The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

original manga use to come out late thursday/ early friday
not everyone's favorite sites gets them as early as manga panda and such. this thread is to discuss manga but when some are reading tuesday and wednesdays and others cant read til Thursday Friday your spoiling us. ijs carry on but this early ...throw in some spoiler tags
\\nah, just dont come in the thread. Your not making sense. I read the earliest release and then other translations later. get with the times
\\nah, just dont come in the thread. Your not making sense. I read the earliest release and then other translations later. get with the times
more than bleach and naruto constitute as manga anime in this thread...why would I stop visiting. .. im just saything pictures and talk about what happened should be put in spoim er tags atleast until thursday....
I actually tagged that pic as a spoiler at first then I thought to myself what exactly is this flash back spoiling so I edited the spoiler out :lol:
seriously though what did I spoil for you in that 1 page not trying to be condescending at all
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Alright gents, no need to argue. We should be using spoilers more often in regards to new chapters coming out and pictures, at least for a 24 hour period. I dont see a problem with that, and how hard it can be to click an icon really. at least we dont have to type it out like we had to when we were on yuku. :lol:

I dont see a problem with a 24 hour grace period. Do you guys?
Do you guys think that the revived hashirama and madra are going to fight?

nah. that would be too good to be true and sort of a copout/ plot no jutsu to solving the Madara problem. Think about it. They were supposed to be sealed away forever. Now all of a sudden, a revived oro knows a way to release the death god seal, and releases hashirama. Ultimate copout
I dont see a problem with a 24 hour grace period. Do you guys?

That's perfect.

as far as bleach goes, after this chap, I'm giving it one more shot before I just let it finish and just catch up whenever its finished.
Tite better not mess up a story that can be simple but explain a lot.

Also the Naruto ninja storm 3 game comes out next week if anyone is interested. I got mine pre ordered
lol at bleach. i was getting a positive vibe before that final reveal. not sure how i feel about things now. tite is lowkey trolling...or not. ill read on to see how he writes this story out :lol:
Eww.  The guys voice on this video made me hate all things nerd.  i kinda hate myself for posting this right now.  he might have just shamed me into making an alternate account just for this thread.

Eww.  The guys voice on this video made me hate all things nerd.  i kinda hate myself for posting this right now.  he might have just shamed me into making an alternate account just for this thread.

you trippin :lol: his voice sounds normal imo

its not as bad as this guy though

:x :x :x i almost shrivled up into a ball and wanted to kill myself when i accidentally came across his **** looking for non AMV naruto fights :smh:

got me feeling wrong for liking naruto and **** :lol:
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Alright gents, no need to argue. We should be using spoilers more often in regards to new chapters coming out and pictures, at least for a 24 hour period. I dont see a problem with that, and how hard it can be to click an icon really. at least we dont have to type it out like we had to when we were on yuku. :lol:

I dont see a problem with a 24 hour grace period. Do you guys?

All caught up on Psycho-Pass. :pimp: :pimp:

It's one of those shows where I always let the opening and ending themes play all the way through.

tarting Magi now.
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Eww.  The guys voice on this video made me hate all things nerd.  i kinda hate myself for posting this right now.  he might have just shamed me into making an alternate account just for this thread.

:lol: The jimmies are thoroughly rustled.

I know that feel. :\

I ain't got nothing to hide in the end though. Anime is still awesome. :nthat:
nah. that would be too good to be true and sort of a copout/ plot no jutsu to solving the Madara problem. Think about it. They were supposed to be sealed away forever. Now all of a sudden, a revived oro knows a way to release the death god seal, and releases hashirama. Ultimate copout
I thought that myself. If Hashirama and Madara fight then it kind of takes away from the story and leaves you wondering if any of the current characters would of had what it takes to beat a legendary ninja. If  hashirama has to  intervene it makes the current generation look inept. The current generation has to show that they can carry on and surpass their predecessors. It would be an epic battle though. 
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