The Arizona Immigration Bill has been passed

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

i mean... if ur here illegally... thats illegal.

cant break laws just cause it will work out better for your people.


bumped for the ignant NTers
it's crazy how these threads show the backwards mindset of some members on here.

aside from that, ima wait for the 3rd period of this kings canucks game to start. the kings are gettin spanked 4-1 btw.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by 310HxA

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Well being here illegally is a crime.
 Yea thats such a big crime right? Especially if the illegal works hard, pays taxes, and helps pump money into the economy but no it's still a crime right!? 
 Grow up
Alright cool, I understand they work hard. But did they take a job an U.S CITIZEN could of had. Yes.
 Now you say that these immigrants take jobs away from citizens, I beg to differ because most "illegal aliens" take jobs at vegetation sites aka picking vegetables or what not, you're telling me that an american citizen is going to get in those fields  and do what these immigrants do? fraid not buddy 
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by 310HxA

It's a vicious circle that you all will NEVER get out of. The Latin community, and Black community should join together and really make a push to change the course of America. Instead continually giving whites fodder to profile us.

-The Juice
This statement right here is the only thing I agree on what you've said all night. It's time both communities join together and fight the power.
reading the news at cnn. it mentions 4 lawmakers from other states have approached the general counsel for the immigration reform law institute in drafting their respective state's immigration law.

i'm guessing california, texas, new mexico and florida
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

 OJ nailed it in this thread.

When the Patriot Act passed (and subsequently) renewed most of the people in here crying about this new AZ law didn't utter a peep? Why? Because it didn't specifically target your people. Fine. If you want to play that game then why should those who are not "your" people care?

To be fair, the renewal wasn't extensively covered on here (even a thread) as this is.Also, in the majority of threads targeting Arabs or Muslims, you'll find many people getting upset over things like profiling and Guantanamo
The fact that the renewal of the Patriot Act wasn't covered as extensively on NT is neither here nor there.

OF course many people got upset in the threads that discussed targeting Arabs/ Muslims. Most of them were Arab or Muslim themselves. That is completely understandable. I'll guarantee that if we go back to those threads that very few non Arab/Muslims were vehement in their defense.

This is the problem. Most people only care when they are particularly effected.

CallHimAR, Essential1, Daytona and Haze almost always pop up in those threads. Doubt any of them are Muslim.
My hunch is that they are all Black Americans and they know what it's like to be profiled.
My comments were directed, implicitly, to the many in this thread of hispanic/latino origin. I'm sure there are a few in other threads but not many.
And the results are in....           ESSENTIAL1 IS WHITE.. But I am deeply aware of my white privilege and the history of race in this country.. And it happens to be that my race is pretty damn guilty of crimes against the rights of other races.. From the 1600s to even today..
Originally Posted by backpacker23

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by 310HxA

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HyphySole

Well, how else would they get illegals out of Arizona? Im not saying all illegals are bad, but some of them commit crimes here in AZ and get away with it.

If someone commits a crime and isn't a citizen,sending them to their native country seems like a good idea
Well being here illegally is a crime.
 Yea thats such a big crime right? Especially if the illegal works hard, pays taxes, and helps pump money into the economy but no it's still a crime right!? 
 Grow up
Alright cool, I understand they work hard. But did they take a job an U.S CITIZEN could of had. Yes.
 Now you say that these immigrants take jobs away from citizens, I beg to differ because most "illegal aliens" take jobs at vegetation sites aka picking vegetables or what not, you're telling me that an american citizen is going to get in those fields  and do what these immigrants do? fraid not buddy 
Theres a difference between immigrant and an ILLEGAL alien buddy. The fact is, if you arent here legally, you should'nt be here. 
i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?

Before you insult the President educate yourself on Federalism.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?

Before you insult the President educate yourself on Federalism.
go wiki civil liberties
I hope this gets people to start studying The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. I'm sure everybody knows this act is UN-Constitutional, right?

The supreme Law of the land gives you rights, granted by your Creator, to go without interference from govn't. Just read the first 10 amendments.

There are many illegal immigrants who come here for a better life and then there are those who come for the benefits, like wellfare. They come(no point intended), have children, they get a SSN and now their children are eligible for benefits. I'm not saying they shouldn't come cuz my mom came from mexico and I was born here. My mon is now a residential alien. All I'm saying is if the govn't really wanted to stop the immigrats from crossing the border, they'll should fix on who is eligible. But they won't, the govn't wants people to come and have children and get a SSN.

Now, imo, this act is for everybody. Its to make sure you have your papers(hail Hitler/you are in the system). And that is just my opinion. 
What's truly scary about this bill is it sets a precedent for profiling. now it's Hispanics, but what's to stop them from stopping black people because they may be Nigerian or Haitian.

Besides the fact Mexicans are a scapegoat for a larger threat to the American workforce, people who come over on work visas, and continue to stay without becoming citizens.

All this bill is going to do is galvanize another minority to the democratic party, how civil rights legislation pretty much delivered the black vote to the democrats. It won't be too long before there are no longer a white majority in this country and those people who are in power solely because of a white majority are doing everything they can to try to hold on to it. Sadly instead of building coalitions and actually try to solve the problem we get crap like this.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?
Immigrants do all the cheap labor in this country. They work on all these farms and factories  for basically nothing. No unions, no healthcare and definitely very poor working conditions/hours. You want to kick them my guest. Then you can see how prices for everything skyrocket when it's cutting into these corporations profit margins. OrenthalJames definitely sounds ignorant especially calling muslim people a race. I didn't know black muslim and asian muslim were the same race. I guess the verdict is still out on that. Clearly you have been enjoying being a citizen, but had you been immigrant like the many I see everyday here in NYC working, struggling to get by to help their families out back home. Get off your high horse and treat all human beings as equals with respect whether they are different race, social class, legal or illegal.

TeamJordan79 wrote:
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

i know for a fact that certain corporations hire illegal workers for cheap labor. They def wont get sued. Lobbying game is too strong.

smh@ the bill tho

wheres the "change" at?

Before you insult the President educate yourself on Federalism.
go wiki civil liberties

you do know that every bill in the United States is not created by the president? And that the President, US Senate and US House of Representative is completely different from a state legislative body which has its own senators, assemblymen etc.  Obama has absolutely nothing to do with this bill. Obama even came out and criticized this bill and asked his justice team to research whether or not this bill is legal, as a means to prevent it from passing if it is illegal. If it is legal there is very little he can do..

So when you ask "Where's the Change at?" You should understand how the government work..
If I lived in Arizona and I saw a cop harassing my fellow Latinos, you better believe I'd stand there and wait to see how they "politely handle the situation"

Do like we do in NY when we see a racist cop harassing black and latino kids and pull out my phone and record them.

Keeps them in check.

#%#$ Arizona.
I foresee many V For Vendetta-like moments coming to TV screens near you in the coming years...

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