The Combat Jack Show Thread

you think he wouldn’t also call out Drake, Future, Durk etc?

I love Ross and don’t need for him to change nor do I think he’s as influential on the youth as a Carti or Ken Carson or YB or any of the dozens of <26 year old rappers if we talking about “street culture” being pushed onto young ******

But let’s keep it real if Ross didn’t still rap like that he’d fall off which is the larger issue…just a matter of is it chicken or the egg of that being all fans want to hear or if that’s all that mainstream artists keep coming with.

And also we’re surprisingly at a point where people who are older for the first time in my vantage point do deflections like this or just have accepted what it is and we really are beyond a point of no return

This ties into this convo too because when ****** was mad about the Kai Cenat jail stream **** the first thing I thought was what Joe thought…so what about rap music? And as usual ****** who are well above 35-40 years old come with the deflections because we love “the culture” lol

I didn't find anything wrong with Kai Cenat.

If anything it was creative.
Yup that’s where I’m at with it…We got the internet and streaming, alotta options to avoid the music you don’t like

And rap is big business, you can’t expect the ppl involved to put principles over profit in America…doesn’t happen with anything where money flowing so why hold em to an unrealistic standard?

Easier said than done

Most people don't actually choose the music they consume until they''re a certain age.

At a young age you're influenced by your peers and what's around you. That's why we have eight year olds out here twerking, because they see everyone else doing it. What's your friend listening too? What's your big brother listening too?

That's how you end up with this

Easier said than done

Most people don't actually choose the music they consume until they''re a certain age.

At a young age you're influenced by your peers and what's around you. That's why we have eight year olds out here twerking, because they see everyone else doing it. What's your friend listening too? What's your big brother listening too?

That's how you end up with this

That’s a PARENTAL problem. Not rap problem. If you raise children up only on rap, violence and adult imagery, that’s on you. Social media is wayyyyy worse than hip hop. YouTube is wayyyy worse

Look at the sexual dialogue and imagery that gets displayed on social media by adults. People with kids. They give their kids a tablet or phone and don’t monitor what they do. A kid can go on Facebook, IG, Twitter, YouTube, etc and see sexual imagery and nudity.

They don’t even need an introduction to hip hop. Adult men walking around with their pants sagging, women going outside half naked. Go to your average hood grocery store or big box stores and most of the women are walking around with form fitting clothes, cheeks out. Not to mention the tattoos, face tattoos etc. that absolutely is a personal problem and has nothing to do with hip hop.

Parents don’t monitor their kids. This is a parental problem, not a hip hop problem. Tired of adults, parents blaming others for their bad kids.

Growing up, my family played all types of music. All genres. Now, these parents only play one style of music. Not to mention letting their kids disrespect them with no repercussions.
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That’s a PARENTAL problem. Not rap problem. If you raise children up only on rap, violence and adult imagery, that’s on you. Social media is wayyyyy worse than hip hop. YouTube is wayyyy worse

Look at the sexual dialogue and imagery that gets displayed on social media by adults. People with kids. They give their kids a tablet or phone and don’t monitor what they do. A kid can go on Facebook, IG, Twitter, YouTube, etc and see sexual imagery and nudity.

They don’t even need an introduction to hip hop. You adult men walking around with their pants sagging, women going outside half naked. Go to your average hood grocery store or big box stores and most of the women are walking around with form fitting clothes, cheeks out. Not to mention the tattoos, face tattoos etc. that absolutely is a personal problem and has nothing to do with hip hop.

Parents don’t monitor their kids. This is a parental problem, not a hip hop problem. Tired of adults, parents blaming others for their bad kids.

Growing up, my family played all types of music. All genres. Now, these parents only play one style of music. Not to mention letting their kids disrespect them with no repercussions.

You have parental control for social media and the internet champ

and all the kids who might have a parent working two jobs to support their family, ****'em....not my problem


Joe was in his bag
Ever since the internet and guys like 69, the colorful dreads, hair and purses. The male gossip, no you don’t need street credibility anymore.

These dudes talk more than women AND post more than woman

And Kodak is a grown man
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You have parental control for social media and the internet champ

and all the kids who might have a parent working two jobs to support their family, ****'em....not my problem

This is always the funny part to me. People get to this convo and act like everyone come from solid two parent households where a parent has all the control and time in the world to monitor what the kid takes in. Lmao ****** love rap music a lot


Joe was in his bag

He been going in this whole sit down lol. ****** going in circles and deflecting especially Mecc with that Rakim/street cred convo

Again it’s time we start ending these convos with we just don’t give a damn tbh and we too far gone. Which is fine people just don’t want to admit that lol
. Lmao ****** love rap music a lot

…. Which is exactly why we keep saying y’all need to stop crying. Y’all love rap music. So stop complaining. It’s hypocritical. If you don’t like the direction rap is going, don’t listen. But deep down inside, y’all love it.

It’s just like drugs and alcohol. Folks love it. That’s why I have no issues with drug dealers or spirit manufacturers.

People gone get drunk, they gone get high. It’s a personal problem.

And if people can’t raise their kids, don’t have them. Stop relying on others to raise your kids. The excuses for parents is ridiculous
He been going in this whole sit down lol. ****** going in circles and deflecting especially Mecc with that Rakim/street cred convo

Again it’s time we start ending these convos with we just don’t give a damn tbh and we too far gone. Which is fine people just don’t want to admit that lol
It’s cuz folks don’t wanna give up the idea of rap being “culture” so it’s alotta defelction and talking bout other stuff…We going into 2024, it’s pop music and big business like I keep saying, don’t look to those dudes to be role models or raise your kids they might as well be actors in avenger movies…Nobody is asking Anthony Mackie to be an example for young black kids
I think his son is around 20

I mean, if you know someone is going to have your back, it's your son/dad. But it's the idea of bringing him to altercations, and he's talked about fighting with him before. It's rather weird, especially with the way people don't fight these days. You're bringing fist to a gun fight.
Idk how as a grown *** man and father, you would bring your son with you to the drama you’re about submerse yourself into. Out of all things, and considering how things can go left at any moment, you’re voluntarily putting your child into that situation.

To me this is the same as the meek/ross talk. Talkin like you gonna slap somebody up blah blah blah. **** goes left then somebody dies and it’s starts the “man we gotta do better than that.” But as it’s going on, nobody is stopping it.
Nore put out that 1st X interview when he was messed up. That **** was painful to listen to. That's my only real issue with drink champs. Somebody can go on there high off whatever and it's all good cuz that's the environment.
I’m actually surprised Nore hasn’t gotten more flack about that. I get it it’s called drink champs, but you’re basically inviting people and letting them get drunk af, knowing it’s likely to have people talk more/more ****. I mean, nobody is forcing the guest to drink or drink THAT much, but what do you expect with the concept of the show
It’s cuz folks don’t wanna give up the idea of rap being “culture” so it’s alotta defelction and talking bout other stuff…We going into 2024, it’s pop music and big business like I keep saying, don’t look to those dudes to be role models or raise your kids they might as well be actors in avenger movies…Nobody is asking Anthony Mackie to be an example for young black kids

Anthony Mackie don’t say “I’m not capping y’all ****** just actors I really do this Avenger ****” “No Cap Act” before every scene either but yes the reality of the situation is that ****** (these artists) don’t give a **** either way whether the kids do look to them or not :lol:
Nore put out that 1st X interview when he was messed up. That **** was painful to listen to. That's my only real issue with drink champs. Somebody can go on there high off whatever and it's all good cuz that's the environment.

Nore with the Kanye interview too. And many others

He has no shame at all. And let’s it be known :lol:
It’s cuz folks don’t wanna give up the idea of rap being “culture” so it’s alotta defelction and talking bout other stuff…We going into 2024, it’s pop music and big business like I keep saying, don’t look to those dudes to be role models or raise your kids they might as well be actors in avenger movies…Nobody is asking Anthony Mackie to be an example for young black kids

He don't even take pics with kids :lol:

wavycrocket wavycrocket
Idk how as a grown *** man and father, you would bring your son with you to the drama you’re about submerse yourself into. Out of all things, and considering how things can go left at any moment, you’re voluntarily putting your child into that situation.

To me this is the same as the meek/ross talk. Talkin like you gonna slap somebody up blah blah blah. **** goes left then somebody dies and it’s starts the “man we gotta do better than that.” But as it’s going on, nobody is stopping it.

This Flip we talking about. Look how he acts and conducts himself. He probably views his son as a “friend” and not his child. He’s all about antics and being goofy. It’s to be expected from a person like him
I can’t stand Anthony Mackie but that was one of the few times I took his side. Like that man was enjoying his outing. Leave people alone. Sometimes, people aren’t in the mood to be bothered
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