The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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Trump wont watch NFL in the fall because of those pesky kneeling players....but stays giddy for the All American owners who dodged the draft in their youth, avoided all corporate and personal taxes in their primes, and stripped nearly all national names from NFL stadiums in favor of corporate sponsor checks once they became owners.

Oh, and were caught charging money to the Armed Forces for their half time tributes.
Oh, and were caught charging money to the Armed Forces for their half time tributes.
This is BIG FACTS! I used to laugh my *** off when I would see the NFL come down on players for kneeling (their constitutional right) and “disrespecting the flag and America” and they had JUST gotten popped for taking $723,000 bucks from taxpayers to do Armed Forces tributes.

Talk yo **** young brotha


This dude Jamal preached about wanting to win in NY, all that. I love him as a player but he's looking real funny in all of this IMO. I'd love for him to stay but I think that ship has sailed & he's going to leave a real sour taste to the fanbase for a long while.

Gotta think a bubble idea might end up being neccessary with the way things are trending in certain parts of the country...
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