The NBA Draft Thread

The more I think about it, Monk could be the one to fall. Does the shooting make up for the other weaknesses in his game?

If Frank and DSJ go in the top 10 then that would be 5 pg's taken in the top 10.

Lauri and Monk are the two I could see falling
View media item 2456969
The young gawd Furkan is on his way over :pimp:

6'7 athletic shooting guard that was a 48.8% three point shooter this past year. Him and how TLC played at the end of the year will probably keep us from drafting Monk if we trade back. I think we go Dennis Smith, Tatum or Jackson unless Lonzo falls then he's a possibility too.
View media item 2456969
The young gawd Furkan is on his way over :pimp:

6'7 athletic shooting guard that was a 48.8% three point shooter this past year. Him and how TLC played at the end of the year will probably keep us from drafting Monk if we trade back. I think we go Dennis Smith, Tatum or Jackson unless Lonzo falls then he's a possibility too.

if he is as advertised than BC needs to get a lot of credit for TLC and Furkan in the 20's
TLC had the green light after the all star break. Liked what I saw from him. Smart player and a great shooter.
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Philly's super team is shaping up nicely. Their bench alone could probably compete for a top 3 seed in the east
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Ainge leaking rumors again

Anthony Davis for Bradley, Brown, Zeller, 2017 #1, 2018 Nets 1st round
shooters shoot
What is the #1 seed in the #1 draft?

Nvm I read that wrong :lol:. How many rings do they give out for that accomplishment?
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Philly's super team is shaping up nicely. Their bench alone could probably compete for a top 3 seed in the east

Bayless/TJ/Sergio, Furkan/TLC, Covington, Okafor and Holmes would beat the Lakers though.

Dead serious.
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Anthony Davis for Bradley, Brown, Zeller, 2017 #1, 2018 Nets 1st round

Honestly if true, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat if I were the Pelicans. They'd probably lose Cousins in the process but as is they're still a while away from contending anyway. It's a start.

Porter Jr (next year)
Cousins (while you have him, maybe if you're winning he stays)
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That would only be worth it for the Celtics if they're DEFINITELY getting Hayward. Otherwise a team of IT-Smart-Crowder-Amir-AD still isn't going to the Finals. And you lose every one of your future building blocks in the process.
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That would only be worth it for the Celtics if they're DEFINITELY getting Hayward. Otherwise a team of IT-Smart-Crowder-Amir-AD still isn't going to the Finals. And you lose every one of your future building blocks in the process.

Horford isn't included in that trade brah. And Amir is a free agent this summer I believe, doubt Boston resigns him.
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Horford isn't included in that trade brah. And Amir is a free agent this summer I believe, doubt Boston resigns him.

Damn I completely forgot about him for a sec :lol:


Yeah they could definitely do some damage...would rather have Smart come off the bench though.
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Damn I completely forgot about him for a sec :lol:


Yeah they could definitely do some damage...would rather have Smart come off the bench though.

Boston has relatively cheap options in free agency though when it comes to finding someone that fits their scheme and can either play next to IT or come off the bench if you start Smart.

Thabo, CJ Miles, Justin Holiday, Langston Galloway, PJ Tucker, Hardaway Jr, KJ McDaniels, etc. Hell, even bring back Tony Allen. He can't make a layup on a Fisher Price basket but he can still lock up on D.
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