The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I was wildin back then man, I wouldn't dare do some of this crap now. That same dude made me cancel a date on a Friday. Kept there until 2:00 AM SMH
Bruh the work grind played a huge part in my decision to date long distance. It took away expectations for dates and activities on week nights. I could focus on my craft and stay as late as need be without fear of letting someone down for missing Taco Tuesday or having to cancel :lol:
From a leadership perspective, health and family emergencies are where I draw the line in terms of requests. I am going to exhaust all options before asking you for something even if one the options is doing it myslf. No one has ever crossed that boundary with me but I have witnessed the way folks have reacted to it and it is never good.


After spending 21 years in the military...I never questioned leadership so much when it comes to this.

I used to get yelled at all the time because I would just send folks home when they were sick. I didn't care.

If they aren't 100% how are they going to give us 100% for whatever task we may have going?

I told people all the time, if we are depending on one person, we failed as leaders.
Damn, and I’m here getting upset if I get a text during a holiday break lol

My company was insisting I took another week off when I had covid last year but by that time I was quarantined for 18 days and tested negative so I couldn’t wait to go back to work.
Sorry but aint no ****ing way
When you’re young you’re just seeing the money, and your superiors are more or less preying on that.

Depending on your group you’re doing better than a lot of doctors & lawyers without the additional years of school & additional student loans that come with that.

It’s just hard at that age to have perspective, especially if you come from a poor or working class family. But then you get older & realize other parts of life also matter.
I am not here to justify it or make excuses but a lot of my comp is bonus and your bonus is 100% discretionary. They trap you that way.

When you’re young you’re just seeing the money, and your superiors are more or less preying on that.

Depending on your group you’re doing better than a lot of doctors & lawyers without the additional years of school & additional student loans that come with that.

It’s just hard at that age to have perspective, especially if you come from a poor or working class family. But then you get older & realize other parts of life also matter.
All of this man. Its not like I do this just for me, got people to take care of and stuff.
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