The biggest lie you ever told

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Told a chick I was really feeling sick to avoid dinner with her. I really was just trying to chill at home in da crib with my bro and his shuns and play 2k. I felt badder than a mug mug

 Thats the biggest lie you've ever told in your life??? You are a good person. 
Originally Posted by Mogulson

Told a chick I was really feeling sick to avoid dinner with her. I really was just trying to chill at home in da crib with my bro and his shuns and play 2k. I felt badder than a mug mug

 Thats the biggest lie you've ever told in your life??? You are a good person. 
when i was 16 i told my parents i that i got robbed for my christmas money so they can give me more.. i did that cuz i wanted the big boy merm.. it worked, i felt bad.
when i was 16 i told my parents i that i got robbed for my christmas money so they can give me more.. i did that cuz i wanted the big boy merm.. it worked, i felt bad.
Originally Posted by FedExciter

Told my girl i was goin to maryland for the weekend, just so i can spend the weekend in ny with an ex

only to be caught by one of my dumb @@@ friends tagging me in FB status saying we were in ny

Originally Posted by FedExciter

Told my girl i was goin to maryland for the weekend, just so i can spend the weekend in ny with an ex

only to be caught by one of my dumb @@@ friends tagging me in FB status saying we were in ny

Originally Posted by Slim

also told a painfully average girl that she was gorgeous last week. i felt bad..
Even though you feel bad about it, you probably made her day. So, that's kinda sweet.

As for me---

I wanted to go to a concert in Memphis and couldn't get the day off, so I came in and acted like I didn't feel well. Took a water bottle into the bathroom while my boss was doing her makeup in the mirror I made it sound like I was vomiting and when I came out, I had the "omg I'm sick..." look. She was all, "oh my gosh honey, go home..." So, I was like, "
Okay..." Walked out the door like
Originally Posted by Slim

also told a painfully average girl that she was gorgeous last week. i felt bad..
Even though you feel bad about it, you probably made her day. So, that's kinda sweet.

As for me---

I wanted to go to a concert in Memphis and couldn't get the day off, so I came in and acted like I didn't feel well. Took a water bottle into the bathroom while my boss was doing her makeup in the mirror I made it sound like I was vomiting and when I came out, I had the "omg I'm sick..." look. She was all, "oh my gosh honey, go home..." So, I was like, "
Okay..." Walked out the door like
i love you..
yea ill get right on that..
no i didnt have sex with your teammate..
yea i promise ill hit after you dome me up..

and finally
of course i miss you!!
i love you..
yea ill get right on that..
no i didnt have sex with your teammate..
yea i promise ill hit after you dome me up..

and finally
of course i miss you!!
told a girl that my friend that i stopped hanging with passed away...kept it up from 2001-2006 where he actually passed away

passed away in 9/11*
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