The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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While I do think the new proposed deal is whack bc at the end of the day the players dont have guaranteed contracts, they’ll give in somewhat bc they are weak and will give in to the owners. The team owners have the players controlled like pimps. Until they stand up for themselves and not have a check for a year or two possibly. The union has to call the owners bluff on this. The most violent game, you dont have guaranteed contracts and better care for former players? Complete bs.
While I do think the new proposed deal is whack bc at the end of the day the players dont have guaranteed contracts, they’ll give in somewhat bc they are weak and will give in to the owners. The team owners have the players controlled like pimps. Until they stand up for themselves and not have a check for a year or two possibly. The union has to call the owners bluff on this. The most violent game, you dont have guaranteed contracts and better care for former players? Complete bs.

I remember in 2011, some players had to borrow money once they missed checks. They folded quick. Between so many players in the league and non guaranteed contracts, it would have to take a collective unity and a willingness to miss regular season games to get any type of results done.

MLB had the strike which cancelled the 94 World Series. The NHL had a lockout which scrapped an entire season (2004-05) and one where almost half the season was cancelled in 2012-13. The NBA had the lockout in 1998-99, and another lockout in 2011.

The NFL has more players on lower end contracts who likely need the money more than their counterparts in other leagues do. They have more players than any other league as well, so getting a more collective and unified stance is likely tougher.
Why Calais?
He’s currently the 2nd highest paid player on our roster, only behind the crazy Nick Foles deal. While CC has been a Pro Bowler for us every season and definitely the leader in the locker room (Walter Payton NFL Man of The Year in 2019), last year was statistically one of the worst seasons of his career and he turns 34 the week before the season starts.

I don’t think we cut him and let him walk, but I do think he will be restructured or cut and resigned to a lower contract.
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