^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by MastaMind033

^^I don't know why I said metahumans but Black Panther isn't considered a mutant either, he's a mutate.

So I guess that isn't an Easter Egg then? If it tracks mutants and Black Panther isn't a mutant then... 
It tracks mutates and Favreau in the DVD/Blu-ray admitted it was a direct reference to Black Panther.
Originally Posted by MastaMind033

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by MastaMind033

^^I don't know why I said metahumans but Black Panther isn't considered a mutant either, he's a mutate.

So I guess that isn't an Easter Egg then? If it tracks mutants and Black Panther isn't a mutant then... 
It tracks mutates and Favreau in the DVD/Blu-ray admitted it was a direct reference to Black Panther.

Gotta make it clear next time man. 
^^No problem man, my wording was a little off.

As far as a Luke Cage movie, I have no idea would could fulfill the role right now but I'd like to see a Luke Cage and Iron First film with the Heroes for Hire angle.
Originally Posted by RFX45

GL2 is already green lit with Reynolds staying as Hal. To be honest, Reynolds was much better as Hal than I anticipated. It was the story and cgi and stupid decisions that made it dumb. They should have picked a different villain, even if the villain is more vague (not someone like Parallax that is one of Hals biggest villain and screw it up) just to get a good origin movie out of the way. 
Mark Strong was the goods as Sinestro, but man, I hated that movie.

I got a hard time not blaming Reynolds for some of that.
I am not sure where you read or heard that Snyders Superman is leading it off to eventually become a JLA film, I sure haven't read or heard it from a legitimate source. 

Well it got greenlit after Iron Man...they're already rebooting for a JLA friendly Batman...and after Avengers happened like it did....
JLA doesn't need a "qb" to fomr the team, it can easily be anyone or just by chance. Keep in mind, the original Avengers were not formed by Nick Fury. They just got together to battle and joined up and formed the group afterwards. To be honest, a worlds finest movie would more plausible at this point and could just be as epic as the Avengers. If I were DC/WB, I'd tackle that first before venturing to a JLA movie. 

When I say qb I mean both someone to be the face of it like RDJ and ways to show all the films are connected like a Nick Fury or Agent Coulson.
World's Finest could be really interesting...instead of a full Batman reboot, they could do a soft reboot like Incredible Hulk and jump into that story.

It's just looking down the line...you got a Zach Snyder movie, a sequel to something everyone hated, a reboot no one wants and chick action movie they've been failing at making for over a decade being your lead-off movies...that's rough.
I'm just really not looking forward to another Batman reboot. I mean do we really need to see an origin story flashback where his parent dies?

I mean I was a bit disappointed to hear the new SpiderMan having a reboot but after seeing the previews and how it seems significantly different it is (his parents are scientist that might be responsible for his powers?), I am perfectly fine with it.
Why do they need to even do another Batman reboot?  Just have him appear in future JLA movies for the next decade.  I don't think introducing a JLA-friendly Batman is necessary but I do know the studio needs to fill their fat pockets even more.  Franchises don't need to reboot at the end of every trilogy.  Do it like how they're planning the Iron-Man movies with just continuing on like James Bond.
While they were shooting TDKR, DC flat out said they're working on a Batman reboot that would fit in with JLA.

There's no justifying a new one so soon, but that's them.

And yea, new Spidey doesn't get me hyped, but it doesn't look bad like I thought it would.
They're doing some interesting stuff in the blindspots and leftover ideas from the og trilogy.
Besides, I never liked Dunst or Maguire anyways and that last movie
That makes no sense about the Black Panther reference. There's never been an explicit device that could detect mutate's in the MarvelU. Some machine's/robot's MIGHT mention that somebody isn't a mutant and is something else but the goal was always to detect something else. For example, I can't really recall a sentinel scanning Medusa and mentioning she's different or specifically an Inhuman. Same would go for Cap.
^^In Iron Man 2, the map is shown to Stark when the Avenger Initiative is brought up. The map isn't a device that finds all mutates on the planet, it was just a map of mutates that S.H.I.E.L.D. are aware of. There was also a symbol over the Arctic which was a reference to Cap's frozen body.
^I thought it was just a vague map of situations that SHIELD is aware of?
i read online that the villain for the next wolverine film is silver samurai

is this character great or anything?
Silver Samurai would be really cool actually, but I really want them to stop making Wolverine movies
SS is a great villain for Wolverine but overall not much. I just hope they get the whole theme right since it'll probably be mainly set in Japan. This is that honorable samurai phase in Logan's life. Hope Ogun and Yukio are in it.

Too early and too confusing to have Romulus in a Wolverine movie.
i was reading about this romulus guy ( guy who's pic i just posted)

he would make alot of sense in a wolverine film
Not in the 2nd one. Romulus has been the secret hand in the shadows guiding Logan's life for a purpose. He's the reason for almost all of his tragedies and downfalls. IMO you'd need to establish all of the horrible %$#@ that has happened to him before you reveal why and who is doing it. You'd have to establish why Cyber and Sabertooth are scared to death of him and every other feral mutant connected in that conspiracy.

You do it now, he'll always know who it is and why unless you're planning to just brainwash/manipulate Logan's mind or give him amnesia again at the end of the movie.

Plus you can't pull off introducing Romulus without introducing Daken. Keep in mind this dude was only revealed to be who he is the past 7 years or so after Logan got back all of his memories. He's not some long time Wolverine villain he's been fighting for decades like Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike, Sabertooth, etc.
luke cage film in the works, but its been years like that.

jamie foxx and tyrese gibson are the top 2 candidates for the role.
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