The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

why do we have a thread like this??
we all know that life is hard but you can't keep giving up and giving excuses on what's fair and what's not? if you believe in that non-sense then your letting that theory become a true statement. 
past is the past now! why mention some dumb s*** when it doesn't  mean s*** now.

we all don't like it with our other half mentions about our past about this and that. so why be that hypocrite and do the same?

when you think about it, this is a black n white country any other color gets mixed in the gray area. true statement homie!

i'm asian i love music and movies. sad that the only movies we get to be in is when we are getting made fun of like old men getting shot in stores, woman getting f***** by other races, we have a strong language barrier (that you can't understand so we get made fun of and still die), and list goes on! and music? we have some pretty good talent but never get exposed but we have eddie murphy making songs that sound horrendous and macy grey.... c'mon man! really??
  that doesn't make me sad or bitter at all i still love movies and listen to all types of music.(but this is a fact though.)

remember every race had it hard back then but things have changed a bit now.

-be glad on what you have because it could be a lot worse. other people in other countries would die to have an ounce of what we have. remember that....

sorry guys but i hate it when stuff like this comes up.... I usually just pass this up but i had to voice my opinion. 
riverx do you have knowledge of (or access to the knowledge of) the practices,customs,traditions,
original names etc of your people?
riverx do you have knowledge of (or access to the knowledge of) the practices,customs,traditions,
original names etc of your people?
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to ignorant Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point


Birdman though? Dude is 100% entertainment, I doubt dudes use his lyrics as a guide to life

You can't blame hip hop though. Dudes in the suburbs listen to hood @#$% 24/7 but they're not acting ignorant or shooting people up just cause their favorite rapper said so. Besides, movies and video games are MUCH worse.

It all comes down to one thing: parenting.
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to ignorant Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point


Birdman though? Dude is 100% entertainment, I doubt dudes use his lyrics as a guide to life

You can't blame hip hop though. Dudes in the suburbs listen to hood @#$% 24/7 but they're not acting ignorant or shooting people up just cause their favorite rapper said so. Besides, movies and video games are MUCH worse.

It all comes down to one thing: parenting.
Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to ignorant Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point


Birdman though? Dude is 100% entertainment, I doubt dudes use his lyrics as a guide to life

You can't blame hip hop though. Dudes in the suburbs listen to hood @#$% 24/7 but they're not acting ignorant or shooting people up just cause their favorite rapper said so. Besides, movies and video games are MUCH worse.

It all comes down to one thing: parenting.
Because they're not idiots and therefore accept it as just entertainment and not much more. Meanwhile many black children, now the out of wedlock (read: single parent, usually no dad) percentage being over 75% by the way, struggle to figure that out.

This whole blame the white man $#!! is tired. Generations previous to ours, who had less in terms of opportunity, still made more out of themselves. Damn near everything in black America is trending worse. Out of wedlock births, by FAR more than any other group; dropout rates also higher, incarceration rates ditto, AIDs going up in our community while down in every other. At some point you just have to look in the mirror and stop blaming @$@*@%.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to ignorant Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point


Birdman though? Dude is 100% entertainment, I doubt dudes use his lyrics as a guide to life

You can't blame hip hop though. Dudes in the suburbs listen to hood @#$% 24/7 but they're not acting ignorant or shooting people up just cause their favorite rapper said so. Besides, movies and video games are MUCH worse.

It all comes down to one thing: parenting.
Because they're not idiots and therefore accept it as just entertainment and not much more. Meanwhile many black children, now the out of wedlock (read: single parent, usually no dad) percentage being over 75% by the way, struggle to figure that out.

This whole blame the white man $#!! is tired. Generations previous to ours, who had less in terms of opportunity, still made more out of themselves. Damn near everything in black America is trending worse. Out of wedlock births, by FAR more than any other group; dropout rates also higher, incarceration rates ditto, AIDs going up in our community while down in every other. At some point you just have to look in the mirror and stop blaming @$@*@%.
i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versaresulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....
i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versaresulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....
white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
I have no problems sir. Im actually doing pretty well for a 22 year old not complaining just giving facts
Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
I have no problems sir. Im actually doing pretty well for a 22 year old not complaining just giving facts
Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
These dudes? it's one dude
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
These dudes? it's one dude
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