The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

OrenthalJames wrote:

the problem we have is cops (another word for 'white people') are no longer allowed to regulate anything involving color/minorities and that is the issue.

-The Juice

Prison statistics easily prove that's a false assesment.
than it should prove my assesment TRUE does it not? Is that or is that not a problem?

its a problem in the sense that cops abuse power
and a problem because that abuse by some cops now people are more apprehensive towards regulation.

America is completely filled with nasty cycles that continue to rotate, but in order to stop these cycles, we have to take a chance some times. And like I said in my earlier posts (which were probably lost in here because people don't read or comprehend.) This is an opportune time for ALL people of color to unite and make a change.

-The Juice

we shouldn't put all the blame on white cops tho.

i've gotten harassed by minorities (especially hispanics that feel god like because they are on the "man's" side now) more than white cops. at least, that's how i see it.

All I gotta say is that even though this isnt the BEST way to solve the illegal immigration problem, its a start. Mexicans need to stop running from their own countries problems and do something about those druglords instead of coming here and messing our economy up even worse than it already is.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

50 cool points to any that answer why the NYT didn't dare run stories like these for the past 15 years.

Illegal immigration is/was all about depressing wages and keeping the consumer economy going as industry was transported off shore . Nothing more.
This is a controversial law  because of the means to getting illegal imigrants deported, not the actual deportation itself.

"If you are Illegal, please come forward!". Is that the other way?

Besides legalizing all illegals this is really the only way to approach the matter.  I rather this not have happened and I completely blame our corrupt government and elites but legalization of around 20 million people, at this point in time, will not pass. 
Business don';t want legalization. That'd drive up the cost of labor.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

I agree with this. As an American citizen, why is it my responsibility to care for a person who is in the country illegally. They are coming over here using our welfare programs and getting free healthcare and finding loopholes to become citizens. They have a crazy number of children who 75% of aren't going to be positive members of society, our country is already over populated. I feel as if they are stealing from me and every other citizen in this country who has the right to be here legally. Sure you can say we all came here as immigrants, but that was like 300 years ago. This isn't a free country anymore, you can't just walk over and do whatever you want. Our border patrols need to be more strict if anything. And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

does it hurt to be this ignorant? now 75% of american citizens from illegal parents (with the crazy amount of children) are not productive members of society.
PLEASE, show me your stats. second, loopholes to become citizens? do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen? sure, marrying somebody seems easy.. but it's far from it. if it was, there would be no illegals. lastly.. nobody is stopping the people you know to go work in the fields.
Seriously yes I believe it is around 75%.  I went to a high school with a high number of incoming hispanic students, and a majority of them didn't do anything to try and learn the language or anything.  They would just sit in their english language class and space out.  Now you are telling me those people are going to grow up as productive members of society??? Hell no dude.  The parents are coming over here to find jobs and make something, but their children are the ones that are becoming problems, they don't want to do anything.  Hell they don't even want to learn how to speak our language. 

Loopholes..... childbirth.  Coming into the country pregnant and having a child here.  All I am saying is that there are loopholes in the system.  Hell they are taking advantage of our healthcare and welfare systems.  They go to a clinic and the place can't refuse them emergency services, that is coming out of our pockets as taxpayers.  Maybe since you are such a sympathizer we should take more out of your pay to pay for their services??? If that was an option would you accept??? Yea......... probably not
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

the problem we have is cops (another word for 'white people') are no longer allowed to regulate anything involving color/minorities and that is the issue.

-The Juice

Prison statistics easily prove that's a false assesment.
than it should prove my assesment TRUE does it not? Is that or is that not a problem?

its a problem in the sense that cops abuse power
and a problem because that abuse by some cops now people are more apprehensive towards regulation.

America is completely filled with nasty cycles that continue to rotate, but in order to stop these cycles, we have to take a chance some times. And like I said in my earlier posts (which were probably lost in here because people don't read or comprehend.) This is an opportune time for ALL people of color to unite and make a change.

-The Juice

1970   70% of prison population was white
2000  70% of prison population black, hispanic, asian and 30% white..

So are you trying to say that in 30 years white people stopped committing crimes by massive amounts, and black people started committing crime in massive amounts. All profiling shows it heeds to a certain people suffering, while a certain people benefit..

Normally when it comes to profiling whites benefit ( I am white) , and minorities suffer..  This is a slippery slope this bill put into motion.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

we shouldn't put all the blame on white cops tho.

i've gotten harassed by minorities (especially hispanics that feel god like because they are on the "man's" side now) more than white cops. at least, that's how i see it.

I totally agree. The blame should be spread across the board. But how do you think jail has shifted from whites in blacks and hispanics in jail?  *kanye shrug*

-The Juice
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

50 cool points to any that answer why the NYT didn't dare run stories like these for the past 15 years.

Illegal immigration is/was all about depressing wages and keeping the consumer economy going as industry was transported off shore . Nothing more.
This is a controversial law  because of the means to getting illegal imigrants deported, not the actual deportation itself.

"If you are Illegal, please come forward!". Is that the other way?
because deportations didn't exist prior to Thursday? Raids were a better  option

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I agree with this. As an American citizen, why is it my responsibility to care for a person who is in the country illegally. They are coming over here using our welfare programs and getting free healthcare and finding loopholes to become citizens. They have a crazy number of children who 75% of aren't going to be positive members of society, our country is already over populated. I feel as if they are stealing from me and every other citizen in this country who has the right to be here legally. Sure you can say we all came here as immigrants, but that was like 300 years ago. This isn't a free country anymore, you can't just walk over and do whatever you want. Our border patrols need to be more strict if anything. And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

does it hurt to be this ignorant? now 75% of american citizens from illegal parents (with the crazy amount of children) are not productive members of society.

PLEASE, show me your stats. second, loopholes to become citizens? do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen? sure, marrying somebody seems easy.. but it's far from it. if it was, there would be no illegals. lastly.. nobody is stopping the people you know to go work in the fields.
Seriously yes I believe it is around 75%.  I went to a high school with a high number of incoming hispanic students, and a majority of them didn't do anything to try and learn the language or anything.  They would just sit in their english language class and space out.  Now you are telling me those people are going to grow up as productive members of society??? Hell no dude.  The parents are coming over here to find jobs and make something, but their children are the ones that are becoming problems, they don't want to do anything.  Hell they don't even want to learn how to speak our language. 

Loopholes..... childbirth.  Coming into the country pregnant and having a child here.  All I am saying is that there are loopholes in the system.  Hell they are taking advantage of our healthcare and welfare systems.  They go to a clinic and the place can't refuse them emergency services, that is coming out of our pockets as taxpayers.  Maybe since you are such a sympathizer we should take more out of your pay to pay for their services??? If that was an option would you accept??? Yea......... probably not

oh, now you believe? a reply ago you seemed really certain. also, do you know enough hispanic families to group a whole race? my parents only have 2 kids. my aunts only have 2 kids. we must not be hispanic by your standards.

sit down, and shut the @!+@ up.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Some of you are making some pretty absurd arguments when it comes to illegal immigration. First you don't just have the right to be wherever you want. If you illegally entered a country like France for example best believe they would ship you out. You cheat the people who entered the country legally and waited for citizenship. I definitely don't agree that racial profiling is the answer but something needs to be done.
You do know this country was built on illegal immigration right?

No one is saying illegal immigration is a great thing.. But there's no reason to treat illegal immigrants like primitive animals that deserve no respect and no concern from people.
The country was also built by bringing in African slaves. Does that justify slavery? Illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated like animals and if i came off like i was saying that i was not. However they don't have a right to just go wherever they want. Times have changed 

Of course the way our country was built doesn't mean they should be able to travel freely without constraints. It is just to give a matter of perspective... We shouldn't demonize illegal immigrants for being here if that is what our founders did.. Now with slavery it is wrong no matter the circumstance so we cannot establish that it would be ok today because that was how America was built. Where as immigration was a way as a new & free life which makes it ok.. what they did with it wasn't ok.. All it is, is to give a matter of perspective and if we ignore that perspective we are not being genuine in this debate
This is a straw man argument.

Humans are inherently all immigrants because the Genus H omo (
) originated in Africa and immigrated to other lands.

So. Should all countries accept for those on the African Continent have lax immigration policies because "at one point time!" their land was built through immigration?
Sorry, couldn't resist on this one.

There's a pretty easy way to counter this argument.

At the time, it's pretty safe to say we didn't have a conceptualization of history. Genus H(omo) didn't know they were the first humans or that they would inevitably come to hate each other (if only they knew...). So it's not fair to regress all the way back to the earliest humans. Let's be a little less reckless.

This one point in time is practically yesterday. Let's go back to the not too distant past, say the 1800's. The western part of the US was still part of Mexico. People by then had a pretty good idea who they were and were aware organized living. in other words, people in the 1800's were smart in a way that people in the earliest days were.

We can say that any laws that are made NOW have to show some kind of compassion for the fellow human. We have to expect that, since now we are pretty intelligent as a species, we should be able to come up with more efficient, more intelligent laws. In other words, our laws should reflect our understanding of the world.

This Arizona law doesn't seem to reflect much in the way of efficiency. It actually seems kind of primitive (but like I said, I haven't seen it in action yet). While this law doesn't need to benefit the earliest humans (since they were around long before we developed a solid foundation of history and awareness), but it should comply with our understanding of things relating to recent times. The law makers should be much more aware of recent history than ancient history. In other words, I would expect a law maker to account for things that have happened yesterday, last week, last year, last century, but I don't expect  law makers to account for things that happened 10000's of years ago.

What I mean to say is, this law doesn't seem to take into consideration that there were Mexicans living in the western states (and the general western areas) for a long time before the US essentially snatched them. The western states have long been a destination for the people of Mexico and they continue to be. There's no denying that immigrants love coming here.

This is why there is a constant influx of Mexican immigrants. It's inevitable that the people that have historically lived here (not too long ago, remember?) continue to try and make a life up here. A simple law can't bury fresh history. It's still vividly remembered amongst the Mexican people that these states were a place where Mexicans could live in peace; not even necessarily because of the job opportunities, but just because they could.

 If it was so easy to stop immigration, the US would have succeeded, but since it's not so easy, you have to try an indirect approach. Ideally speaking, of course.

Okay, seriously, I will not post in this thread anymore. Let's stay in shape, wawaweewa!

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Back in college, I took a course on modern scarcity and resources. Professor called it... At the current rate, we cannot afford to have so many people coming into the country with the current resource reserves.

Personally, I hope this is a step towards getting these ridiculous Latino gangs out of here. I'm sick of that crap.

what are you going to do with the black/white/asian/whomever else gangs?

FYI, not all latino gang members are illegal aliens.

i know what you're getting at, and i completely agree. but the wording you choose makes it seem like it'll have be fine and dandy once the latinos are out.
No I think all gangs should be wiped out, I don't care what race. Gangs are such a waste.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

the problem we have is cops (another word for 'white people') are no longer allowed to regulate anything involving color/minorities and that is the issue.

-The Juice

Prison statistics easily prove that's a false assesment.
than it should prove my assesment TRUE does it not? Is that or is that not a problem?

its a problem in the sense that cops abuse power
and a problem because that abuse by some cops now people are more apprehensive towards regulation.

America is completely filled with nasty cycles that continue to rotate, but in order to stop these cycles, we have to take a chance some times. And like I said in my earlier posts (which were probably lost in here because people don't read or comprehend.) This is an opportune time for ALL people of color to unite and make a change.

-The Juice

1970   70% of prison population was white
2000  70% of prison population black, hispanic, asian and 30% white..

So are you trying to say that in 30 years white people stopped committing crimes by massive amounts, and black people started committing crime in massive amounts. All profiling shows it heeds to a certain people suffering, while a certain people benefit..

Normally when it comes to profiling whites benefit ( I am white) , and minorities suffer..  This is a slippery slope this bill put into motion.
No I am saying that cops turn a blind eye to white people commiting crimes. And minorities are sometimes with provided with crappy representation in the courts

-The Juice
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

50 cool points to any that answer why the NYT didn't dare run stories like these for the past 15 years.

Illegal immigration is/was all about depressing wages and keeping the consumer economy going as industry was transported off shore . Nothing more.
This is a controversial law  because of the means to getting illegal imigrants deported, not the actual deportation itself.

"If you are Illegal, please come forward!". Is that the other way?
because deportations didn't exist prior to Thursday? Raids were a better  option

I know raids on businesses can be carried out by ICE aka INS (federal agents) but I think there are legal or practical obstacles to states carrying out such raids.
I'm not sure though. I'm basing this on the fact that states would raid if they could but all raids on businesses seem to be headed by federal agents.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I agree with this. As an American citizen, why is it my responsibility to care for a person who is in the country illegally. They are coming over here using our welfare programs and getting free healthcare and finding loopholes to become citizens. They have a crazy number of children who 75% of aren't going to be positive members of society, our country is already over populated. I feel as if they are stealing from me and every other citizen in this country who has the right to be here legally. Sure you can say we all came here as immigrants, but that was like 300 years ago. This isn't a free country anymore, you can't just walk over and do whatever you want. Our border patrols need to be more strict if anything. And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

does it hurt to be this ignorant? now 75% of american citizens from illegal parents (with the crazy amount of children) are not productive members of society.
PLEASE, show me your stats. second, loopholes to become citizens? do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen? sure, marrying somebody seems easy.. but it's far from it. if it was, there would be no illegals. lastly.. nobody is stopping the people you know to go work in the fields.
Seriously yes I believe it is around 75%.  I went to a high school with a high number of incoming hispanic students, and a majority of them didn't do anything to try and learn the language or anything.  They would just sit in their english language class and space out.  Now you are telling me those people are going to grow up as productive members of society??? Hell no dude.  The parents are coming over here to find jobs and make something, but their children are the ones that are becoming problems, they don't want to do anything.  Hell they don't even want to learn how to speak our language. 

Loopholes..... childbirth.  Coming into the country pregnant and having a child here.  All I am saying is that there are loopholes in the system.  Hell they are taking advantage of our healthcare and welfare systems.  They go to a clinic and the place can't refuse them emergency services, that is coming out of our pockets as taxpayers.  Maybe since you are such a sympathizer we should take more out of your pay to pay for their services??? If that was an option would you accept??? Yea......... probably not

its ashame this board is full of closet racists

did this guy just say that most of the hispanic kids arent going to be productive members of society? how do you even know? son could read the future

have you ever tried to learn another language? not easy huh, especially for others that  have 1000000 other problems to deal with everyday
I move for a thinning of the American heard. Anyone who isn't doing something productive and has no skill set should be kicked out immediately no matter if you were born here or not. That should help keep resources in good supply
Bottom line less illegals equals
Less crime
Higher wages
Lower medical costs
Less crowded classrooms
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Bottom line less illegals equals
Less crime
Higher wages
Lower medical costs
Less crowded classrooms

you keep thinking that.....

unfortunately a poor hispanic citizen is gonna have to die over some wild issssh for them to open they eyes that this is straight up legal racial profiling.
the most effed up part of this bill is that all it is doing is affecting Hispanics who migrated here legally over generations. do you think some person who lives in Mexico and plans on coming here is going to say to themselves " o man i don't have an id, they are going to kick me out if they find me". nope. they will come here just like they been have and take a chance at getting caught.

now instead of investigating actual crimes, police officers are going to be too busy harassing people.

people who have been here for generations should not be subject to having their rights trampled on just because of the way they look. if the law was if the police stopped you for a legitimate concern, then they have the right to establish your nationality, I might agree with it. but to strip rights away from law abiding citizens just because some people may be breaking laws is wrong.

and to the people arguing that you are OK with giving up your rights, that's good for you but I'm not. the most ironic part of this time me, is i know this is coming from right wingers who swear the government is out to take away their freedoms, but last time i check the constitution consisted of more than the second amendment.
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Bottom line less illegals equals
Less crime
Higher wages
Lower medical costs
Less crowded classrooms

Reducing any demographic will yield to these results.

I'd rather have some of the hard working illegal immigrants than the numerous lazy able bodied people in America who contribute absolutely nothing to the GDP. The Americans who make zero effort to go get a job and do something productive.
this is sickening.. and it's been going on too long.. the government creates an issue and the solution to the issue involves deterioration of our 4th amendment rights.. the government uses some straight mafia tactics sometimes.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

airblaster503 wrote:
  I went to a high school with a high number of incoming hispanic students, and a majority of them didn't do anything to try and learn the language or anything.  They would just sit in their english language class and space out.  Now you are telling me those people are going to grow up as productive members of society??? Hell no dude.  

its ashame this board is full of closet racists

did this guy just say that most of the hispanic kids arent going to be productive members of society? how do you even know? son could read the future

have you ever tried to learn another language? not easy huh, especially for others that  have 1000000 other problems to deal with everyday

airblaster acting like non-hispanic students are heaven sent kids that don't space out in class... closet racism is right. 
Originally Posted by pianoman52

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

airblaster503 wrote:
  I went to a high school with a high number of incoming hispanic students, and a majority of them didn't do anything to try and learn the language or anything.  They would just sit in their english language class and space out.  Now you are telling me those people are going to grow up as productive members of society??? Hell no dude.  

its ashame this board is full of closet racists

did this guy just say that most of the hispanic kids arent going to be productive members of society? how do you even know? son could read the future

have you ever tried to learn another language? not easy huh, especially for others that  have 1000000 other problems to deal with everyday

airblaster acting like non-hispanic students are heaven sent kids that don't space out in class... closet racism is right. 

you didn't know??? only hispanic kids are the one's that don't pay attention in class...

you cats on NT are hilarious...stop generalizing people
SNL had a good segment on this. The only time when a person ever asked for papers was in old WWII movies from the Germans. Every time Arizona law enforcement asks for your papers, Hitler's family gets a residual.
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