The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I enjoyed the kings/spurs game last night and my son Fox wasn’t even out there. Some of the most exciting games of December featured the Covid racked hornets

I enjoyed the bubble like everyone else did but those bubble stars ain’t been remotely close to producing at that output. That’s my only problem with it. The lakers jokes are just jokes.

Is there a site, blog, etc. that has tracked bubble stars production pre-bubble, bubble, post-bubble?

Similarly, there are still a lot of stars shooting poorly this year 1/4 of the way in. Not sure if we chalked that up to the ball or rule changes :nerd:
What possibility are you referring to? I think he'll be fine. Kobe, another all-time great, would have had a similar post in Year 19 if posting stats like was en vouge in 2014/2015 and Kobe was flourishing post-NBA prior to his passing (RIP). He already has a lot going on off the court so Bron Bron will be aight IMO.

That's a good observation. Kobe transitioned well. But that was pretty much in the works a couple years before he officially retired.
Lakers aren’t trash because of Covid.
Bucks have lost more guys to injury than to Covid.
Nets been hit by it as of last week. Not sure what you call the Myrie situation but he might have taken time off anyways.
Nuggets losing family men to Covid, but their best guys are out because of injury
GSW been Covid proof.
Grizzlies playing their best ball with their best player out due to injury, not Covid
Miami lost Bam and jimmy to injuries, not Covid.
Clippers been hit by injuries, not Covid.
Mavs been mid due to fatness and injuries.

I can go on. Covid is trash. I’m over it. But it’s not ruining the integrity of the game to me.
That's a good observation. Kobe transitioned well. But that was pretty much in the works a couple years before he officially retired.

I didn't think about this until now but connecting the dots maybe Bron factored that into his decision to go to LA and be a family man. He saw Kobe's transition and is trying to emulate it. Playing with suspect rosters, accruing lottery picks and all
I didn't think about this until now but connecting the dots maybe Bron factored that into his decision to go to LA and be a family man. He saw Kobe's transition and is trying to emulate it. Playing with suspect rosters, accruing lottery picks and all

When there was speculation of him going to LA, I've always assumed it was because of his kid going to Sierra Canyon, and locality to enable him to enter other endeavors. Playing in LA was more of a business decision than anything else. Kobe was def. an example of that.
Lakers aren’t trash because of Covid.
Bucks have lost more guys to injury than to Covid.
Nets been hit by it as of last week. Not sure what you call the Myrie situation but he might have taken time off anyways.
Nuggets losing family men to Covid, but their best guys are out because of injury
GSW been Covid proof.
Grizzlies playing their best ball with their best player out due to injury, not Covid
Miami lost Bam and jimmy to injuries, not Covid.
Clippers been hit by injuries, not Covid.
Mavs been mid due to fatness and injuries.

I can go on. Covid is trash. I’m over it. But it’s not ruining the integrity of the game to me.

Integrity may not be the right word and it might still be enjoyable to some but for as much as folks factor in absent players in discussing the 2015/2019/2021 Finals and the bubble conditions of 2020 playoffs to argue the validity or strength of championships, this season is starting to enter that realm.

Not that you were one to bring up those factors but it is unfortunately a part of the discussion so I can see why VVG is mentioning it.
I mean it doesn’t have to be just one reason why the season is turning into trash

If you’re arguing it’s injuries… plus you have this many players missing games in addition because of Covid and you’re having numerous games cancelled …

Covid just compounding what’s already a bad situation and making it worse
There's definitely a difference between still being able to enjoy a product, and then what that product is actually supposed to be.

Like tonight's Sixers/Cs game isn't going to look remotely like what it's supposed to be. Celtics just signed CJ Miles, who hasn't played in the league in 2 years, and he might be playing tonight instead of normal rotation players who are not actually injured, but are out because of a positive test to something they're asymptomatic of.

I will still watch, and get enjoyment out of the game. There will probably be instances of good basketball. It's just far from what it's supposed to be. Which is weird TO ME.
I mean it doesn’t have to be just one reason why the season is turning into trash

If you’re arguing it’s injuries… plus you have this many players missing games in addition because of Covid and you’re having numerous games cancelled …

Covid just compounding what’s already a bad situation and making it worse

Would you rather there be no season at all though? For me the answer to that question is no. I’ll take a compromised NBA season over no NBA action at all.
How many deaths since the vaxxes been out?

They're still compiling those numbers. Wont be for a while till we get a solid estimate.

I do know that during this recent surge, vaccinated death rate multiplied by damn near 100x. Went from roughly 0.1 deaths of vaccinated per 100k to 1.1 per 100k deaths.

Which is still a very small percentage, but still. Get boosted.
There's definitely a difference between still being able to enjoy a product, and then what that product is actually supposed to be.

Like tonight's Sixers/Cs game isn't going to look remotely like what it's supposed to be. Celtics just signed CJ Miles, who hasn't played in the league in 2 years, and he might be playing tonight instead of normal rotation players who are not actually injured, but are out because of a positive test to something they're asymptomatic of.

I will still watch, and get enjoyment out of the game. There will probably be instances of good basketball. It's just far from what it's supposed to be. Which is weird TO ME.

CJ won’t see the floor though. I get what y’all saying but Embiid, Tatum and brown are set to play. Hopefully those guys that are out are ok but the supposed star power will still be there. Tobias going to be poop per usual whether he’s playing with g league that got called up or not.

The only teams to go full g league were going do it anyways. (Orlando and OKC)
This was the same question when the bubble year happened

I’d prob side with whatever the players wanted

That’s fair and I agree. If a majority of the players decided not to play at all until this COVID surge passes, I’d support the decision. But I don’t get the sense the players are pushing for a break in the season.
No games, no money. Everybody wants to get paid, players and ownership alike.

If players are fine with taking the risk, which it seems like they are, I don't really have a problem with games continuing to get played.
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