The NBA Draft Thread

Ainge did a draft day trade for him so these dudes probably won't count it...

And they like to make fun of Ainge, yet teams like the Lakers and Sixers haven't drafted an all-star in 10+ years either...
Andrew Bynum
Exactly.  10+ years

Emphasis on the "+"

We have only had 6 lottery picks since 1990.  half of them in the last 3 seasons (so have to wait and see) 

Celtics had 12 since 1990
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Of the 38 draft picks Danny Ainge has made, 0 have made an All Star game. The last Celtic draftee to do so was Paul Pierce ('98), per @espn.
— Will Reeve Jr (@WillReeveJr) June 21, 2017

Crazy stat....but also probably needs a little bit of context thrown in - Boston has still had 19 of their players named All Star since just 2008. And Ainge hasn't exactly been picking top 5 in the draft every year.
Andrew Bynum
Exactly.  10+ years

Emphasis on the "+"

We have only had 6 lottery picks since 1990.  half of them in the last 3 seasons (so have to wait and see) 

Celtics had 12 since 1990
We've only had 3 in the last 10 years and traded one of them immediately for Ray Allen. My point is that it's just dumb and lazy to get on someone for not drafting all-stars when they are drafting outside of the lottery pretty much every single time.

If guys like Jaylen, whoever we draft this year and in the next 2 years with our lotto picks don't turn into all-stars, I'll have no problem getting on Ainge.
Celtic fans be like 'OMGzzz assetssss' then when there's no trades and bums get drafted it's 'yea but look at the draft position. Of course late picks are worthless assets'
If they took him at 3 and didn't play him, I can't wait to see the defenses of Danny Genius that Celtics fans would cook up.
i mean he is a sixers fan 

just forgetting about guys like KAT, Kyrie and blake griffin . 

I would say that Ben Simmons was more hyped than all three of them. Definitely KAT. He wasn't even thought of as the #1 pick til midway through his college season, it was Okafor before that. And Blake Griffin had to stay for his sophomore year. Ben could have been the #1 pick right out of high school. Dude had been thought of as the next LeBron since he was like 16.
Doesn't Ben have some severely limiting qualities?  Like doesn't he drive left like 90% of the time and isnt he a pretty awful shooter?
To Ben's credit he's a pretty good finisher with both hands. He is a pretty damn inconsistent shooter, but more so will be known for his playmaking and rebounding.

No where near Lebron, more of a Odom, but Odom was a better shooter. If he learns how to have a back to the basket game and work from the post he'll maximize his potential.
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