The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Asians have it worse?

Child please
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Media raises kids WHEN Parents don't.

and parents are not raising their kids nowadays.

that's pretty undeniable, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Very true.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Media raises kids WHEN Parents don't.

and parents are not raising their kids nowadays.

that's pretty undeniable, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Very true.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by NubianDisaster

Hm. well unpopular opinion coming up.
The black church isn't a problem.
Parenting is the problem.
You don't really need black "role models" the model should be in your home.
AA Parents should be more involved in their children's education and school system.
Notice how I said parents, single parent households can't raise children like 2 parents can.
A strong family and a strong work ethic would definitely start the reform in the AA community.

The thing is how can you except people who don't know any better to know better. 

You got 40 year old grandmothers raising kids. You got 3-4 generations that never left the same block.  Then what about the 2 parent home that really does the right things but they live in an area where the kids are exposed to the crime, drugs, and ignorance anyways.  Of course the parents are responsible but its more than that.  Alot of good parents can't be as involved as they would like to be.  Remember time is a luxury.  
QFMFT!!! This is so true it almost hurts to think about...
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by NubianDisaster

Hm. well unpopular opinion coming up.
The black church isn't a problem.
Parenting is the problem.
You don't really need black "role models" the model should be in your home.
AA Parents should be more involved in their children's education and school system.
Notice how I said parents, single parent households can't raise children like 2 parents can.
A strong family and a strong work ethic would definitely start the reform in the AA community.

The thing is how can you except people who don't know any better to know better. 

You got 40 year old grandmothers raising kids. You got 3-4 generations that never left the same block.  Then what about the 2 parent home that really does the right things but they live in an area where the kids are exposed to the crime, drugs, and ignorance anyways.  Of course the parents are responsible but its more than that.  Alot of good parents can't be as involved as they would like to be.  Remember time is a luxury.  
QFMFT!!! This is so true it almost hurts to think about...
Asian Americans have it way easier than black people in america. You all can come over here fresh off the boat,plane etc and open up restaurants, convenience stores, nail saloons laundrymats. You all get approved for loans easier and everything. Heck your property is worth more solely based off of race. You all check in and out cultures frequently and in some cases leech off an entire community with unfair businesses and monopoly. Tell me how does a person come to america and start up a small business with no prior credit history, no SN no nothing. Yet a persons who has been here for hundreds of years can't even get approved to open a damn car wash.

People from Latin America can check in and out of American culture at will . One minute you all can be cool with black people next you all are with white people looking down at black people with contempt. I have seen it happen before and saw friends stab me in the back to embrace white culture. American as a whole benefits on the fact you all do jobs that people who have taken years to master and do it for a ridiculously low price and disrupt entire unions. Yet you all say don't hate we are using an opportunity. There are unions that worked hard to finally get fair treatment and illegals come here and throw the entire industry on its ear.
Asian Americans have it way easier than black people in america. You all can come over here fresh off the boat,plane etc and open up restaurants, convenience stores, nail saloons laundrymats. You all get approved for loans easier and everything. Heck your property is worth more solely based off of race. You all check in and out cultures frequently and in some cases leech off an entire community with unfair businesses and monopoly. Tell me how does a person come to america and start up a small business with no prior credit history, no SN no nothing. Yet a persons who has been here for hundreds of years can't even get approved to open a damn car wash.

People from Latin America can check in and out of American culture at will . One minute you all can be cool with black people next you all are with white people looking down at black people with contempt. I have seen it happen before and saw friends stab me in the back to embrace white culture. American as a whole benefits on the fact you all do jobs that people who have taken years to master and do it for a ridiculously low price and disrupt entire unions. Yet you all say don't hate we are using an opportunity. There are unions that worked hard to finally get fair treatment and illegals come here and throw the entire industry on its ear.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Youve had experience being a slave? Sorry to hear that, man.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Youve had experience being a slave? Sorry to hear that, man.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Youve had experience being a slave? Sorry to hear that, man.
Its not slavery that he is talking about its what has happened as a result of slavery. Southern Whites after slavery tried to dehumanize blacks to justify their actions. Watch Birth of a Nation and see the disgusting way they tried portray Blacks in the media at the time.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Yes slavery happened and no I'm not going to get over it. 
Youve had experience being a slave? Sorry to hear that, man.
Its not slavery that he is talking about its what has happened as a result of slavery. Southern Whites after slavery tried to dehumanize blacks to justify their actions. Watch Birth of a Nation and see the disgusting way they tried portray Blacks in the media at the time.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Shut up.[/color]

Originally Posted by solefood229

It is hard, try being the ONLY Black Man at your job its even worse when some ignant **%* happens in the world involving a black man and everyone looks at you for insight.

I just hate when we are all grouped together, when one person does something dumb, white men have down just as many crimes as the black man, but I dont see anyone clutching their purses when a white person walks by them or riding in your neighborhood
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Preach. [/color]

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Most scrutinized, even black men hate black men.

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Stop it.

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Asian Americans have it way easier than black people in america. You all can come over here fresh off the boat,plane etc and open up restaurants, convenience stores, nail saloons laundrymats. You all get approved for loans easier and everything. Heck your property is worth more solely based off of race. You all check in and out cultures frequently and in some cases leech off an entire community with unfair businesses and monopoly. Tell me how does a person come to america and start up a small business with no prior credit history, no SN no nothing. Yet a persons who has been here for hundreds of years can't even get approved to open a damn car wash.

People from Latin America can check in and out of American culture at will . One minute you all can be cool with black people next you all are with white people looking down at black people with contempt. I have seen it happen before and saw friends stab me in the back to embrace white culture. American as a whole benefits on the fact you all do jobs that people who have taken years to master and do it for a ridiculously low price and disrupt entire unions. Yet you all say don't hate we are using an opportunity. There are unions that worked hard to finally get fair treatment and illegals come here and throw the entire industry on its ear.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Tell it like it is.[/color]
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Stop listening to Rap/hip-hop/etc

Real talk... you've got America's most successful black men STILL rapping about gangster %%@$. What do you think kids are gonna do? The root of the entire problem is that lifestyle in the hood is almost idolized. Being "about that life" etc.

You really think the next generation of black American's would have it so hard if instead of listening to Birdman you were listening to Arcade Fire.

I'm also going to acknowledge the fact I'm way off... but I have a point
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Shut up.[/color]

Originally Posted by solefood229

It is hard, try being the ONLY Black Man at your job its even worse when some ignant **%* happens in the world involving a black man and everyone looks at you for insight.

I just hate when we are all grouped together, when one person does something dumb, white men have down just as many crimes as the black man, but I dont see anyone clutching their purses when a white person walks by them or riding in your neighborhood
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Preach. [/color]

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Most scrutinized, even black men hate black men.

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Stop it.

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Asian Americans have it way easier than black people in america. You all can come over here fresh off the boat,plane etc and open up restaurants, convenience stores, nail saloons laundrymats. You all get approved for loans easier and everything. Heck your property is worth more solely based off of race. You all check in and out cultures frequently and in some cases leech off an entire community with unfair businesses and monopoly. Tell me how does a person come to america and start up a small business with no prior credit history, no SN no nothing. Yet a persons who has been here for hundreds of years can't even get approved to open a damn car wash.

People from Latin America can check in and out of American culture at will . One minute you all can be cool with black people next you all are with white people looking down at black people with contempt. I have seen it happen before and saw friends stab me in the back to embrace white culture. American as a whole benefits on the fact you all do jobs that people who have taken years to master and do it for a ridiculously low price and disrupt entire unions. Yet you all say don't hate we are using an opportunity. There are unions that worked hard to finally get fair treatment and illegals come here and throw the entire industry on its ear.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Tell it like it is.[/color]
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