The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Totally agree, people with money just get the rope to buck societies trends more often than most.

"Cheating" is only a thing cause you've been indoctrinated to believe that once someone is "yours" (a ridiculous concept BTW), that no one should have them. You didn't have this belief until you were taught it. Its time for it to go.
W.e Steph and Ayesha have going on is probably the healthiest thing for their relationship. A few couples do it and for some relationships it really works.

Nothing against monogamy either, props to the marriages that find ways to last for decades too.

Back in the day everyone had multiple wives and it was accepted. Curious when all that changed.
Gotta share the suffering. That's wild though. The whole "One day you will get to do it to others" culture has always been wild to me. Why would I want to do this to anyone?

I never understood how people subscribe to that sort of thinking--"Well if I had to deal with it, so does the person/people after me".

If I'm going through Hell and can find a way for the people after me not to go through that same Hell, why wouldn't I do that? Some people really enjoy giving people Hell. I was never type of leader. Never will be. I have mutual respect for the people I work with. But then y'all don't seem to think so, because I call some folks a "baby *****" out of jest, while they're 22-24yrs old and making close to $200k :emoji_joy: working no more than 50-55hr/week.
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W.e Steph and Ayesha have going on is probably the healthiest thing for their relationship. A few couples do it and for some relationships it really works.

Nothing against monogamy either, props to the marriages that find ways to last for decades too.

Back in the day everyone had multiple wives and it was accepted. Curious when all that changed.

I believe the emphasis on monogamy developed in white Western areas for purposes of protecting and maintaining property, power and lineage.
Ayesha Curry dishes are the best though. No cap. Better in the dishes world than her Hubby's sneakers in the sneaker world. I cooked on some just about an hour ago, had them over a yr still non stick as new. 5 stars!

And while I could see it being true, and don't care either way, "sources" has never been lower than in the internet age. People just need to put out clickbait content and get ad revenue.

The worst is any type of countdown list that makes you click through every page 1 through 10 just for one raggedy paragraph on each
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