The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

Now that a recesion has hit and theyre outta jobs theyre willing to do it for a paycheck but before? Wouldnt think twice about working in the field a day in their life.

So now it is legal to harass, detain and discriminate against any and all Hispanics in Arizona?  Pathetic excuse to justify racism. 
i disagree with essential. we cant just start up easy immigration programs when our own people need work first. The idea someone posted earlier about businesses requiring SS# numbers is great, and w
Originally Posted by OldDogPR

Bottom line less illegals equals
Less crime
Higher wages
Lower medical costs
Less crowded classrooms
 @ this buffon's statement. You know you're right the biggest crime offenders are the illegals, crime isn't in a U.S. citizen's vocab. (SARCASM) 
 He said less crowded classrooms this guy is killing me. I really hope you aren't hispanic at all 
. You know what is very sad, many of those kids who come from immigrant parents and families and you guys claim aren't productive to this country at all, die defending this country's honor. By joining the armed forces and fighting many of it's unnecessary wars. Many of them being hispanic they die to defend this country's honor and constitution and for what?? When the constitution isn't even enforced inside the country itself.
OJ mad salty cuz JROSe called him what he truly is.

wawajewaa even saltier bringing in the NYT. you know why no one runs it. because your precious CAPITALIST nation, the head honchos, the CEOS, the small business owners CANNOT function without illegals. too many entitled di que "citizens" dont have the crass to work those jobs. Recession...more like stop blamin g the gov and stop being lazy. If Juan and Jose can bust their butts working below min wage. Beaver Cleaver and Fonzi can do it too.


Fall back you aint nothing in this country
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

It's laughable that the Latino people in this thread feel that it is almost a right and given that all Mexicans who cross the border deserve to be here. As if illegal immigration is truthfully not a problem and should be encouraged. And they bring up the topic of Ellis Island. Ellis Island was made to encourage immigrants and welcome them. Used to build America and pump money into the economy, to LEGALLY inspect people and make sure their papers were in order. It was opened and then closed. It was an opportunity NOT a free-for-all. People think because America is "free" that means everyone is allowed in. There are specific reasons as too why becoming a citizen is a long process. If it wasn't, this country would turn into China with 6 billion people all across the globe packed in.

Yeah lets ignore protocol and allow everyone at any time, and not make them go through a process, to get proper identification. And lets ignore protocol all under the title of "Freedom for all."

Next time I go to a Kanye concert I'll protest because they are only letting dimes backstage to meat Ye and GOOD Music. They are descriminating to males and it's wrong, and they are treating me like an "animal". Taking away my freedom to walk backstage.

And EVERYONE should be profiled? Maybe the Constitution is not so much a strong point in how this country does things.... right?
I feel EVERYBODY should be checked for citizenship.

-The Juice

I agree with this.  As an American citizen, why is it my responsibility to care for a person who is in the country illegally.  They are coming over here using our welfare programs and getting free healthcare and finding loopholes to become citizens.  They have a crazy number of children who 75% of aren't going to be positive members of society, our country is already over populated.  I feel as if they are stealing from me and every other citizen in this country who has the right to be here legally.  Sure you can say we all came here as immigrants, but that was like 300 years ago.  This isn't a free country anymore, you can't just walk over and do whatever you want.  Our border patrols need to be more strict if anything.  And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

I agree with some of your points but some are ridiculous. Illegals do put a huge strain on the welfare and health care system. My mom works in a hospital and told me a majority of the patients coming to give birth are illegals. The hospital is legally bound to providing health care while the rest of us pay out the *&* for it. With that being said unless you can see the future how can you say 75% of their cildren will be unproductive members of socety. I see where your going with this and i agree but i think your racist attitude is covering your logic
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

It's laughable that the Latino people in this thread feel that it is almost a right and given that all Mexicans who cross the border deserve to be here. As if illegal immigration is truthfully not a problem and should be encouraged. And they bring up the topic of Ellis Island. Ellis Island was made to encourage immigrants and welcome them. Used to build America and pump money into the economy, to LEGALLY inspect people and make sure their papers were in order. It was opened and then closed. It was an opportunity NOT a free-for-all. People think because America is "free" that means everyone is allowed in. There are specific reasons as too why becoming a citizen is a long process. If it wasn't, this country would turn into China with 6 billion people all across the globe packed in.

Yeah lets ignore protocol and allow everyone at any time, and not make them go through a process, to get proper identification. And lets ignore protocol all under the title of "Freedom for all."

Next time I go to a Kanye concert I'll protest because they are only letting dimes backstage to meat Ye and GOOD Music. They are descriminating to males and it's wrong, and they are treating me like an "animal". Taking away my freedom to walk backstage.

And EVERYONE should be profiled? Maybe the Constitution is not so much a strong point in how this country does things.... right?
I feel EVERYBODY should be checked for citizenship.

-The Juice

I agree with this.  As an American citizen, why is it my responsibility to care for a person who is in the country illegally.  They are coming over here using our welfare programs and getting free healthcare and finding loopholes to become citizens.  They have a crazy number of children who 75% of aren't going to be positive members of society, our country is already over populated.  I feel as if they are stealing from me and every other citizen in this country who has the right to be here legally.  Sure you can say we all came here as immigrants, but that was like 300 years ago.  This isn't a free country anymore, you can't just walk over and do whatever you want.  Our border patrols need to be more strict if anything.  And you can say they take jobs Americans don't want, hell I know people that have been out of work for a year and would go out and work in fields for a pay check.

and what makes you such a productive member of society?  you come across a sheltered ignorant closed minded lame.

i agree, this countries population is a problem. so lets fix it, go jump off a bridge so there can be one less person polluting the country with stupid rhetorical garbage.
Here in the UK our PM wanted to bring in ID cards for everyone to have. I'd agree with that, if your not guilty then theres no problem with being asked to see ID is there? I'll have to read more thoroughly about whats goin on with you guys though...
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

And EVERYONE should be profiled? Maybe the Constitution is not so much a strong point in how this country does things.... right?
I feel EVERYBODY should be checked for citizenship.

-The Juice

In the long run I believe that that is the point of this bill. Which is to use immigration as an excuse to get people to start carry around ID, and start the process towards identification chips. The only difference is that instead of using one front to steer people towards this they're using several, immigration being the most emotional of them

I don't know how many of you know this but in NY they can charge women for solicitation according to how much money they're carry with them and whether they possess identification...... so say you don't have any cash and identification on you can be charged for solicitation.

Also as far as I know it's pretty much been an unwritten law in minority communities [well in NY atleast] that you must carry around some form of ID .... so while illegal immigration is a huge problem and is being pumped as the main reason for this bill, I believe it's a smoke screen so people could get more accustomed and in a way "riled up" to prove that they're a citizen, they're here legally and would line up by the thousands to get their ID chips implanted to prove so.

At the end  of the day if the US wanted to put a major damper or stopgap in illegal immigration from places like Mexico they would have ... all you have to  look at are the steps they took to simmer down illegal immigration from the Caribbean 
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Just saw some footage on Telemundo I think it was of some people yelling at the governor's car or something.

"When's the last time you saw a Latino on the street begging for spare change?! Never. We only see you lazy white people. We love working!"


 true dat
1 out of ten homeless is hispanic
at least in my view.

and for those who say "they took our jobs"
thats bs a person who doesnt have papers
and a person who does have papers
the person who doesnt have papers puts the effort to work no matter the money or time
while the person who does have papers complains about the wages and the hard work
"ohh no i want a better paying job"
as far as crime every single ethinicity comits crimes so it doesnt make a difference....
White people are always the victim. Aside from a few I know...If you're white; you're not right.
Funny because we (USA) enter any country we want illegally, start illegal wars, dump illegal waste, but as a country we complain about people not being legally citizens.
The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Latinos are the only illegal immigrants?

and arent you always suppose to carry ID around with you, especially if you are driving a car?
I never really thought about it. I never see homeless Hispanic people

Like yea illegal immigrants accept benefits but Latinos love to work. IDK why.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Some of you are making some pretty absurd arguments when it comes to illegal immigration. First you don't just have the right to be wherever you want. If you illegally entered a country like France for example best believe they would ship you out. You cheat the people who entered the country legally and waited for citizenship. I definitely don't agree that racial profiling is the answer but something needs to be done.
You do know this country was built on illegal immigration right?

No one is saying illegal immigration is a great thing.. But there's no reason to treat illegal immigrants like primitive animals that deserve no respect and no concern from people.
The country was also built by bringing in African slaves. Does that justify slavery? Illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated like animals and if i came off like i was saying that i was not. However they don't have a right to just go wherever they want. Times have changed 

Of course the way our country was built doesn't mean they should be able to travel freely without constraints. It is just to give a matter of perspective... We shouldn't demonize illegal immigrants for being here if that is what our founders did.. Now with slavery it is wrong no matter the circumstance so we cannot establish that it would be ok today because that was how America was built. Where as immigration was a way as a new & free life which makes it ok.. what they did with it wasn't ok.. All it is, is to give a matter of perspective and if we ignore that perspective we are not being genuine in this debate
This is a straw man argument.

Humans are inherently all immigrants because the Genus H omo (
) originated in Africa and immigrated to other lands.

So. Should all countries accept for those on the African Continent have lax immigration policies because "at one point time!" their land was built through immigration?
Sorry, couldn't resist on this one.

There's a pretty easy way to counter this argument.

At the time, it's pretty safe to say we didn't have a conceptualization of history. Genus H(omo) didn't know they were the first humans or that they would inevitably come to hate each other (if only they knew...). So it's not fair to regress all the way back to the earliest humans. Let's be a little less reckless.

This one point in time is practically yesterday. Let's go back to the not too distant past, say the 1800's. The western part of the US was still part of Mexico. People by then had a pretty good idea who they were and were aware organized living. in other words, people in the 1800's were smart in a way that people in the earliest days were.

We can say that any laws that are made NOW have to show some kind of compassion for the fellow human. We have to expect that, since now we are pretty intelligent as a species, we should be able to come up with more efficient, more intelligent laws. In other words, our laws should reflect our understanding of the world.

This Arizona law doesn't seem to reflect much in the way of efficiency. It actually seems kind of primitive (but like I said, I haven't seen it in action yet). While this law doesn't need to benefit the earliest humans (since they were around long before we developed a solid foundation of history and awareness), but it should comply with our understanding of things relating to recent times. The law makers should be much more aware of recent history than ancient history. In other words, I would expect a law maker to account for things that have happened yesterday, last week, last year, last century, but I don't expect  law makers to account for things that happened 10000's of years ago.

What I mean to say is, this law doesn't seem to take into consideration that there were Mexicans living in the western states (and the general western areas) for a long time before the US essentially snatched them. The western states have long been a destination for the people of Mexico and they continue to be. There's no denying that immigrants love coming here.

This is why there is a constant influx of Mexican immigrants. It's inevitable that the people that have historically lived here (not too long ago, remember?) continue to try and make a life up here. A simple law can't bury fresh history. It's still vividly remembered amongst the Mexican people that these states were a place where Mexicans could live in peace; not even necessarily because of the job opportunities, but just because they could.

 If it was so easy to stop immigration, the US would have succeeded, but since it's not so easy, you have to try an indirect approach. Ideally speaking, of course.

Okay, seriously, I will not post in this thread anymore. Let's stay in shape, wawaweewa!


The argument that humans have somehow advanced doesn't really hold. Yes, we have advanced technologically and have found ways to prolong survival and "make the world go round" (if you will) but at the end of the day the humans of today are not at all far removed from the our earliest ancestors. As Truman said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know".

The fact that the US bought and stole various parts of former Mexican territory has no bearing on this argument either. No group of people have an inalienable right to any piece of land. Land  on this earth constantly changes hands  through a variety of means. Just because it used to be Mexican territory means very little.

I agree that this is a very crude and ultimately unconstitutional law but the reason for it is that immigration enforcement is a federal duty.
Since the federal government is catering to certain interests that benefit from illegal immigration and not enforcing the nation's laws, then states have to resort to extreme tactics.
States do not have a constitutional avenue to enforce immigration laws . The only way they can enforce such laws is through inherently unconstitutional means. It's understandable where Arizona is coming from.  The federal government has simply resorted to conspiring against the States on this issue. They know that the States cannot enforce federal immigration laws through constitutional means.

Again, I don't blame illegal immigrants for doing what they do. People do whatever they have to do to survive. On the other hand, I can't blame another group of people for trying to protect their interests as well. That's part of the game.
Originally Posted by So Authentic

Mexicans need to stop running from their own countries problems and do something about those druglords instead of coming here and messing our economy up even worse than it already is.

I have A LOT of catching up to do but ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY @#! OFF at you believing that Mexicans make a dent in this country's financial problems.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DubA169

The people praising this bill are the same people screaming "Obama took my freedoms"

oh the irony.....
Dumb. And you bolded it as if it was a profound statement.

Although this bill is rough and should be reformed, this is at least an idea to handle a growing immigration problem. It's been said many times before, immigration causes more problems than actually help the country no matter how bad NT latinos want to believe it's a good thing.

-The Juice
do americans not realize there are also THOUSANDS of illegal Polish, Swedish,Vietnamese, Chinese, etc immigrants?
So harassment is legal "where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien."  Define "reasonable suspicion."  You can't.  "Misguided" is an understatement.
Originally Posted by So Authentic

Mexicans need to stop running from their own countries problems and do something about those druglords instead of coming here and messing our economy up even worse than it already is.
Please stick to playing video games.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

do americans not realize there are also THOUSANDS of illegal Polish, Swedish,Vietnamese, Chinese, etc immigrants?

11 million illegal immigrants, 57% are from Mexico.  That's why the receive the most attention. All illegals are accounted for under the same standard though. I personally have had friends from Europe be deported back for being here illegally.
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