The hate for successful minorities is strong... SMH

Aug 24, 2009
The other day I was hanging out with some friends/family and we decided to go to a local park. We drove, three cars total.

There were two "normal" cars (a Subaru station wagon and an SUV) and one red Porsche. The Porsche was driven by a friend, young black guy, and there was a young Puerto Rican guy next to him, both were very polite and softspoken people. Not the young and rich kids who think they're above the law.

Anyways, we're driving to the park and the Porsche was pulled over, TWICE. Both times they said the guy was speeding. We were all going at the speed limit, even if they were speeding it was ever so slightly and very hard to notice. No one else got pulled over.

And both times they got pulled over they had to talk to the cops for nearly 20 minutes. Later on they told us the first time they got pulled over the cop was saying things like "you sure this car is yours?" and "where did you manage to get a car like this?". How about he bought that with money

Maybe I'm reaching, but I felt like that was ridiculous. These dudes aren't spoiled, they aren't cocky, they're just normal people and everyone else has to give them a hard time.

Is this a reoccurring issue or just something I've noticed?
racial profiling.

it's worse when your own race does it to you.

last time i got pulled over, it was by a hispanic cop.

he would not let go of the idea that i was a gang member. even though NOTHING about me screams gang member. it was degrading as hell.
this happened in the Bay?!?!? if so, which city? I can see this happening in the more remote suburbs like Livermore, but I can't imagine this happening in cities like SF or San Jose. Over here, 80% of the population is Mexican/Latino. If you go to the malls, parks, etc here you can count the number of white people you see in 1 hour on one hand

Never mind, it says you're in Boston. got confused by the Monta avy
Welcome to the club. It's never actually happened to me, but I can point out loads of people
who it has happened to.
I once got pulled over bc I fit the description of someone who had robbed a house a few minutes ago. The cop told me that it was the color jeans I was wearing.

How the cop saw the color of my jeans through my car is beyond me. My car isnt see through btw
happens to my dad regularly, unfortunately. his car isn't anything special either (2010 lexus es350), but those whose job it is to "protect and serve" feel it's too special for him to be driving. prior to owning his newest car, my dad drove a honda civic and very rarely was he stopped for infractions.
So Monta, you really thought black people were making stuff up when you heard stories like this?
Happens everywhere,

I'm glad it's only happened to me once and not more times.

I know people that have gone through this as well.
Happened to my cousin while i was in the car. They asked him how did he get the car. They pulled us over for nothing. His car is heavily modded now and he gets pulled over just about twice a month. 0 Tickets.

I dont like to be around white places because thats where they pull you over the most. I got 11.5% tints. So i'll be @%***% easily. Low Crime areas = getting pulled over for nothing.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So Monta, you really thought black people were making stuff up when you heard stories like this?

I knew about Driving While Black, but I figured it was kind of ridiculous for ALL minorities to be covered in that extra scope of law enforcement.

It's not just about a single race, it's about an entire secret agenda to prevent young, rich, minorities from enjoying their stuff. I think this issue isn't just about race, but it's also got age and wealth behind this.






it'd be pretty degrading to be stopped by one of these guys.  power tripping mofos probably get paid in donuts.  what a joke

high school drop outs who think common folks should suddenly bow down and respect their authority just because they're employed for the government. 

always keep a box of krispy kremes in your car if u get pulled over.
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