The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Originally Posted by jordanfan6

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

Spanish people have it worse
Did something happen in Spain?


Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
If African Americans adopted the same work ethic in terms of education that Asians have, they could also be in a better position.

are you serious? Have you seen the schools in predominately black areas?
Its not even an even playing field.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
If African Americans adopted the same work ethic in terms of education that Asians have, they could also be in a better position.

are you serious? Have you seen the schools in predominately black areas?
Its not even an even playing field.
The President is Black for goodness sakes, wish people would give up the "Because im Black" junk. Quit crying and put in the hard work and success will come, that goes for any race!!
The President is Black for goodness sakes, wish people would give up the "Because im Black" junk. Quit crying and put in the hard work and success will come, that goes for any race!!
Originally Posted by Been Fly Since 85

The President is Black for goodness sakes, wish people would give up the "Because im Black" junk. Quit crying and put in the hard work and success will come, that goes for any race!!

.  The worst motivational quote ever.
Originally Posted by Been Fly Since 85

The President is Black for goodness sakes, wish people would give up the "Because im Black" junk. Quit crying and put in the hard work and success will come, that goes for any race!!

.  The worst motivational quote ever.
Originally Posted by staystrong

��bomboclat !!!! i have a degree and it was hard as hell to find a job because my race (im black btw) i remember my friends and i all applied for a job together (1 was black but lightskin 1 was mexican 1 white) i was the only one not hired and thats been going on for years i had employers double checking my resume checking my college to make sure i did graduate my refs everything and when i ask other people if they gone through the same thing and they said no im feeling what op saying when he made this topic
may be you're not the hot *##% that you think you are otherwise you would've been hired...... having a degree doesn't make you different from  anybody else ,degrees and diplomas are becoming standard prereqs.
Also rather than focusing so much on the fact that  people of lighter skin got the job and u did not  you should be focusing on why you suck and how next time you can suck less

did you consider that they may have far better resumees than you do , did you consider,if they made better impressions than you did ,or did you even bother to look at the fact that they might be way better communicators than you or just plain academics???

I would suggest you change your thinking otherwise you'll never improve yourself and be stuck thinking that you are perfect and everybody else in the world in out to get you !Bomboclat!!!!! 

This is a problem i see very much amongst you american blacks i think you guys need to come back home to africa just for bit to get persective on the world and get back in touch with your cultures and get out of the system that you guys live in 
Originally Posted by staystrong

��bomboclat !!!! i have a degree and it was hard as hell to find a job because my race (im black btw) i remember my friends and i all applied for a job together (1 was black but lightskin 1 was mexican 1 white) i was the only one not hired and thats been going on for years i had employers double checking my resume checking my college to make sure i did graduate my refs everything and when i ask other people if they gone through the same thing and they said no im feeling what op saying when he made this topic
may be you're not the hot *##% that you think you are otherwise you would've been hired...... having a degree doesn't make you different from  anybody else ,degrees and diplomas are becoming standard prereqs.
Also rather than focusing so much on the fact that  people of lighter skin got the job and u did not  you should be focusing on why you suck and how next time you can suck less

did you consider that they may have far better resumees than you do , did you consider,if they made better impressions than you did ,or did you even bother to look at the fact that they might be way better communicators than you or just plain academics???

I would suggest you change your thinking otherwise you'll never improve yourself and be stuck thinking that you are perfect and everybody else in the world in out to get you !Bomboclat!!!!! 

This is a problem i see very much amongst you american blacks i think you guys need to come back home to africa just for bit to get persective on the world and get back in touch with your cultures and get out of the system that you guys live in 
read now before you continue to post

This thread is not a complaint, an excuse, or anything like that.  This is to open the eyes of some of you sheltered, spoiled people.  This is a PSA for those who never seen what most black males have to struggle with.  Believe it or not I bet at least one person who posted in here doesn't even know a black person on a personal level. 

Use this is a race to success.  Some people are running with fresh nikes, a power bar, and a water bottle.  Then some are running that same race bare foot with ankle weights on.  Then at the end of the race the guy with the nikes has the nerve to say "man you should just try harder, its not my fault I have nikes and water". 

See my point.  Just because we are discussing the struggle of being a black man in America doesn't mean we aren't going to college, striving for success, and bettering ourselves.  It's called being self-aware.  Its funny how we can post a story about discrimination and some of you will post back saying "oh did you ever think you didn't deserve the job".  Like really?  Instead of lashing back some of ya'll could actually learn from this post. 

How many of you know what its like to be the only person like you in a whole class?  How many of you know what its like to get "ugly" or "scared" looks for no reason?  How many of you know what its like to speak to somebody in an clear and respectful manner and see there face go

Its the kids that live in the big house with 2 parents and get allowance that go "Just man up and go to college".  Sorry chad but it's not that easy for everyone in life.  So I'm not complaining, I'm educating those that don't know.  And I'm doing my part by teaching my brother life lessons everyday.  I'm doing my part by talking to alot of younger kids I work with.  Don't attack me when I speak the truth. 
read now before you continue to post

This thread is not a complaint, an excuse, or anything like that.  This is to open the eyes of some of you sheltered, spoiled people.  This is a PSA for those who never seen what most black males have to struggle with.  Believe it or not I bet at least one person who posted in here doesn't even know a black person on a personal level. 

Use this is a race to success.  Some people are running with fresh nikes, a power bar, and a water bottle.  Then some are running that same race bare foot with ankle weights on.  Then at the end of the race the guy with the nikes has the nerve to say "man you should just try harder, its not my fault I have nikes and water". 

See my point.  Just because we are discussing the struggle of being a black man in America doesn't mean we aren't going to college, striving for success, and bettering ourselves.  It's called being self-aware.  Its funny how we can post a story about discrimination and some of you will post back saying "oh did you ever think you didn't deserve the job".  Like really?  Instead of lashing back some of ya'll could actually learn from this post. 

How many of you know what its like to be the only person like you in a whole class?  How many of you know what its like to get "ugly" or "scared" looks for no reason?  How many of you know what its like to speak to somebody in an clear and respectful manner and see there face go

Its the kids that live in the big house with 2 parents and get allowance that go "Just man up and go to college".  Sorry chad but it's not that easy for everyone in life.  So I'm not complaining, I'm educating those that don't know.  And I'm doing my part by teaching my brother life lessons everyday.  I'm doing my part by talking to alot of younger kids I work with.  Don't attack me when I speak the truth. 
It was probably already mentioned on here, but I would say Native Americans. Aren't they listed as the lowest on the social class strata by ethnic race in North America?
It was probably already mentioned on here, but I would say Native Americans. Aren't they listed as the lowest on the social class strata by ethnic race in North America?
Originally Posted by moundraised23

I see your point OP and agree with a lot of it, but end well this wont

Yeah and it's a shame being a black male in this society it's like everyone is against you; even other black males.
and don't expect other people to understand cause if they can't relate to you you're just a whiner, complainer or whatever. 
Originally Posted by moundraised23

I see your point OP and agree with a lot of it, but end well this wont

Yeah and it's a shame being a black male in this society it's like everyone is against you; even other black males.
and don't expect other people to understand cause if they can't relate to you you're just a whiner, complainer or whatever. 
My parents were born in China and I was in America. My parents went to school in China during Mao's reign and managed to get into college there, then my dad got a student visa in America. After attending graduate school in america, he manged to get a job here, and eventually both of my parents became citizens. There is alot of racism and ignorance towards Asians in America and I see it everyday. I'm sure you do too.
I went to school, and I think young kids are some of the most ignorant people alive, and it was just wild. Haters everywhere. I'm in college now and although its not nearly as bad as elementary school, old habits die hard.

As I grew up, I realized that I can only be responsible for my own actions. I think that if you approached people with a friendly attitude and a compassionate smile then people will treat you better. Maybe not in all cases, but I think it would help in general.
My parents were born in China and I was in America. My parents went to school in China during Mao's reign and managed to get into college there, then my dad got a student visa in America. After attending graduate school in america, he manged to get a job here, and eventually both of my parents became citizens. There is alot of racism and ignorance towards Asians in America and I see it everyday. I'm sure you do too.
I went to school, and I think young kids are some of the most ignorant people alive, and it was just wild. Haters everywhere. I'm in college now and although its not nearly as bad as elementary school, old habits die hard.

As I grew up, I realized that I can only be responsible for my own actions. I think that if you approached people with a friendly attitude and a compassionate smile then people will treat you better. Maybe not in all cases, but I think it would help in general.
I actually love being an African American male...honestly wouldn't trade it for any other race even with their perceived advantages. Are there challenging moments...of course, but in my humble opinion blacks are doing an even better job of holding themselves back than what the white race has been doing lately. The key word being LATELY.

We really need to get the chip off our shoulder and drive forward. No more excuses.
I actually love being an African American male...honestly wouldn't trade it for any other race even with their perceived advantages. Are there challenging moments...of course, but in my humble opinion blacks are doing an even better job of holding themselves back than what the white race has been doing lately. The key word being LATELY.

We really need to get the chip off our shoulder and drive forward. No more excuses.
Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 
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