The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.
This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
These dudes? it's one dude
I was speaking generally. There's alot of anti-white posts on NT by people who think that minorities can't be racist (and I'm not just calling out black people before anyone tries to go that route). I see that @#$% in my own damn family too, some of my older Indian relatives complain about how they got discriminated against by the British and then turn around and talk @#$% on my Dad because he's Portugese
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by revirxreab

white people suck ?
thats so dumb and you wonder why you have so many problems in the world its because of that mentality .

and yes i do have access
These dudes complain about racism and make equally ignorant comments and think that they're justified
it's getting to the point where minorities are more racist towards white people than the other way around...

I'm half Portugese half Indian if it matters (sidenote: somehow many people in the US don't count that as half white. They think Portugese people are Latinos
These dudes? it's one dude
I was speaking generally. There's alot of anti-white posts on NT by people who think that minorities can't be racist (and I'm not just calling out black people before anyone tries to go that route). I see that @#$% in my own damn family too, some of my older Indian relatives complain about how they got discriminated against by the British and then turn around and talk @#$% on my Dad because he's Portugese
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this $@*@ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 
Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this $@*@ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 
Originally Posted by weapen12

why do we have a thread like this??
we all know that life is hard but you can't keep giving up and giving excuses on what's fair and what's not? if you believe in that non-sense then your letting that theory become a true statement. 
past is the past now! why mention some dumb s*** when it doesn't  mean s*** now.

we all don't like it with our other half mentions about our past about this and that. so why be that hypocrite and do the same?

when you think about it, this is a black n white country any other color gets mixed in the gray area. true statement homie!

i'm asian i love music and movies. sad that the only movies we get to be in is when we are getting made fun of like old men getting shot in stores, woman getting f***** by other races, we have a strong language barrier (that you can't understand so we get made fun of and still die), and list goes on! and music? we have some pretty good talent but never get exposed but we have eddie murphy making songs that sound horrendous and macy grey.... c'mon man! really??
  that doesn't make me sad or bitter at all i still love movies and listen to all types of music.(but this is a fact though.)

remember every race had it hard back then but things have changed a bit now.

-be glad on what you have because it could be a lot worse. other people in other countries would die to have an ounce of what we have. remember that....

sorry guys but i hate it when stuff like this comes up.... I usually just pass this up but i had to voice my opinion. 

But part being of that is their is no such thing as an asian-american culture. I mean there are asians etc who practice there homeland culture while living in america. But what culture/lifestyle/trends etc has the asians who are born and raised and started here? I mean for example african american culture isnt anything like african culture. African americans have certain slang mannerism, hip hop, clothing trends etc so on and so forth. Same for whites and spainish. Asains have what exactly. I mean alot are into old school hip-hop, bboying tagging etc, but that is just a asain embrassing african american trends/culture. Same with the whole bases of this website. African americans started that trend. True asians participate in it, which is cool, but again it isnt anything thats unique and can be identified with as asian americans.

To be honest all the asians etc i ever met embrass there homeland culture mixed with african american/white/spanish etc. Or completely be devoted to one of the latter.

So how can there be an asian sitcom/movie etc based on asian american culture. An asian version of friends would be just the same as the white version with the exception of ASIAN actors. Same with any other scenario.

I mean it isnt right and i hate the same ole typical stereotypes of asians, but what else can be done?   
Originally Posted by weapen12

why do we have a thread like this??
we all know that life is hard but you can't keep giving up and giving excuses on what's fair and what's not? if you believe in that non-sense then your letting that theory become a true statement. 
past is the past now! why mention some dumb s*** when it doesn't  mean s*** now.

we all don't like it with our other half mentions about our past about this and that. so why be that hypocrite and do the same?

when you think about it, this is a black n white country any other color gets mixed in the gray area. true statement homie!

i'm asian i love music and movies. sad that the only movies we get to be in is when we are getting made fun of like old men getting shot in stores, woman getting f***** by other races, we have a strong language barrier (that you can't understand so we get made fun of and still die), and list goes on! and music? we have some pretty good talent but never get exposed but we have eddie murphy making songs that sound horrendous and macy grey.... c'mon man! really??
  that doesn't make me sad or bitter at all i still love movies and listen to all types of music.(but this is a fact though.)

remember every race had it hard back then but things have changed a bit now.

-be glad on what you have because it could be a lot worse. other people in other countries would die to have an ounce of what we have. remember that....

sorry guys but i hate it when stuff like this comes up.... I usually just pass this up but i had to voice my opinion. 

But part being of that is their is no such thing as an asian-american culture. I mean there are asians etc who practice there homeland culture while living in america. But what culture/lifestyle/trends etc has the asians who are born and raised and started here? I mean for example african american culture isnt anything like african culture. African americans have certain slang mannerism, hip hop, clothing trends etc so on and so forth. Same for whites and spainish. Asains have what exactly. I mean alot are into old school hip-hop, bboying tagging etc, but that is just a asain embrassing african american trends/culture. Same with the whole bases of this website. African americans started that trend. True asians participate in it, which is cool, but again it isnt anything thats unique and can be identified with as asian americans.

To be honest all the asians etc i ever met embrass there homeland culture mixed with african american/white/spanish etc. Or completely be devoted to one of the latter.

So how can there be an asian sitcom/movie etc based on asian american culture. An asian version of friends would be just the same as the white version with the exception of ASIAN actors. Same with any other scenario.

I mean it isnt right and i hate the same ole typical stereotypes of asians, but what else can be done?   
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this +*%$ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 

Well put:pimp:

Just goes to show you people care more about business interest and what they think "gettin money" is vs true artistic expression and real entertainment. People don't get that our present day hip hop culture is a mockery of what it used to be. It's honestly on some indentured servant type of steez like Sparticus if anybody watches that show.

One thing that I've noticed thought is that Hip Hop is still here though. It's one of the longest surviving art forms yet it's still here. Even though it may be on the downside now in mainstream media, the art form itself has at least been mainstream media for over 30 years now. It's proven to be a valuable commodity yet there is an interest that is only concerned with everything else except providing a true message of the artist.
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this +*%$ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 

Well put:pimp:

Just goes to show you people care more about business interest and what they think "gettin money" is vs true artistic expression and real entertainment. People don't get that our present day hip hop culture is a mockery of what it used to be. It's honestly on some indentured servant type of steez like Sparticus if anybody watches that show.

One thing that I've noticed thought is that Hip Hop is still here though. It's one of the longest surviving art forms yet it's still here. Even though it may be on the downside now in mainstream media, the art form itself has at least been mainstream media for over 30 years now. It's proven to be a valuable commodity yet there is an interest that is only concerned with everything else except providing a true message of the artist.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.
Here goes that same ol tired @*% argument.  Who are you to tell every black person to get to work and stop crying?  That's exactly what I do every single day...didn't need you to prescribe your condescending advice
.  You make that comment as though everything is equal, when it isn't.  I completely agree with the fact that people need to stop complaining, because it gets you nowhere.  Which is why I never do.  My upbringing wasn't very nice...yet I still busted my @*% to make something of myself.  I excelled in school, received a full academic scholarship to a top 30 college in the US, despite the things I was up against in my home life, as well as the outside world.  You know, until a person actually knows's as though all of my successes mean nothing initially.  Many times, people act like... "OK, prove to me you're not like the rest" right off top
.  I deal with those kinds of attitudes on a regular basis.  The difference is, I don't let it bog me down and I keep it moving.  I don't mind a little adversity...if I didn't have it, I surely wouldn't be the person I am today.  And if someone chooses to be ignorant, it costs me nothing to pay them no mind.  I just think it's hilarious that people will act as though certain things don't exist.  It's baffling 
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.
Here goes that same ol tired @*% argument.  Who are you to tell every black person to get to work and stop crying?  That's exactly what I do every single day...didn't need you to prescribe your condescending advice
.  You make that comment as though everything is equal, when it isn't.  I completely agree with the fact that people need to stop complaining, because it gets you nowhere.  Which is why I never do.  My upbringing wasn't very nice...yet I still busted my @*% to make something of myself.  I excelled in school, received a full academic scholarship to a top 30 college in the US, despite the things I was up against in my home life, as well as the outside world.  You know, until a person actually knows's as though all of my successes mean nothing initially.  Many times, people act like... "OK, prove to me you're not like the rest" right off top
.  I deal with those kinds of attitudes on a regular basis.  The difference is, I don't let it bog me down and I keep it moving.  I don't mind a little adversity...if I didn't have it, I surely wouldn't be the person I am today.  And if someone chooses to be ignorant, it costs me nothing to pay them no mind.  I just think it's hilarious that people will act as though certain things don't exist.  It's baffling 
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.

   Um what does race have to do with something thats blantly honest. I dont have to be gay to see and understand that some ppl view and treat homosexuals different. Anybody with just a shred of common sense can see that. Like my last post i dont have to be asian to see they get stereotyped in the media the little media they do recieved.

I mean being bias doesnt mean stated the obvious. And it isnt an opinion, there are ppl who discriminate in hiring etc and other important facets of life using the color of a person skin and/or sexuality to do so thats a fact. It can and has been proven time and time again. If you cant see that and feel that is an opion you live a very sheltered and closed-minded life.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Believe it or not, if you work hard and strive to be better, it doesn't still does matter what race you are. When there's a will there's a way. Quit the blood clot crying voicing the truth and put in some work instead of complaining expressing how true this is about how hard you have it. Go to school, create a career, start a family, pro-create, and teach your offspring everything you've learned by leading by example and inform them there is still people who are ignorant and blind to the facts like the person who posted this, and there are still people who will view and depicate you as an inferior solely off skin color. Using the race card is pathetic and lazy, and whites as well as other racists oops typo races use this as a shield themselves from the truth and realization of there bigot and ignorant frame of mind. no matter how true it may seem is. I'm Latino blind to the realities of life btw.

Sorry had to proofread and make the proper corrections.
Let me guess, you're black? lol Of course you'd be biased and closed to everyone else's opinion. No better than any other racist. Quit crying and get to work.

   Um what does race have to do with something thats blantly honest. I dont have to be gay to see and understand that some ppl view and treat homosexuals different. Anybody with just a shred of common sense can see that. Like my last post i dont have to be asian to see they get stereotyped in the media the little media they do recieved.

I mean being bias doesnt mean stated the obvious. And it isnt an opinion, there are ppl who discriminate in hiring etc and other important facets of life using the color of a person skin and/or sexuality to do so thats a fact. It can and has been proven time and time again. If you cant see that and feel that is an opion you live a very sheltered and closed-minded life.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
you realize that native americans have the highest rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse and suicide in this country? very few of them have ever seen any reparations dollars buddy, the vast majority still live in poverty today
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
you realize that native americans have the highest rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse and suicide in this country? very few of them have ever seen any reparations dollars buddy, the vast majority still live in poverty today
lol When did I direct my statements to EVERY black person? AND I've been all over the place. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff but I've also seen great things from people. lol Just shut up. Why would you need to prove to anyone what you can do? Do it for yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks. Who cares if they ARE racist. When you have a negative mentality, you're no better than any other racist. It's the same difference. Why play into it? I've been discriminated against but I won't let it phase me. I do what I have to do without making asinine excuses. Especially involving my race. Grow the hell up, the whole lot of you. Do some hard work and get to where you want to be. No excuses. Nothing but the best.
lol When did I direct my statements to EVERY black person? AND I've been all over the place. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff but I've also seen great things from people. lol Just shut up. Why would you need to prove to anyone what you can do? Do it for yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks. Who cares if they ARE racist. When you have a negative mentality, you're no better than any other racist. It's the same difference. Why play into it? I've been discriminated against but I won't let it phase me. I do what I have to do without making asinine excuses. Especially involving my race. Grow the hell up, the whole lot of you. Do some hard work and get to where you want to be. No excuses. Nothing but the best.
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this $@*@ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

Originally Posted by torgriffith

This whole concept of racial color codes is a recent construct in the world's history.

As for rappers and entertainers, you got to realize that they represent corporate interest. They are not fiduciaries to you. Only are fiduciaries to people they are in contractual relationships with.

If you don't know what a fiduciary is, I suggest you look it up so you can get a better grasp on life and why it's so hard for some to see eye to eye with things in the first place.

That's the problem.   These rappers and entertainers used to entertain by doing it for the people.  They used to entertain by making music for the people that represented us.  Now, the main reason for doing this $@*@ is for business.  And people justify the artists whose sole purpose is to represent those corporate interests by saying..."yo...that N' gettin money, I can't hate on dude
" the money is the only thing that matters.  Well it's not all about the dollars and cents, but that's all people respect these days.  We're making the men in shiny suits filthy rich and making a mockery of ourselves all at the same time.  Killing two birds with one stone, I suppose 
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

lol When did I direct my statements to EVERY black person? AND I've been all over the place. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff but I've also seen great things from people. lol Just shut up. Why would you need to prove to anyone what you can do? Do it for yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks. Who cares if they ARE racist. When you have a negative mentality, you're no better than any other racist. It's the same difference. Why play into it? I've been discriminated against but I won't let it phase me. I do what I have to do without making asinine excuses. Especially involving my race. Grow the hell up, the whole lot of you. Do some hard work and get to where you want to be. No excuses. Nothing but the best.
Ok, I get what you're trying to say...I interpreted your previous comments as though you were denying that certain things take many try to do, so I got a little irritated
I agree with what you're saying...I just think it's underestimated how much your background changes how you feel about yourself and how much strength you really do have.  I'm a strong person, and I don't know why.  It's not like I was raised in an environment that encouraged it or instilled it in me.  I've just always been blessed with the ability to persevere.  I'm always been strong enough to experience what I've experienced and still be able to just brush it off and keep trying.  But I'd be a liar if I said that it hasn't been hard as ##%#, and that I hadn't contemplated giving up before.  So it wouldn't surprise me for an individual, that isn't very strong, to collapse under constant duress.  The biggest problem people get it from outside as well as inside their own race.  Black people hate themselves and hate each other.  It's sad 
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