The NBA Draft Thread

And his playoff shooting splits may very well still be atrocious.

If your #1 scorer by a WIIIIIIIDE margin is a 5'8" guy, you are going to be in trouble in May.

You 100% draft Fultz if you have the chance. He has the frame to guard 2s anyway

You're talking about him in the playoffs two years ago when he wasn't even a damn starter and shot 18 total times in 4 games........

He might shoot more than that in every single playoff game he plays this year.

He's on a whole nother level this year...I really wouldn't take account of how he did in 6 games last year and say that's how he's going to do this year either.

I still think the Celtics should trade for both Jimmy Butler and Noel this trade deadline if Ainge would move the damn pick like he should. They're a couple pieces away from being legit contenders that could knock Cleveland out and those two moves could do the job if everybody stayed healthy.
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???? Are you ignoring his playoff apprearance last season when he got substantially more shots and wasn't any better? :lol:
I am a big Celts fan. Watch every game. We are a good team, but we aren't as close to a championship contender as some of you seem to think. Our best chance at immediate contention would've been if we landed KD last summer. That would've put us on the level of the Cavs and Warriors. Adding Jimmy Butler to this team does not make us better than the Cavs, and even if we were able to somehow beat them, we aren't going to beat the Warriors. Anthony Davis is the only player that I think could conceivably put us on the level of those teams, and he isn't going anywhere.
I am a big Celts fan. Watch every game. We are a good team, but we aren't as close to a championship contender as some of you seem to think. Our best chance at immediate contention would've been if we landed KD last summer. That would've put us on the level of the Cavs and Warriors. Adding Jimmy Butler to this team does not make us better than the Cavs, and even if we were able to somehow beat them, we aren't going to beat the Warriors. Anthony Davis is the only player that I think could conceivably put us on the level of those teams, and he isn't going anywhere.

Well your team signing Horford, being right there for the #1 seed in the conference and having discussions for other vets makes me believe that your team is in win-now mode. So either you make trades and sign the best players you can to do that or you ride it out with your team that you think isn't good enough to win anything and then add a rookie to the mix next year that could be the #1 pick in the draft just to either come off the bench or put him in the starting lineup and get rid of your SG who's a perfect complement to your best player.

I personally think IT-Bradley-Butler-Crowder-Horford could beat the Cavs this year.
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That potential lineup isn't beating the cavs
Depends on if the Cavs are hobbled. If Love is compromised they could def pull it off. Remember the Bulls should have beaten them that 1st year Bron came back. 
Well your team signing Horford, being right there for the #1 seed in the conference and having discussions for other vets makes me believe that your team is in win-now mode. So either you make trades and sign the best players you can to do that or you ride it out with your team that you think isn't good enough to win anything and then add a rookie to the mix next year that could be the #1 pick in the draft just to either come off the bench or put him in the starting lineup and get rid of your SG who's a perfect complement to your best player.

I personally think IT-Bradley-Butler-Crowder-Horford could beat the Cavs this year.
They signed Horford because the team straight up needed more talent and we also needed him in order to have any chance in the KD sweepstakes. That lineup you named would get absolutely obliterated on the glass by Cleveland. No chance they are beating the Cavs unless they are missing one of their big 3. Going all-in right now for Jimmy Butler just isn't the smart move, IMO. They are in position to be one of the 4-5 best teams in the league and also build a team to be reckoned with for many years to come if they stay the course.
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How many hustles do yall think Lavar Ball got on the side? :lol:

you didn't see that Slam video "Christmas with the Ball Family" where he used his sons fame to promote some low rent hood clothing line called "big baller brand"?

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But you can always make your jumper better...rare that you can get more creativity.

Tatum > issac

Otto Porter is flourishing without creativity.

Isaacs projects to be a younger, longer, talented version of that.....and some more. That's scary

Efficiency and winning basketball >>>> Fancy dribble moves in the half court.
Stop it you know I'm not talking bout fancy dribbling. :lol:

I did however see a mean jab two dribble into a pull that was nice.

But I def don't see him with the literal quickness or flat out foot speed for the 3.
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Yeah...I was skeptical in the past, but I am sold on Isaac now. Best case scenario for Philly is if the Kings stink it up (very realistic) and fall below LA in the rankings where we can nab their pick and LA's pick giving us the option to draft Isaac and Monk.

Thank you Hinkie.
Isaac is a great prospect, elite rebounder, projects to be a great defender from day 1 at the 4, good shooting numbers for a 4, really good athlete laterally and vertically. Effecient scorer around the rim, can drive from the perimeter.

I don't see how he doesn't at least become a starter on a playoff team.
Isaac is a great prospect, elite rebounder, projects to be a great defender from day 1 at the 4, good shooting numbers for a 4, really good athlete laterally and vertically. Effecient scorer around the rim, can drive from the perimeter.

I don't see how he doesn't at least become a starter on a playoff team.

I think he's going to have to play the 3 due to lack of bulk. That motor rebounding when you're a toothpick is going to be tough
I think he's going to have to play the 3 due to lack of bulk. That motor rebounding when you're a toothpick is going to be tough

Not when you have the standing reach of a 5 and leaping ability.

4's are getting smaller too, he needs to put on 10-15 pounds but he's a teenager, that will come.

His highest potential is at the 4.
Think he's a stretch 4 all the way... He's thin but he doesn't need an unthinkable amount of weight.
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