The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Totally agree, people with money just get the rope to buck societies trends more often than most.

"Cheating" is only a thing cause you've been indoctrinated to believe that once someone is "yours" (a ridiculous concept BTW), that no one should have them. You didn't have this belief until you were taught it. Its time for it to go.

antidope antidope really be having the sane-est, most common sense takes. And it’s always 🔥

MSN still existing is the real news here
Microsoft loves keeping products people don't use alive

I use Edge regularly now and it's funny this story originated with them because when I open a new tab the "news" stories they run have the most ridiculous, clickbait-y headlines. Really has me wanting to click articles about people/things/lists I don't care about because of their wording :lol:

my dad still insists on using his address.

My mom does too. I SMH every time I'm with her and she has to give her e-mail address for something :lol:
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