Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

I wish I could be a fly on the wall in some these white homes. I know I would be upset. Just curious..
Honestly? We were greater. We were royalty. Real royalty, not that make believe disney princess **** that they rave about in their fabricated history books. But actual kings and queens..on continents. And it drives them wild to see that we have every single gift. Better athletes. In a lot of ways, better looking. In a LOT of ways more talented. Built for the world's elements. Caucasians cannot even survive the sun and harsh winds...black people were born in it. We sing better, we dance better. We look young longer. We also live longer..if they don't kill us off. We have to ability to dominate anything that we are able to take part in. Thats why they create things to strict us, to limit us, to slow us and make us appear smaller and weaker than we are. Hell, slavery in itself showed how much stronger we are than them. We were calm natured people that welcome them first, same as the indians, and they took advantage, same as the indians. Show me some thin skinned white people that could endure slavery for 400 years and I'll show you a lie. They bruise when the wind blows fam. They change the rules, make up new laws and move the goal posts just to slow us down...but we keep coming. And we will continue to keep coming. They hate us, but they just can't leave us alone. We give them everything. Inspiration. Entertainment. Our talents. Our skills. We are their muses. They'd be nothing without us. Literally. Those white men may have signed the constitution, but black men literally laid the blood and sweat the build the infrastructures to house their little meetings.

One thing I learned from traveling overseas...There are WAYYYYYY more black people than you hear. The american media makes us out to be criminals and dangerous and everybody is afraid of us and blah blah blah. They tell you, and you can google it, how dangerous and unfriendly Europe is to people of color. And it's best if you get in a tour or just stay home.

Bull **** fam. I can't tell you how much damn love I received in Europe. It was insane. I went deep deep deep to the heart of Italy. To places I whole heartedly expected to be called a mulianne and figure I'd receive some hate. Bruh I hope so many hugs and cheek kicks. And got invited to so many grandma's houses deep in the heart of Tuscany.

White american media tells you that you won;t find many people that look like you outside of the states and AFRICA. Bull **** fam. Barcelona Spain legit is European NYC. I swear I saw a spanish @ninjahood. Well, he's dominican..so maybe it was him? :lol:. I saw endless amounts of people that looked like me. And everybody was safe. And chill. It was hella harmonious. Black people and spanish and italian and asian all chilling and working together.

White american media wants you to believe everybody hates you because they do...Bull **** fam. Here's the secret...everybody hates WHITE AMERICANS. They're wayyyyy less safe than you would be. I guarantee it. White american people would be food in some of these countries. You'd be welcomed with open arms. Places like Thailand, Dubai, hell, the majority of the UAE, Lots of asian, NZ, etc. They love black men, especially, in Australia. Minorities could flourish in other countries no doubt. Not american white people. They get hella roasted in other places if they aren't celebrities. They're the first to get robbed or taken advantage of too. They get charged more for stuff in stores and get laughed at behind their backs for their rosey cheeks, that's oooooh so popular here, while everybody has natural tans.

The media is designed to move people. It's puppet strings. And it will move you in whatever direction it chooses. It the powers that be woke up tomorrow and decided that it wanted to empower black people and other minorities for the next 20 years..It would be a WRAP on Caucasians.

The power and truth you just typed out. Amazing.
Are the Devils kickin their horse**** about a thorough investigation and complete transparency?

I already seen the female pig is on paid leave as if she was written up being late to roll call.
**** just look at what we call the hood in this country ...all the wild **** going on , everything against us , ppl trying to survive ....but it's STILL a community , ppl come out the trenches flourishing make it to the top , we look out for each other , try to handle problems ourselves for better or worse ...you go to where they stay at in those nice suburbs , only time they come together is on a fri night to cheer on the football team( make sure you stand for the anthem tho)...a pothole on the street and they don't even know what to do , black fam moves in the neighborhood then something gotta change ...white man can walk in the hood talking pics of the residents misfortunes and go back home no problems

And I know " black on black crime , something , something, blah , blah ,blah "
reps reps for all 
Honestly? We were greater. We were royalty. Real royalty, not that make believe disney princess **** that they rave about in their fabricated history books. But actual kings and queens..on continents. And it drives them wild to see that we have every single gift. Better athletes. In a lot of ways, better looking. In a LOT of ways more talented. Built for the world's elements. Caucasians cannot even survive the sun and harsh winds...black people were born in it. We sing better, we dance better. We look young longer. We also live longer..if they don't kill us off. We have to ability to dominate anything that we are able to take part in. Thats why they create things to strict us, to limit us, to slow us and make us appear smaller and weaker than we are. Hell, slavery in itself showed how much stronger we are than them. We were calm natured people that welcome them first, same as the indians, and they took advantage, same as the indians. Show me some thin skinned white people that could endure slavery for 400 years and I'll show you a lie. They bruise when the wind blows fam. They change the rules, make up new laws and move the goal posts just to slow us down...but we keep coming. And we will continue to keep coming. They hate us, but they just can't leave us alone. We give them everything. Inspiration. Entertainment. Our talents. Our skills. We are their muses. They'd be nothing without us. Literally. Those white men may have signed the constitution, but black men literally laid the blood and sweat the build the infrastructures to house their little meetings.

One thing I learned from traveling overseas...There are WAYYYYYY more black people than you hear. The american media makes us out to be criminals and dangerous and everybody is afraid of us and blah blah blah. They tell you, and you can google it, how dangerous and unfriendly Europe is to people of color. And it's best if you get in a tour or just stay home.

Bull **** fam. I can't tell you how much damn love I received in Europe. It was insane. I went deep deep deep to the heart of Italy. To places I whole heartedly expected to be called a mulianne and figure I'd receive some hate. Bruh I got so many hugs and cheek kisses. And got invited to so many grandma's houses deep in the heart of Tuscany.

White american media tells you that you won;t find many people that look like you outside of the states and AFRICA. Bull **** fam. Barcelona Spain legit is European NYC. I swear I saw a spanish @ninjahood. Well, he's dominican..so maybe it was him? :lol:. I saw endless amounts of people that looked like me. And everybody was safe. And chill. It was hella harmonious. Black people and spanish and italian and asian all chilling and working together.

White american media wants you to believe everybody hates you because they do...Bull **** fam. Here's the secret...everybody hates WHITE AMERICANS. They're wayyyyy less safe than you would be. I guarantee it. White american people would be food in some of these countries. You'd be welcomed with open arms. Places like Thailand, Dubai, hell, the majority of the UAE, Lots of asian, NZ, etc. They love black men, especially, in Australia. Minorities could flourish in other countries no doubt. Not american white people. They get hella roasted in other places if they aren't celebrities. They're the first to get robbed or taken advantage of too. They get charged more for stuff in stores and get laughed at behind their backs for their rosey cheeks, that's oooooh so popular here, while everybody has natural tans.

The media is designed to move people. It's puppet strings. And it will move you in whatever direction it chooses. It the powers that be woke up tomorrow and decided that it wanted to empower black people and other minorities for the next 20 years..It would be a WRAP on Caucasians.

My man :pimp:

Ol dude in new york had a bombs around the city like a comic book villian got shot in the leg

My dude had at the most an issue that a tow truck could have fixed but gets shocked ans the shot then had his character assassinated

How we all gonna end upnin the same heaven fam

Ish aint right
Another reason why they hate us

"When the topic of the Moorish influence in Europe is being discussed, one of the first questions that arises is, what race were they?

As early as the Middle Ages, “Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Author and historian Chancellor Williams said “the original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were black Africans.”

"Although generations of Spanish rulers have tried to expunge this era from the historical record, recent archeology and scholarship now shed fresh light on the Moors who flourished in Al-Andalus for more than 700 years – from 711 AD until 1492. The Moorish advances in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture helped propel Europe out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance."


"The Spanish occupation by the Moors began in 711 AD when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula ‘Andalus' (Spain under the Visigoths).

A European scholar sympathetic to the Spaniards remembered the conquest in this way:
a. [T]he reins of their (Moors) horses were as fire, their faces black as pitch, their eyes shone like burning candles, their horses were swift as leopards and the riders fiercer than a wolf in a sheepfold at night . . ."

"The Moors, who ruled Spain for 800 years, introduced new scientific techniques to Europe, such as an astrolabe, a device for measuring the position of the stars and planets. Scientific progress in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Philosophy flourished in Moorish Spain"


View media item 2173289View media item 2173290

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Another reason why they hate us

"When the topic of the Moorish influence in Europe is being discussed, one of the first questions that arises is, what race were they?

As early as the Middle Ages, “Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Author and historian Chancellor Williams said “the original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were black Africans.”

"Although generations of Spanish rulers have tried to expunge this era from the historical record, recent archeology and scholarship now shed fresh light on the Moors who flourished in Al-Andalus for more than 700 years – from 711 AD until 1492. The Moorish advances in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture helped propel Europe out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance."


"The Spanish occupation by the Moors began in 711 AD when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula ‘Andalus' (Spain under the Visigoths).

A European scholar sympathetic to the Spaniards remembered the conquest in this way:
a. [T]he reins of their (Moors) horses were as fire, their faces black as pitch, their eyes shone like burning candles, their horses were swift as leopards and the riders fiercer than a wolf in a sheepfold at night . . ."

"The Moors, who ruled Spain for 800 years, introduced new scientific techniques to Europe, such as an astrolabe, a device for measuring the position of the stars and planets. Scientific progress in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Philosophy flourished in Moorish Spain"


View media item 2173289View media item 2173290


Melanin is an amazing thing. I love my people.
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Today I made out a check for $10,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative.  It's really not in the budget, but that doesn't matter right now.  Sentiments, sympathy, and platitudes are not enough.  This racist presumption of guilt MUST end - and that clearly isn't going to happen on its own.  

Why EJI?  Imagine if Terence Crutcher hadn't been killed - but was instead imprisoned for dubious reasons.  People lose their freedom, their futures, and their very lives due to biases in the criminal justice system - and it is presumed, because of those biases, that they are uniformly deserving of whatever penalties that system metes out.    

For that reason, we support the Equal Justice Initiative.   They work to help those whose mistreatment (whether prejudiced by race, class, sexuality, or religion) at the hands of the criminal justice system might otherwise be ignored.  Theirs are the lives we can still save.

A more formal announcement of the donation will wait until I've received confirmation of its receipt, but, for now, I wanted to call attention to the work the EJI is doing on behalf of those whose names we may never know - whether their lives are ended abruptly by a gun, or bled from them one day at a time following the bang of a different sort of hammer.

There are a couple of other issues here I wanted to address - but I don't want to create a false equivalence, so I will add a separate reply later on.  
Thank you Method Man :pimp:

I'm tired off this ********. It seems weekly there's a new black man killed by police. When is it going to stop?

You got all these white folks who are so quick to defend the cops without knowing any of the information. They say some ******** like "he shouldn't have resisted!" I tell them he had his hands up and they're talking about "you don't know the full story, you only know a part of it"

************, I watched it on camera! These ******* idiots won't understand until it's their kid that gets gunned down.

They all wanna talk about "All Lives matter!" If those ******* idiots actually believed that, they wouldn't have such a hard time supporting Black Lives Matter.

And every single time they bring up black on black crime, god it pisses me off. Black on black crime is crime, Police killing unarmed black men and not getting convicted or even indicted is INJUSTICE!

Sorry for the rant, but I'm just tired of hearing this **** on the job everyday. :smh:
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