The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

lol When did I direct my statements to EVERY black person? AND I've been all over the place. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff but I've also seen great things from people. lol Just shut up. Why would you need to prove to anyone what you can do? Do it for yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks. Who cares if they ARE racist. When you have a negative mentality, you're no better than any other racist. It's the same difference. Why play into it? I've been discriminated against but I won't let it phase me. I do what I have to do without making asinine excuses. Especially involving my race. Grow the hell up, the whole lot of you. Do some hard work and get to where you want to be. No excuses. Nothing but the best.
Ok, I get what you're trying to say...I interpreted your previous comments as though you were denying that certain things take many try to do, so I got a little irritated
I agree with what you're saying...I just think it's underestimated how much your background changes how you feel about yourself and how much strength you really do have.  I'm a strong person, and I don't know why.  It's not like I was raised in an environment that encouraged it or instilled it in me.  I've just always been blessed with the ability to persevere.  I'm always been strong enough to experience what I've experienced and still be able to just brush it off and keep trying.  But I'd be a liar if I said that it hasn't been hard as ##%#, and that I hadn't contemplated giving up before.  So it wouldn't surprise me for an individual, that isn't very strong, to collapse under constant duress.  The biggest problem people get it from outside as well as inside their own race.  Black people hate themselves and hate each other.  It's sad 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
you realize that native americans have the highest rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse and suicide in this country? very few of them have ever seen any reparations dollars buddy, the vast majority still live in poverty today

   White ppl have the highest rate of meth use... ok ya point. That doesnt have anything to do with them being mistreated or misrepresentated, nor does it have anything to do with their treatment or discrimination. And btw some reparation>none and never will btw.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by revirxreab

Had a chance ? they invaded the land and brought disease and messed everything up.
my ancestors was cool with white people and tried to teach them how to survive and grow stuff , they even let them holla at the brown skin

shawtys from the tribe .

but them crazy Europeans just thought they could take over .

My dad is white and american indian , my mom is spanish and american indian . But i look white mixed so i have heard it all from both sides

of the spectrum . 
Well Im part Sioux/Cherokee and negro but I pretty much hear it from one side. 

And what I mean by had a chance is Native americans were conquered not stolen, sold and enslaved for half a millennium. Trail of tears is different from a puddle of blood and sweat throughout generations. I dont want to go on and on about who had it worse because they both had it bad but dont act like its the same. The sympathy towards Native Americans is universally accepted. Word to their benefits and reparations

All and all

White people suck.
you realize that native americans have the highest rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse and suicide in this country? very few of them have ever seen any reparations dollars buddy, the vast majority still live in poverty today

   White ppl have the highest rate of meth use... ok ya point. That doesnt have anything to do with them being mistreated or misrepresentated, nor does it have anything to do with their treatment or discrimination. And btw some reparation>none and never will btw.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Not every white person was born rich and not every black person is from the hood.  I know that but I'm talking on average. 

"In 2006, the median individual income of a White American age 25 or older was $33,030, with those who were full-time employed, and of age 25 to 64, earning $34,432" -

This is where a lot of the confusion begins... people who aren't white think every white American is rich. "ON AVERAGE" the typical white American male is not very rich at all... He's only making $30,000!!

A lot of times, white Americans are just categorized to be like the dudes you see at the head of companies in Forbes or something.  But that's unfair. The CEO's of the top companies are guys who went through YEARS and YEARS of schooling and put in more work, effort, and time then most of us could imagine in order to reach that position. It wasn't given to them... THEY HAD TO WORK FOR IT.

I believe that in the long run, no matter what race you are, if you put in enough WORK then you will be successful.

It just bugs me when an african-american, asian, or latino man/woman complains that they have it so hard when they haven't put in any work.

Because i know a lot of very successful minority men/women in my area, and they got that way because they quit whining about their disadvantage and started to change their life through hard work.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Not every white person was born rich and not every black person is from the hood.  I know that but I'm talking on average. 

"In 2006, the median individual income of a White American age 25 or older was $33,030, with those who were full-time employed, and of age 25 to 64, earning $34,432" -

This is where a lot of the confusion begins... people who aren't white think every white American is rich. "ON AVERAGE" the typical white American male is not very rich at all... He's only making $30,000!!

A lot of times, white Americans are just categorized to be like the dudes you see at the head of companies in Forbes or something.  But that's unfair. The CEO's of the top companies are guys who went through YEARS and YEARS of schooling and put in more work, effort, and time then most of us could imagine in order to reach that position. It wasn't given to them... THEY HAD TO WORK FOR IT.

I believe that in the long run, no matter what race you are, if you put in enough WORK then you will be successful.

It just bugs me when an african-american, asian, or latino man/woman complains that they have it so hard when they haven't put in any work.

Because i know a lot of very successful minority men/women in my area, and they got that way because they quit whining about their disadvantage and started to change their life through hard work.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
If African Americans adopted the same work ethic in terms of education that Asians have, they could also be in a better position.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
If African Americans adopted the same work ethic in terms of education that Asians have, they could also be in a better position.
third wrote:

i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versa resulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....

bomboclat !!!! i have a degree and it was hard as hell to find a job because my race (im black btw) i remember my friends and i all applied for a job together (1 was black but lightskin 1 was mexican 1 white) i was the only one not hired and thats been going on for years i had employers double checking my resume checking my college to make sure i did graduate my refs everything and when i ask other people if they gone through the same thing and they said no im feeling what op saying when he made this topic
third wrote:

i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versa resulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....

bomboclat !!!! i have a degree and it was hard as hell to find a job because my race (im black btw) i remember my friends and i all applied for a job together (1 was black but lightskin 1 was mexican 1 white) i was the only one not hired and thats been going on for years i had employers double checking my resume checking my college to make sure i did graduate my refs everything and when i ask other people if they gone through the same thing and they said no im feeling what op saying when he made this topic
"Naw you can't be the black guy that brings the other black guys to the party. You just gotta be happy you got invited."
"Naw you can't be the black guy that brings the other black guys to the party. You just gotta be happy you got invited."
Originally Posted by third

i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versaresulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....
Can't afford to get pulled over.
Originally Posted by third

i don't get this thread
Anyway i think this is what is actually wrong with black people in America is their fixation on complaining and moaning constantly ,rather focusing on a solution or contingency ...would it not be more productive for you to go out there and become the role model, become successful� and open up doors for others such as yourself and help them along the way? rather than lambasting and tearing down� your fellow brethren...(** note: the heading of topic sounds like a plea to garner support in order to further� one's pursuit of� self pity and lack of self efficacy leading to more moaning and complaining� )

seriously there is no difference between a N* and a black person to every one else you are all the same....The only difference is you have been socially conditioned to believe� that and label them as the out group(by them i mean N*) as though they are any different from any other human being� ... if anything you are being counter productive� to the cohesion� of black people as whole ,which might make you feel better/special but still reflects� badly on black people as whole and creates social division...this leads to turmoil� within the black American communities which results in stratification in the sects of black people i.e. when the black people succeed they're less willing to� help the so called N*� or vice/versaresulting� situations like the one you are in.i.e. note video below

as far as black people having it worse than anybody else well that depends on who you talk to ...i feel� though that many black Americans are still using slavery and ism as an excuse to not� succeed or� even try to succeed� but then again I'm not American so everything i get is from the media and people from message boards like this one....
Can't afford to get pulled over.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Black women have it harder.

They did before the mid 1960s...

Truth. One would say black women have it easier alot easier, they actually want you to strive and succeed. Thats the whole goal. Hold the black man back, uplift the black woman. She in returns says oh you a bum, you aint this, you aint that, cause I went to ivy school and you community college, I make 50+ a yr, you make like 30. You not on my level, im to good for you. Then the family structure is broken up. But they think they doing it cause with all the support etc plus decent paycheck, only thing they really need/desire a man for is sex. Kids see this and adapt that mindset, and the cycle continues. Its been going on the last iuno 3 or so generations and growing strong.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Black women have it harder.

They did before the mid 1960s...

Truth. One would say black women have it easier alot easier, they actually want you to strive and succeed. Thats the whole goal. Hold the black man back, uplift the black woman. She in returns says oh you a bum, you aint this, you aint that, cause I went to ivy school and you community college, I make 50+ a yr, you make like 30. You not on my level, im to good for you. Then the family structure is broken up. But they think they doing it cause with all the support etc plus decent paycheck, only thing they really need/desire a man for is sex. Kids see this and adapt that mindset, and the cycle continues. Its been going on the last iuno 3 or so generations and growing strong.
Asian Americans and Asians in particular come from societies with ingrained feudalism and caste systems. There societies tend to have a hive mind and lack of individuals. Hence you see them embracing other cultures for there othernesss . Since there own countries are very homogenized. Black people would have made it nowhere if they adopted the don't complain just persevere mindset that Asians posses. Western Society does not reward the content . Eastern Civilizations relied on this because if the power structures weren't concrete and clear as day then things got out of hand and people would get knowledge of self and tend to revolt.Hence why you don't see and Emperor of China and why you don't see Samurai out in the open . I will somewhat agree that black people often complain and they don't try extremely hard to fix there circumstances but the government has made it its duty to keep the black community in dire need of its intervention and its help instead of making itself self sufficient.
Asian Americans and Asians in particular come from societies with ingrained feudalism and caste systems. There societies tend to have a hive mind and lack of individuals. Hence you see them embracing other cultures for there othernesss . Since there own countries are very homogenized. Black people would have made it nowhere if they adopted the don't complain just persevere mindset that Asians posses. Western Society does not reward the content . Eastern Civilizations relied on this because if the power structures weren't concrete and clear as day then things got out of hand and people would get knowledge of self and tend to revolt.Hence why you don't see and Emperor of China and why you don't see Samurai out in the open . I will somewhat agree that black people often complain and they don't try extremely hard to fix there circumstances but the government has made it its duty to keep the black community in dire need of its intervention and its help instead of making itself self sufficient.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Black women have it harder.

They did before the mid 1960s...

Truth. One would say black women have it easier alot easier, they actually want you to strive and succeed. Thats the whole goal. Hold the black man back, uplift the black woman (IN A BAD WAY). She in returns says oh you a bum, you aint this, you aint that, cause I went to ivy school and you community college, I make 50+ a yr, you make like 30. You not on my level, im to good for you. Then the family structure is broken up. But they think they doing it cause with all the support etc plus decent paycheck, only thing they really need/desire a man for is sex. Kids see this and adapt that mindset, and the cycle continues. Its been going on the last iuno 3 or so generations and growing strong.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Black women have it harder.

They did before the mid 1960s...

Truth. One would say black women have it easier alot easier, they actually want you to strive and succeed. Thats the whole goal. Hold the black man back, uplift the black woman (IN A BAD WAY). She in returns says oh you a bum, you aint this, you aint that, cause I went to ivy school and you community college, I make 50+ a yr, you make like 30. You not on my level, im to good for you. Then the family structure is broken up. But they think they doing it cause with all the support etc plus decent paycheck, only thing they really need/desire a man for is sex. Kids see this and adapt that mindset, and the cycle continues. Its been going on the last iuno 3 or so generations and growing strong.
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