The Best player NOT to win an NBA Championship...

1998-99 was Duncan's second year. The year they won the title.

and another stat, Duncan took 7 more shots a game that season.
Originally Posted by indohan

Ewing? NONO, someone who got owned by the famous dunk of Pippen..
Stockton? His stats shows that he's a hall of famer, but he's the dirtiest player of all time, maybe..
Mailman? A team mate of Stockton, doesn't deserve that as well..
Many has forgotten John Starks.. Even though I hate him..


P.S.i didnt know Starks was one of the best

You were just proven wrong about your statement to say Robinson was still the #1 option, and Duncan's supposed rookie year.

Thats all
Originally Posted by allen3xis


You were just proven wrong about your statement to say Robinson was still the #1 option, and Duncan's supposed rookie year.

Thats all

I might be wrong about Duncan's rookie year..
But Robinson's contribution for bringing in the ring, I don't think I was wrong about that.

And yeah, I still stand on my belief: NY pride is ridiculous, especially when it comes from a teenager.
Originally Posted by nitzski

Why do y'all even respond to this Indohan dude? He clearly knows nothing about Basketball.

His "logic" is some of the most ridiculous I've EVER heard in life on any subject...

yeah ive stopped this guy got absolutley no clue what he is saying and is a damn fool. The arguments he keeps making about David Robinson are ridiculour.Saying that Duncan was a rookie and wasnt the #1 option.
andsaying that Robinson is better because of a 71 point game which was also in the regular season. My point is clear. Throughout the 90s Pat always steppe up bigtime in the playoffs. Robinson and the Spurs no where near the success matched by the Knicks and Robinson never stepped up as much as Ewing did in the 90s,their primes. Robinson did get his rings but that was Tim Duncan ran teams, if Ewing had duncan he would have won also. During their primes Pat was the bestcenter along with Hakeem in the NBA. They (not Robinson) met in the finals in 94 which was the series without MJ that displayed the 2 best centers in thatera.
Stop trying to dis my knowledge man, all your facts are wack and wrong. TD was a rookie in 97. He was scoring as allenxis mentioned 22 and 11 whileRobinson was outting up 16 and 10, Ewing put up 17 and 10 and missed the finals, another reason the Knicks lost so bad.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by nitzski

Why do y'all even respond to this Indohan dude? He clearly knows nothing about Basketball.

His "logic" is some of the most ridiculous I've EVER heard in life on any subject...

yeah ive stopped this guy got absolutley no clue what he is saying and is a damn fool. The arguments he keeps making about David Robinson are ridiculour. Saying that Duncan was a rookie and wasnt the #1 option.
and saying that Robinson is better because of a 71 point game which was also in the regular season. My point is clear. Throughout the 90s Pat always steppe up big time in the playoffs. Robinson and the Spurs no where near the success matched by the Knicks and Robinson never stepped up as much as Ewing did in the 90s, their primes. Robinson did get his rings but that was Tim Duncan ran teams, if Ewing had duncan he would have won also. During their primes Pat was the best center along with Hakeem in the NBA. They (not Robinson) met in the finals in 94 which was the series without MJ that displayed the 2 best centers in that era.
Stop trying to dis my knowledge man, all your facts are wack and wrong. TD was a rookie in 97. He was scoring as allenxis mentioned 22 and 11 while Robinson was outting up 16 and 10, Ewing put up 17 and 10 and missed the finals, another reason the Knicks lost so bad.

Kid, as I said, I'm too tired to argue with you.. Your NY pride is too ridiculouS.Let me recall... OH YES, Patrick Ewing is just like Kobe Bryant, had not won any MVP award.. That's right...
As I said earlier on, I was wrong about the TD rookie thing. But it's very clear that Robinson made a great contribution to bring in the ring. You thinkpeople's heroic acts are measured by STATS?
In that case, Rodman is nowhere near contributing to the bulls team... He only posted double digit on rebounds... Bruce Bowen too... Make sense? NOT AT ALL.BECAUSE THEY ARE CRUCIAL PART OF THE TEAM.

Please don't let me insult your intelligent... NO MAN ON EARTH COULD SINGLE HANDEDLY BRING A TEAM TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIP.
Hakeem failed, Iverson failed, LeBron failed, Robinson failed, EVEN MJ FAILED. You were saying TD BRING THE CHAMPIONSHIP without Robinson's contribution?
Stay in school, kid.
Oh btw, do you know who is Rodman? His fullname is Dennis Rodman. Google it.
Patrick Ewing stepped up "BIG TIME" in the 90s... Sure, 1 appearance on NBA Finals, 1 loss. Great steeping up.
yeah ive stopped this guy got absolutley no clue what he is saying and is a damn fool.

And careful kid... I'm being polite here, doesn't mean I can't use nasty words on you. This is just a discussion, you don't have to call othersnames.
As I said, it's your NY pride... Try to let it go a little bit and let others' opinion comes in for you to think about..
^ Lebron has damn near 15 years to win one. Trust me, he will win AT LEAST one.

I love how this turned into a "Robinson vs Ewing" thread. Definately not the intention. The best player RIGHT NOW not to win a championship.
Yawn... Best dunker of all time should win at least one... Don't be the next Dominique...
LeBron need to learn to trust his teammates.. At least, threaten his coach to sign better players...
Karl Malone
John Stockton
Charles Barkley
Kevin Johnson

Four of my favorites never got a ring because of Mike. I hated him for a long time.
Originally Posted by indohan

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by nitzski

Why do y'all even respond to this Indohan dude? He clearly knows nothing about Basketball.

His "logic" is some of the most ridiculous I've EVER heard in life on any subject...

yeah ive stopped this guy got absolutley no clue what he is saying and is a damn fool. The arguments he keeps making about David Robinson are ridiculour. Saying that Duncan was a rookie and wasnt the #1 option.
and saying that Robinson is better because of a 71 point game which was also in the regular season. My point is clear. Throughout the 90s Pat always steppe up big time in the playoffs. Robinson and the Spurs no where near the success matched by the Knicks and Robinson never stepped up as much as Ewing did in the 90s, their primes. Robinson did get his rings but that was Tim Duncan ran teams, if Ewing had duncan he would have won also. During their primes Pat was the best center along with Hakeem in the NBA. They (not Robinson) met in the finals in 94 which was the series without MJ that displayed the 2 best centers in that era.
Stop trying to dis my knowledge man, all your facts are wack and wrong. TD was a rookie in 97. He was scoring as allenxis mentioned 22 and 11 while Robinson was outting up 16 and 10, Ewing put up 17 and 10 and missed the finals, another reason the Knicks lost so bad.

Kid, as I said, I'm too tired to argue with you.. Your NY pride is too ridiculouS. Let me recall... OH YES, Patrick Ewing is just like Kobe Bryant, had not won any MVP award.. That's right...
As I said earlier on, I was wrong about the TD rookie thing. But it's very clear that Robinson made a great contribution to bring in the ring. You think people's heroic acts are measured by STATS?
In that case, Rodman is nowhere near contributing to the bulls team... He only posted double digit on rebounds... Bruce Bowen too... Make sense? NOT AT ALL. BECAUSE THEY ARE CRUCIAL PART OF THE TEAM.

Please don't let me insult your intelligent... NO MAN ON EARTH COULD SINGLE HANDEDLY BRING A TEAM TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIP.
Hakeem failed, Iverson failed, LeBron failed, Robinson failed, EVEN MJ FAILED. You were saying TD BRING THE CHAMPIONSHIP without Robinson's contribution?
Stay in school, kid.
Oh btw, do you know who is Rodman? His fullname is Dennis Rodman. Google it.
Patrick Ewing stepped up "BIG TIME" in the 90s... Sure, 1 appearance on NBA Finals, 1 loss. Great steeping up.
yeah ive stopped this guy got absolutley no clue what he is saying and is a damn fool.

And careful kid... I'm being polite here, doesn't mean I can't use nasty words on you. This is just a discussion, you don't have to call others names.
As I said, it's your NY pride... Try to let it go a little bit and let others' opinion comes in for you to think about..

Man Ewing always stepped up in the 90s. you cant measure that by the 1 championship appearence. you can in the sense that the Knicks needed him and heplayed out of his mind and carried them there, but you cant in the sense that he stepped up NUMEROUS other times as well. In all of the Bulls series (which youshouldnt be tutoring me on Rodman because you clearly lack knowledge in the Kicks-Bulls 90s rivalry) but if you remember the Bulls were a team in which theGOAT played on along with dudes like rodman and pippen who are all star contributors making a team that clearly outmatched the Knicks. Still Ewing alwaysstepped up vs the Bulls and any other team and made the Harden the most feared place to play in the 90s. David Robinson did not do nearly what Pat did WINWISE. Sure D Rob had the stats, he won MVP, 71 points, etc. But Ewing was as consistent as it gets statwise as well, and what Ewing did do that Robinson couldnot do as well, was step up bigger than ever in the playoffs and turn his team to one of the games elite in the 90s and a contender year in and year out. And Iagree with you as i have agreed with you. tyere is n question that the Admiral contributed in 99. Nobody is doubting that, 16 and 10 isnt bad at all statwiseeither. What was meant by TD brininging the ring, is that he carried thewm there. it was TDs team, no doubt about it. No man can do it alone, everybody needshelp. But David Robinson as the leader of the Spurs and in his prime NEVER had the success that Ewing had. this isnt NY pride this s the facts son. Sure he gotthe ring, but he was never even able to bring his team to the finals as the best player as Ewing did the 1 Mj-less year, and all the other times he lost to MJ.And when there was no MJ we still had to beat talented Pacers and Bulls teams to get there. If Mj was not in the east we would have been to more finals and wewould have won some as well. Hakeem had really no one as good as MJ that he and the Spurs should have lost everysingle playoffs in the 90s. If Robinson steppedhis game up like Ewing did come playoff time, he would have made it to the finals (but still probably lose to the Bulls) at least once, and he would have madethe Spurs a household name. The Spurs were never in the finals, never great in the 90s cause David Robinson couldnt get past teams inferior to the east evenone time. (If Ewing was playing vs Hakeem and Houston all the times in the 90s and not MJ he would have won AT LEAST once considering he stepped up more andcamee closer in his 1 time than Hakeem did in his whole career).

If you fail to realize how valuable Ewing was to the Knicks and how he always stepped up to superior competition (including 7 game series to some of thebest teams of all time with the best player of all time), if you fail to realize that you should go over your basketball history cause i am sure you have neverseen a Knicks playoff game in the 90s. This aint NY pride it is simple facts. Ewing was a better center than the Admiral, and it was him who ALWAYS stepped upin the playoffs. And like i said Robinson of course contributed to the spurs teams with rings, but as a leader, he never was able to go as far as Pat did. Imean give Pat an elite young big man like TD and hell get a ring also. Heck ill even admit that he was not the catalyst that same season when the Knicks wentto the finals. I am judging these 2 by their prime years, cause in 99 they both didnt lead their team they put up near identical stats (D Rob had 16 and 10while Pat had 17 and 10) and the Spurs won vs an injured Ewing. sure d rob contributed, but without Duncan that team wouldnt have been past the 1st round, behonst with yourself. When they were in their prime though, Pat stepped up more when it mattered. if you want to do it statwise although their stats were verysimilar, D Rob has the slight advantage, but that doesnt even come close to overlook Ewing's warrior mentality and his ability to step up vs the playoffsvs better teams. D Rob couldnt even get to the finals not once, he didnt step up like Ewing and he never played MJ in the playoffs....ever.

wow. didnt pay attention to this thread for a while but there is some stupidass $@$+ being said up in here.

Heck No.

The only way that Tim Duncan is fit to be an Hall of Famer is because he's boring and all fundamental. No need to say further, he leads the dynasty with some good supporting team mates.

It is hard to decide on one. You got Elgin Baylor, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, John Stockton and ReggieMiller and others to choose from.

I guess if I had to pick one, I would go with John Stockton. The man is the all time leader in steals and assists and shot a very high percentage from beyondthe arc and from the field in general. Stockton played very good defense, could run the offense and was a fine shooter and he could drive the ball as well.Stockton in a pick and roll was very tough to stop because of his myriad offensive skills. Defensively, he could take on opposing point guards and bother themall game long and he was a great team defender and was great at sneaking up on centers and power forwards who were posting up.

You can still make an equally valid case for Karl Malone, the second leading scorer of all time; Elgin Baylor, who changed the way the game was played and madeit into the game played above the rim that it is now; Charles Barkley, a freakishly athletic and well rounded player and a rebounding machine and finally AllenIverson, who is able to churn out points and assists and play very solid one on one and help defense when he has to.
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