The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Blacks in a reputable college where the only other Blacks are the remaining 5% of the undergraduate population, 1% of the faculty, 4% of the administration and 95% of the cooks, custodians, maintenance men, and other low-skill jobs.
Blacks in a challenging profession where you're the sole representative in the entire office. Please show me all the Black Sales/Traders on the Exchange floor. Or the teachers that AREN'T in elementary schools. Or the Lawyers in top 5 firms. Or the Consultants at MBB.

*I'm pretty sure at Princeton there are more Black workers than there are students. Same at Harvard, Cornell, Yale, Brown, UPENN, Columbia, and Dartmouth.*
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
Sounds like a "Self fulfilling Prophecy" & a Positive Stereotype (Great in Math)
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Man, everyone has had a time when they felt that they have been unfairly treated because of their race or skin color.

Unfortunately, after reading this thread, I honestly think Asians have it the worse. I'll break it into cliff-notes because no one wants to read anymore.

Cliffs: Asians have it worse in the U.S.
-Tons of jokes discriminating Asians, yet no one finds it in poor taste.
-No representation in entertainment or sports.
-No activists like Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton speaking up for Asian equality.
-No one significant in political affairs. <---Important.
-City wants a new stadium? Cool. Where do they usually propose to put it? In Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood.
-Asians were slaves in the U.S. as well... Yet NO ONE ever talks about it in our education system or anywhere actually.
-Many still consider Japanese businessmen as our "enemy."
-Most Asian men are stereotyped by the woman of other nationalities. <----Ouch.
-U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act lasted from 1882-1943.
-Internment camps during WWII... For Asian American CITIZENS... On U.S. soil...

Wow. That's a lot of cliffs. However, I realize that I could have kept going. Just my opinion.

  You can't honestly believe its worse for asians.  When it comes to $ you guys are winning.  Kids get forced into 4.0 gpas and masters degrees.  Then alot of you guys own your businesses. 
Sounds like a "Self fulfilling Prophecy" & a Positive Stereotype (Great in Math)
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23
what inequality? you and white people basically run the world, if anything asians are at the top of the economic ladder.

Here in america yall own your own businesses in BLACK communities, and keep the money to yourselves, look at any beauty supply store/nail salon/clothing store even your local chinese food spot is bound for success

hands down an asian man will get hired 5x quicker than a black man, @*%@ they probably are one up on white people aswell
Who are you referring to as "You"?"  I'm not Asian... I'm American. My mom might be from the Philippines, but I don't look Caucasian or Asian. In fact, no one knows what I am. I get Jewish, Hispanic, and Italian often... I was once called an Arab from a Southern "gentleman." Luckily, I have friends of every background that have never judged me on my looks, but rather the content of my character.

And I thought we were talking about the plight of minorities in America, not the world? With that being said, I live in a community that has plenty of businesses owned by Asians, Jews, whites, blacks and Hispanics. They are all over the place now. But really think about it. That's from the fruit of their labor, not from some hand-me-down. Look back to my original post. Asians don't really hold the power that really matters in America. Why can't we all just earn our keep? It's time we, as Americans, stop blaming others for our struggle. No one has had it as bad as our ancestors. It's just my opinion.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23
what inequality? you and white people basically run the world, if anything asians are at the top of the economic ladder.

Here in america yall own your own businesses in BLACK communities, and keep the money to yourselves, look at any beauty supply store/nail salon/clothing store even your local chinese food spot is bound for success

hands down an asian man will get hired 5x quicker than a black man, @*%@ they probably are one up on white people aswell
Who are you referring to as "You"?"  I'm not Asian... I'm American. My mom might be from the Philippines, but I don't look Caucasian or Asian. In fact, no one knows what I am. I get Jewish, Hispanic, and Italian often... I was once called an Arab from a Southern "gentleman." Luckily, I have friends of every background that have never judged me on my looks, but rather the content of my character.

And I thought we were talking about the plight of minorities in America, not the world? With that being said, I live in a community that has plenty of businesses owned by Asians, Jews, whites, blacks and Hispanics. They are all over the place now. But really think about it. That's from the fruit of their labor, not from some hand-me-down. Look back to my original post. Asians don't really hold the power that really matters in America. Why can't we all just earn our keep? It's time we, as Americans, stop blaming others for our struggle. No one has had it as bad as our ancestors. It's just my opinion.
How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Originally Posted by MrBen23

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23
what inequality? you and white people basically run the world, if anything asians are at the top of the economic ladder.

Here in america yall own your own businesses in BLACK communities, and keep the money to yourselves, look at any beauty supply store/nail salon/clothing store even your local chinese food spot is bound for success

hands down an asian man will get hired 5x quicker than a black man, @*%@ they probably are one up on white people aswell
Who are you referring to as "You"?"  I'm not Asian... I'm American. My mom might be from the Philippines, but I don't look Caucasian or Asian. In fact, no one knows what I am. I get Jewish, Hispanic, and Italian often... I was once called an Arab from a Southern "gentleman." Luckily, I have friends of every background that have never judged me on my looks, but rather the content of my character.

And I thought we were talking about the plight of minorities in America, not the world? With that being said, I live in a community that has plenty of businesses owned by Asians, Jews, whites, blacks and Hispanics. They are all over the place now. But really think about it. That's from the fruit of their labor, not from some hand-me-down. Look back to my original post. Asians don't really hold the power that really matters in America. Why can't we all just earn our keep? It's time we, as Americans, stop blaming others for our struggle. No one has had it as bad as our ancestors. It's just my opinion.

  Sorry son I can't agree.  If I go to certain spots I can see generations of a family working.  So yes it's a hand-me-down.  Not all business but it does happen.

For example, I took a class called Mind of the entreprenuer and we had to do a project where we interviewed somebody who runs there own business.  For starters there was 8 black students in 50 person class.  Out of the remaining 42 students (majority white) about 12 interviewed somebody in their family.  How conveinient?  0 of us black students did that.  Even the TA was like "oh I'm going to go work for my dad after grad school".  See the difference?
Originally Posted by MrBen23

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23
what inequality? you and white people basically run the world, if anything asians are at the top of the economic ladder.

Here in america yall own your own businesses in BLACK communities, and keep the money to yourselves, look at any beauty supply store/nail salon/clothing store even your local chinese food spot is bound for success

hands down an asian man will get hired 5x quicker than a black man, @*%@ they probably are one up on white people aswell
Who are you referring to as "You"?"  I'm not Asian... I'm American. My mom might be from the Philippines, but I don't look Caucasian or Asian. In fact, no one knows what I am. I get Jewish, Hispanic, and Italian often... I was once called an Arab from a Southern "gentleman." Luckily, I have friends of every background that have never judged me on my looks, but rather the content of my character.

And I thought we were talking about the plight of minorities in America, not the world? With that being said, I live in a community that has plenty of businesses owned by Asians, Jews, whites, blacks and Hispanics. They are all over the place now. But really think about it. That's from the fruit of their labor, not from some hand-me-down. Look back to my original post. Asians don't really hold the power that really matters in America. Why can't we all just earn our keep? It's time we, as Americans, stop blaming others for our struggle. No one has had it as bad as our ancestors. It's just my opinion.

  Sorry son I can't agree.  If I go to certain spots I can see generations of a family working.  So yes it's a hand-me-down.  Not all business but it does happen.

For example, I took a class called Mind of the entreprenuer and we had to do a project where we interviewed somebody who runs there own business.  For starters there was 8 black students in 50 person class.  Out of the remaining 42 students (majority white) about 12 interviewed somebody in their family.  How conveinient?  0 of us black students did that.  Even the TA was like "oh I'm going to go work for my dad after grad school".  See the difference?
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Originally Posted by TmAk15

2nd hardest, because of NAFTA and other free trade/globalization agreements the latin-immigrant is the modern american slave of the 21st century
This man speaks the truth
Originally Posted by TmAk15

2nd hardest, because of NAFTA and other free trade/globalization agreements the latin-immigrant is the modern american slave of the 21st century
This man speaks the truth
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Media raises kids WHEN Parents don't.

and parents are not raising their kids nowadays.

that's pretty undeniable, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

How are you guys going to say Bretts wrong then say what black people need is a good influence in their life .. 

Fact is that pop culture is one of the biggest influences on any kid growing up.
Media don't raise kids point blank. I feel the responsibility starts and ends at home.
That Columbine argument is tired.
Media raises kids WHEN Parents don't.

and parents are not raising their kids nowadays.

that's pretty undeniable, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

  Sorry son I can't agree.  If I go to certain spots I can see generations of a family working.  So yes it's a hand-me-down.  Not all business but it does happen.

For example, I took a class called Mind of the entreprenuer and we had to do a project where we interviewed somebody who runs there own business.  For starters there was 8 black students in 50 person class.  Out of the remaining 42 students (majority white) about 12 interviewed somebody in their family.  How conveinient?  0 of us black students did that.  Even the TA was like "oh I'm going to go work for my dad after grad school".  See the difference?
Damn shame. I see your point. "The only real truth is the reality that we live in."

But I was referring to the fact that the family's business wasn't originally given to them because of their race. Someone, despite their non-WASP socioeconomic disadvantages, worked hard to provide for their family. Nothing was given to them and it wasn't easy.

I agree that Blacks still have it bad. But they have a voice in the community. Asians don't. That was the real point I am trying to drive home. (I'm glad this debate is civil. It's going pretty well, actually.)
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MrBen23

  Sorry son I can't agree.  If I go to certain spots I can see generations of a family working.  So yes it's a hand-me-down.  Not all business but it does happen.

For example, I took a class called Mind of the entreprenuer and we had to do a project where we interviewed somebody who runs there own business.  For starters there was 8 black students in 50 person class.  Out of the remaining 42 students (majority white) about 12 interviewed somebody in their family.  How conveinient?  0 of us black students did that.  Even the TA was like "oh I'm going to go work for my dad after grad school".  See the difference?
Damn shame. I see your point. "The only real truth is the reality that we live in."

But I was referring to the fact that the family's business wasn't originally given to them because of their race. Someone, despite their non-WASP socioeconomic disadvantages, worked hard to provide for their family. Nothing was given to them and it wasn't easy.

I agree that Blacks still have it bad. But they have a voice in the community. Asians don't. That was the real point I am trying to drive home. (I'm glad this debate is civil. It's going pretty well, actually.)
2 things... Maybe I am in the wrong if we are strictly talking about economic/job problems, as I have pointed out other important problems, but not specifically jobs.

And it doesn't help that someone has a thread "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" under this one.
2 things... Maybe I am in the wrong if we are strictly talking about economic/job problems, as I have pointed out other important problems, but not specifically jobs.

And it doesn't help that someone has a thread "Why Chinese Mothers are Superior" under this one.
It's a shame you're black. You could've been something better and easier.

Spoiler [+]
Yes that was sarcasm. Dumb@##.
It's a shame you're black. You could've been something better and easier.

Spoiler [+]
Yes that was sarcasm. Dumb@##.
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