The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Not you two but Kyrie's return shows a lot of people don't understand the nature of his absence. Yes, him being unvaccinated is why he wasn't allowed to play in NY but the reason he wasn't allowed to play in all other games is because the coaching staff and FO felt it would be too disruptive. The only reason he "won" or they "caved" is because their roster was decimated by COVID and if people were going to be in and out anyway, why not bring Kyrie back instead of some jabroni. In my eyes him not playing before wasn't a punishment rather it was more so because of the lack of continuity that it would create. COVID destroyed any sort of continuity so now it makes sense to re-incorporate Kyrie.

As far his return, people talking about his vaxx status and protocols but the man hasn't practiced with the team in a few months and who knows what type of shape he is in, let alone if he is in game shape. He might be better as is than some of the guys they are bringing in but from a conditioning standpoint it would make sense to give him a bit of time rather than immediately throwing him on the floor.
No, the only reason he couldn’t play was because he wasn’t vaxxed

If he played for almost any other team he would have been allowed to play in all games, thus not having to worry about being a part time player
He could've played in pretty much every road game. Team chose to not have him come in and out on a game by game basis. Until now.
Right, but if he played for almost any other team he would have been allowed to play in every game

So the fact that he wasn’t vaxxed was indeed the reason for his absence

Yeah, I made this observation a few weeks back. He's been richer for a lot longer than when he hasn't. It's a good thing to have this "problem". But what I worry about is how he'll adjust to life after basketball. I personally think he'll be fine, as he'll probably enter into other endeavors, some of which he's already began to do just as recent as a few years ago.

But the possibility is still out there.
Yeah, I made this observation a few weeks back. He's been richer for a lot longer than when he hasn't. It's a good thing to have this "problem". But what I worry about is how he'll adjust to life after basketball. I personally think he'll be fine, as he'll probably enter into other endeavors, some of which he's already began to do just as recent as a few years ago.

But the possibility is still out there.

What possibility are you referring to? I think he'll be fine. Kobe, another all-time great, would have had a similar post in Year 19 if posting stats like was en vouge in 2014/2015 and Kobe was flourishing post-NBA prior to his passing (RIP). He already has a lot going on off the court so Bron Bron will be aight IMO.
How are these numbers in comparison to the flu? I’m not antivax or anything, just want it to be over.
Annual influenza deaths in the US are anywhere from 30-60k/year. Almost entirely unvaccinated. In comparison, since the pandemic started there have been
~800k deaths. Keep in mind we do have treatments for the flu, for Covid there isn’t a treatment (Pfizer has a pill though coming soon). These treatments are mostly to prevent hospitalizations and death.
Has it though? Everyone been hit by Covid so it isn’t exactly unfair. That whole next man up idea happens every night.

It’s just is what it is at this point.
So we really gonna just use the bubble logic and apply it when it’s convenient on some “well it’s the same for everyone”

And in reality it’s diff rules for diff teams

A league-wide COVID outbreak that affects players and teams in different ways is far more damaging to the "integrity of the season" than all 30 teams getting the same amount of time off and playing in the same arena/bubble with the same living conditions.

But THEY won't want to discuss that.
Yeah, I made this observation a few weeks back. He's been richer for a lot longer than when he hasn't. It's a good thing to have this "problem". But what I worry about is how he'll adjust to life after basketball. I personally think he'll be fine, as he'll probably enter into other endeavors, some of which he's already began to do just as recent as a few years ago.

But the possibility is still out there.
That guys gonna be fine. I would actually love to see Springhill venture into some sort of NBA talk show format. Bron getting to let off takes every night would create so much chaos
Annual influenza deaths in the US are anywhere from 30-60k/year. Almost entirely unvaccinated. In comparison, since the pandemic started there have been
~800k deaths. Keep in mind we do have treatments for the flu, for Covid there isn’t a treatment (Pfizer has a pill though coming soon). These treatments are mostly to prevent hospitalizations and death.

How many deaths since the vaxxes been out?
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