyone should be using the word personally, including blacks, but I'm a all in type of person when it comes to the word. So, if one group is using it, then so is everyone else. I don't need you to lecture me on double standards of life. And there are plenty of black people who agree with these sentiments.

Blah blah blah. So many of you say the same things with different words it gets to be annoying.
(The word belongs to everyone or no-one)

I recall a time in college where I was in the dorms chillin and a drunk white dude said something like "what is up my ni****?" I said I feel you man- just watch the words. Dude immediately sobered up and was trying to get smart with me, only then did I realize that white people really just enjoy testing us black folks- I am sure he had boys who let him say it, but I wasn't playing that !%!. Do I know his black friends? Do I care that his black friends let him? %+*% no. Just as long he kept that word out of his mouth around me I was coo with it.

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.
Wow, assumptions out the +$% I see.
  White people have nothing to do with me, they're not my concern. I'm expressing the sentiment that people will say what they want when they want as long as there is not a law against it. You can say "drop the N bomb around my hood" all you want, but what is the statement supposed to do? Instill fear? Are you gonna scare people into not using the word? You're argument "there are just some things you just can't say", who decides that? Just like it's not up to me to decide that outsiders can use it, it's not up to you to decide that they can't (even if you feel you have that as an unwritten right). And the last statement I made in my previous post obviously matters just by the way you assume everyone that doesn't agree with your stance is white.
What? lol. All I did was invite those who said they can say it whenever they feel like to say it in their nearest hood. Does that imply fear? lol I guess, but I was simply stating the obvious- that no white person would say that amongst a bunch of black people that they didn't know. That is fact-not sterotype. Who is arguing here?
it seems you are reaching on several points.

1. Everyone who doesn't agree with me I could care less, where did I assume they were white? Uncle Tom maybe-but white? Naw- never said that.


3. I DID say that what a white-person says when they aren't around me is their own concern, just when they are around me, they better not say that word. That is a FACT. 

4. What you choose to say and not say is of your concern-not mine. Question is the N-word is not a universal issue- it is a black issue.   You see me crying because I can't say biattttch? I mean sure I CAN, but I can't, and why would I want to? If women want to call themselves that it's on them.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Just because  people can do something doesn't mean they should. I can go and randomly stab people on the street. should I? I can go and smack every little kid I pass by. Should I? There's such a thing as discretion.

Black people should be the only ones using that word. End of story. It's not difficult to comprehend. Whether non black people believe it's right or wrong for black people to use that word is meaningless. It's not for others to decide.

There are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language  and you shouldn't use a few. Life is full of double standards and some of them are not wrong. This is an example of that.
It's not a matter of what you should or shouldn't be doing that we're debating. People have been blatantly saying the word is restricted from outside use of the black community and my point is that it's not. I don't think anyone should be using the word personally, including blacks, but I'm a all in type of person when it comes to the word. So, if one group is using it, then so is everyone else. I don't need you to lecture me on double standards of life. And there are plenty of black people who agree with these sentiments.

Blah blah blah. So many of you say the same things with different words it gets to be annoying.
(The word belongs to everyone or no-one)

I recall a time in college where I was in the dorms chillin and a drunk white dude said something like "what is up my ni****?" I said I feel you man- just watch the words. Dude immediately sobered up and was trying to get smart with me, only then did I realize that white people really just enjoy testing us black folks- I am sure he had boys who let him say it, but I wasn't playing that !%!. Do I know his black friends? Do I care that his black friends let him? %+*% no. Just as long he kept that word out of his mouth around me I was coo with it.

Essentially, it is not for you to decide, and I know that kills you from your white privellaged upbringing but hey- so be it. And if you say it around the wrong person it's on you.
I love how you included the last sentence as if it matters.
Wow, assumptions out the +$% I see.
  White people have nothing to do with me, they're not my concern. I'm expressing the sentiment that people will say what they want when they want as long as there is not a law against it. You can say "drop the N bomb around my hood" all you want, but what is the statement supposed to do? Instill fear? Are you gonna scare people into not using the word? You're argument "there are just some things you just can't say", who decides that? Just like it's not up to me to decide that outsiders can use it, it's not up to you to decide that they can't (even if you feel you have that as an unwritten right). And the last statement I made in my previous post obviously matters just by the way you assume everyone that doesn't agree with your stance is white.
What? lol. All I did was invite those who said they can say it whenever they feel like to say it in their nearest hood. Does that imply fear? lol I guess, but I was simply stating the obvious- that no white person would say that amongst a bunch of black people that they didn't know. That is fact-not sterotype. Who is arguing here?
it seems you are reaching on several points.

1. Everyone who doesn't agree with me I could care less, where did I assume they were white? Uncle Tom maybe-but white? Naw- never said that.


3. I DID say that what a white-person says when they aren't around me is their own concern, just when they are around me, they better not say that word. That is a FACT. 

4. What you choose to say and not say is of your concern-not mine. Question is the N-word is not a universal issue- it is a black issue.   You see me crying because I can't say biattttch? I mean sure I CAN, but I can't, and why would I want to? If women want to call themselves that it's on them.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

What? lol. All I did was invite those who said they can say it whenever they feel like to say it in their nearest hood. Does that imply fear? lol I guess, but I was simply stating the obvious- that no white person would say that amongst a bunch of black people that they didn't know. That is fact-not sterotype. Who is arguing here?
it seems you are reaching on several points.

1. Everyone who doesn't agree with me I could care less, where did I assume they were white? Uncle Tom maybe-but white? Naw- never said that.


3. I DID say that what a white-person says when they aren't around me is their own concern, just when they are around me, they better not say that word. That is a FACT. 

4. What you choose to say and not say is of your concern-not mine. Question is the N-word is not a universal issue- it is a black issue.   You see me crying because I can't say biattttch? I mean sure I CAN, but I can't, and why would I want to? If women want to call themselves that it's on them.
1. Well, you retorted with the assumption that I was a white male from a privileged background. Or did I just imagine that that appeared on my screen as I read your previous response? "Everyone" was an overstatement, but you definitely have made the assumption nonetheless.

2. Spare me with the all caps, and the "can you read" crap. My comments are not specifically for you when I say people are saying that whites are restricted from usage of the N word. You're not that special that everything I've said up to this point is about you and what you've expressed thus far. If you weren't the one who stated non-blacks can't say it, then obviously... those statements weren't directed at you (durrrrr

3. Once again, you're trying to instill fear. I'm gonna make another guess that you're probably not that frightening if you have random white guys coming up to you calling you a %$@+%.

4. *yawn* Don't even start with the "why would you/I want to use it" argument. That's been addressed already.


A white boy- whom was drunk, and thought things were good, which they weren't.

Trust, being frightening is the least of my worries- but I am every bit white as I am black- how is that for assumptions?

You are obviously getting offended, and that was not my aim. You claim it is everyones word to claim or no bodys. I disagree. End of story.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

What? lol. All I did was invite those who said they can say it whenever they feel like to say it in their nearest hood. Does that imply fear? lol I guess, but I was simply stating the obvious- that no white person would say that amongst a bunch of black people that they didn't know. That is fact-not sterotype. Who is arguing here?
it seems you are reaching on several points.

1. Everyone who doesn't agree with me I could care less, where did I assume they were white? Uncle Tom maybe-but white? Naw- never said that.


3. I DID say that what a white-person says when they aren't around me is their own concern, just when they are around me, they better not say that word. That is a FACT. 

4. What you choose to say and not say is of your concern-not mine. Question is the N-word is not a universal issue- it is a black issue.   You see me crying because I can't say biattttch? I mean sure I CAN, but I can't, and why would I want to? If women want to call themselves that it's on them.
1. Well, you retorted with the assumption that I was a white male from a privileged background. Or did I just imagine that that appeared on my screen as I read your previous response? "Everyone" was an overstatement, but you definitely have made the assumption nonetheless.

2. Spare me with the all caps, and the "can you read" crap. My comments are not specifically for you when I say people are saying that whites are restricted from usage of the N word. You're not that special that everything I've said up to this point is about you and what you've expressed thus far. If you weren't the one who stated non-blacks can't say it, then obviously... those statements weren't directed at you (durrrrr

3. Once again, you're trying to instill fear. I'm gonna make another guess that you're probably not that frightening if you have random white guys coming up to you calling you a %$@+%.

4. *yawn* Don't even start with the "why would you/I want to use it" argument. That's been addressed already.


A white boy- whom was drunk, and thought things were good, which they weren't.

Trust, being frightening is the least of my worries- but I am every bit white as I am black- how is that for assumptions?

You are obviously getting offended, and that was not my aim. You claim it is everyones word to claim or no bodys. I disagree. End of story.
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