The NBA Draft Thread

Bulls should have taken Danny's deal at the deadline. They would have gotten some combo of the #1 pick, next year's picks, Smart, Crowder, Bradley, etc. for Butler
I feel bad for the Knicks...I wanted them to at least get a top 3 pick. I have no clue who they're gonna be left with at 8.
How did this ever happen?

How did you give up FOUR first ground picks for a 37 year old KG averaging 14 & 7 the year before and 35 year old Paul Pierce who gave you ONE SEASON!!!!

Billy King is a poison. Never gave AI jack and then does this. Just glad he ain't with us anymore.

I agree Billy King is a moron but AI couldn't play with ANYONE

Larry Brown did wonders that 00-01 season and I love AI as much as any Sixers fan
and i bet you at the time celtic fans were pissed about the trade for breaking up the big 3... they still had rondo even though allen left :lol:
Did y'all even see the Jimmy Kimmel interview with Paul George? Dude couldn't contain himself. He's coming here book it, just a matter of whether Magic pulls the trigger now or next summer.
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and i bet you at the time celtic fans were pissed about the trade for breaking up the big 3... they still had rondo even though allen left :lol:

After a .500 season and a first round loss to the Knicks? No, absolutely not. The writing was on the wall at that point. It was sad to see those guys go, especially Pierce, but most people understood that it was time.
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"Prime" amare ain't exactly what the Knicks had

He was having the best year of his career before Melo got traded there and was 25-26 years old. Him and Melo turned out to just be a terrible fit next to each other and then the injuries started breaking him down after a couple years.

His body was breaking down.. vividly remember how absurd folks though that contract was at the time..

He proved ppl wrong for what a year, even that?

I know he played well most of the season, but can't remember if he was able to finish the season or not
Cause russian billionaire thought he could buy his way to a title

Gotta be the most overhyped team purchase since Jay :lol:,they were decent for a year or 2 with that overpriced and aging core and have been beyond trash since
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Cause russian billionaire thought he could buy his way to a title

Not that Billy King should be excused but i always thought this was the driving force more than anything. It was his first year, eager and naive IIRC.
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Cause russian billionaire thought he could buy his way to a title

He could have. He just gave his checkbook to the wrong guy in Billy King. 

How billy king got a job after what he did with the sixers, I'll never know

Hinkie might come out of this thing looking great too.. got lakers unprotected 1st next year and Kings the year after, I think
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Magic and Pelinka have the balls to take Jackson? Magic appealed to the world when he took the job that he admired OKC and SAS for building intelligently... I wonder what the chances are it isn't Ball
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