TAY: thread about yambs...

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moving to DC next week. Transferred to Howard for my last year and a half.  Perfect timing because i'm tired of the local yambs and my ex girl.  I'll start contributing to this thread more often
get ready for that all you can eat yamb buffet up Howard
I dunno, maybe you can rock like dude MEMPHIS ALL CAPS did, him and his chick had a " get it out your system" before marriage type of thing. Just off observation though, smashing might be the easiest way out with a chick like that you're cool with like that but won't be pursuing a future with. Lingering thoughts and hearing stories of yambgod choking her probably won't help. **** always gets awkward after that and she fades away anyways. I think in their head, a bond like that, after sex a relationship gotta be next right? if it don't move that way, they move that way. Not advocating cheating though, just talking. Especially being this close to endgame.
Just had some drama with 1 of my baby mamas last night.  With that said, ain't nothing like busting inside raw
how many bab
y mamas you got?
Just had some drama with 1 of my baby mamas last night.  With that said, ain't nothing like busting inside raw
how many bab
y mamas you got?

:lol: Looking back on the way I used to think (wanted a baby from a chick of all different races) when I was younger, if I had his guap back then I might be pushing 6+ at this point. Silly young thoughts.
im just thankful i didnt get some of the crazy/ ratchet joints pregnant in the past..my life right now woulda been :x
Ppl would rather act aloof n front like they got it in the club instead of mingle smh...It's even worst at my school...I've been to countless house parties where cats will stand with they boys n chicks will be dancing with each other lol...n the same dudes tryna look cool always say the party is wack

This, to the fullest. Man I just got word to a party that SOUNDS live...pool and everything. Trust, there will be dudes loitering & females not dancing/on their phones.

Anyone have house party advice? I'm tryna win a championship tonight
I need some advice y'all. One of my boys chicks wants to put me up with her friend that asked about me. First thing she asked was what's my status..my reply was "ready". shorty showing me fb pics and talking bout her girl wifey material and not loose. I'm likely gonna meet her next Saturday at his bday party. I don't know if his chick knows I got wifey and kids at home.

SOOOOOOO....usually I tell chicks straight up to avoid the confusion, but my boy says I should leave wifey out the convo if I wanna smash. This is one that could be a good side piece. Its plenty of action to be found, but I hate giving up oops. SO do I go away from normal protocol based off his recommendation, or hit her with the dream and pop the bubble later. I been getting chicks with the truth lately, but I'm torn on this one.
Ppl would rather act aloof n front like they got it in the club instead of mingle smh...It's even worst at my school...I've been to countless house parties where cats will stand with they boys n chicks will be dancing with each other lol...n the same dudes tryna look cool always say the party is wack

This, to the fullest. Man I just got word to a party that SOUNDS live...pool and everything. Trust, there will be dudes loitering & females not dancing/on their phones.

Anyone have house party advice? I'm tryna win a championship tonight
house parties are the easiest, the liquor gonna be flowing and chicks yambs will be ready..just talk to a few of em and see which one either tipsy enough or ready to smash :lol:

I need some advice y'all. One of my boys chicks wants to put me up with her friend that asked about me. First thing she asked was what's my status..my reply was "ready". shorty showing me fb pics and talking bout her girl wifey material and not loose. I'm likely gonna meet her next Saturday at his bday party. I don't know if his chick knows I got wifey and kids at home.

SOOOOOOO....usually I tell chicks straight up to avoid the confusion, but my boy says I should leave wifey out the convo if I wanna smash. This is one that could be a good side piece. Its plenty of action to be found, but I hate giving up oops. SO do I go away from normal protocol based off his recommendation, or hit her with the dream and pop the bubble later. I been getting chicks with the truth lately, but I'm torn on this one.
if you just trying to smash just tell her what she wanna hear and take care of that...i wouldnt mention the wife regardless tho
I need some advice y'all. One of my boys chicks wants to put me up with her friend that asked about me. First thing she asked was what's my status..my reply was "ready". shorty showing me fb pics and talking bout her girl wifey material and not loose. I'm likely gonna meet her next Saturday at his bday party. I don't know if his chick knows I got wifey and kids at home.

SOOOOOOO....usually I tell chicks straight up to avoid the confusion, but my boy says I should leave wifey out the convo if I wanna smash. This is one that could be a good side piece. Its plenty of action to be found, but I hate giving up oops. SO do I go away from normal protocol based off his recommendation, or hit her with the dream and pop the bubble later. I been getting chicks with the truth lately, but I'm torn on this one.
:lol: @ you taking the advice of the home girl... when has a home girl ever been completely right about her friend?

think about it... why is she eager to put you down with her...

also, :smh: at switching the game up. don't eem start doing that...

wifey/jump off/side piece... there's nothing wrong with saying "you're not trying to have a relationship right now" with either one.

its how you follow up that matters. you're words just work as excuses, but your actions show the truth.

if you say "not really trying to date", bit you spend ample amount of time, it can formulate into something serious.

if you say "not trying to date" and you smash and dash, win win.
Fontaine, the advice is from my guy. His girl, one of several, was just tellin me about her friend. And his girl knows about his others so I'm guessing her girl should be ready for more of the same. I'm going in prepared for whatever though.

I'm gonna run my thing and see where it takes me. Been easier telling chicks I gotta girl but don't know where it's going.
moving to DC next week. Transferred to Howard for my last year and a half.  Perfect timing because i'm tired of the local yambs and my ex girl.  I'll start contributing to this thread more often
Are u going to the rock the bell when the tour stops in dc?
Count your blessing cause it ain't that bad

My cuz got 4 by 3. (2 by ex wife)

My cuz in South Dakota got 6 or 7 by 2 I believe

My boy got 5 by 4

My other guy got 5 by 2

I'm definitely not about that life.
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One of my boys got 2 BM's, dudes life is stressful 24/7. Arguing + Child support.

I ain't bout that life at all. I'm not going back to team raw for a while. I can't front though, I miss hitting that thang raw.
I ain't gonna lie both of mine r crazy but I deal with many more crazy broads for business so I can def handle this type of **** a lot better than the average man.
I was out there last saturday with ex's friend and it went good def. set up for the future very nice

I'm going back saturday again with the shy girl this time, she wants to take me to some italian spot then we'll hit the bars after.

DTF ain't yours only anymore

Imma be in DTF with this girl I met last week...Perfect situation, let's double up kid.
I was out there last saturday with ex's friend and it went good def. set up for the future very nice

I'm going back saturday again with the shy girl this time, she wants to take me to some italian spot then we'll hit the bars after.

DTF ain't yours only anymore

Imma be in DTF with this girl I met last week...Perfect situation, let's double up kid.

PM me your number man, that sounds like a good plan
My girl is 19 and basically wants to smash every night but I don't want to hit it all the time, maybe a few times a week...then when I tell her that it gets into some 'oh you don't like having sex with me anymore...' ish. Anyone else dealt with this?
Married Yambs...yay or nay... She's bad as hell

Stay away man, those are issues you don't want.

My girl is 19 and basically wants to smash every night but I don't want to hit it all the time, maybe a few times a week...then when I tell her that it gets into some 'oh you don't like having sex with me anymore...' ish. Anyone else dealt with this?

Sounds like a good problem to have but at the same time it's not.
Married Yambs...yay or nay... She's bad as hell

Stay away man, those are issues you don't want.

My girl is 19 and basically wants to smash every night but I don't want to hit it all the time, maybe a few times a week...then when I tell her that it gets into some 'oh you don't like having sex with me anymore...' ish. Anyone else dealt with this?

Sounds like a good problem to have but at the same time it's not.

Yeah you don't wanna pursue a married chick. If she's doing all the pursuing though...

I know a couple dudes who's chicks want it multiple times a day, everyday. they just tell them they're tired (which they really are) after a while. Once a day is about the right pace for me though, so i'd be cool with it. Just hope she's a good girl who's high sex won't take her astray.
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