The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Is this the 2016 Finals parade or the 2019 one?
Now show his Finals MVP 🤔
Posted this yesterday from MY GOAT


But there's really no point because for whatever reason y'all two especially just won't give him and respect. EYE may not like Bron but he's in my Top 3 (probably #2 tbh) and undoubtedly the best player I've seen from the beginning of their career and the best of his generation.

Steph Curry is also Top 12-15 all-time, the greatest shooter I've ever seen, second best PG of all-time and while he may be behind Bron in terms of individual dominance in this generation, Steph's impact/influence is right there with Bron's.

All of these can be true. It doesn't have to be one set of facts or the other.
Posted this yesterday from MY GOAT


But there's really no point because for whatever reason y'all two especially just won't give him and respect. EYE may not like Bron but he's in my Top 3 (probably #2 tbh) and undoubtedly the best player I've seen from the beginning of their career and the best of his generation.

Steph Curry is also Top 12-15 all-time, the greatest shooter I've ever seen, second best PG of all-time and while he may be behind Bron in terms of individual dominance in this generation, Steph's impact/influence is right there with Bron's.

All of these can be true. It doesn't have to be one set of facts or the other.

I agree with everything you said except Bron being number #2.

He's top 2 and it's not 2.
Found myself in NYC till the end of the year, so deciding to go to the game tonight. Not every day you get an opportunity to see history unfold before your very eyes.

I agree with everything storm2006 storm2006 said earlier. Steph may not be comporable to LeBron's individual dominance, but there's a lot to be said with how he's changed the game how it's being played today. There's a lot of years left for Steph to play, and who knows what happens this year, but should things stay the course--there's a solid argument to be made over who had the better career when you're comparing LeBron vs. Steph. All things considered, Steph has a pretty impressive resume, especially when his biggest moments came AGAINST Lebron.

And I know some of ya'll are stuck on the Finals MVP thing, but in the grand scheme of things, history will not remember that. All they will see is Steph getting 3 of them thangs, all against Lebron.
It all starts with the owner. If we could just get rid of him :smh:
But he'll never sell, franchise prints more money than the treasury department

Dolan's been pretty quiet this year though, unless there's something going on which I wasn't aware of. The Knicks again has a personnel issue. We've invested more immediate future on a player who's not the most consistent scorer, and our playmakers are volatile.
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