The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Just hard to see people not able to afford Healthcare, clothes, food, certain neighborhoods kept in certain conditions, while folks are given generational wealth to do something that contributes so little to society.
Always weird when people make this simple Jack argument and gloss over the owners. Both the money they make & their effective tax rate.
Pro athletes are by far the most overpaid profession. Watching sports has always been a good chunk of my life and still is but I cant deny this. You could pay these guys a fraction of what they make and they would still choose it over almost every other way to make a living. Just hard to see people not able to afford Healthcare, clothes, food, certain neighborhoods kept in certain conditions, while folks are given generational wealth to do something that contributes so little to society. Random rant over.
Naw son sounding real reckless with that take. Owners have the money to pay them and then some but the athletes are the problem. Think you shooting at the wrong target.

Personally never one to care how much someone else makes. However if someone is willing to pay you, you a fool for not taking it.

In the last dance Pip had so many obligations off the court, why not get as much money as possible.
Owners invest in what's profitable. If sports weren't they wouldn't be involved in it. Theyd make those millions elsewhere. How would athletes make their millions if sports only paid so much?
Who generates those profits? Owners don't. Yet they reap most of the rewards, not the athletes.

Don't defend billionaires.
Somebody invests in something they do it with the intention of making more money. That's how it works. And these emotional responses to someone even thinking of questioning the value of your heroes is exactly how they keep the money rolling in :lol:
Personally never one to care how much someone else makes. However if someone is willing to pay you, you a fool for not taking it.

THIS. Across all industries.

Salaries aren’t just made up out of thin air. Employers are well aware of what industry/market standards are and pay accordingly. Generally speaking, if it’s a well run business, they’re not going to pay an employee an amount that they’re not confident will earn them a good return on investment.
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Somebody invests in something they do it with the intention of making more money. That's how it works. And these emotional responses to someone even thinking of questioning the value of your heroes is exactly how they keep the money rolling in :lol:

You should look into the value star players are to the redevelopment of downtown areas and ask yourself if they are still not worth it.
You should look into the value star players are to the redevelopment of downtown areas and ask yourself if they are still not worth it.
I guess living in NYC area I am a little ignorant to this. I've seen it with Cleveland, where else has there been a noticeable difference? That speaks to a bigger problem that goes way beyond sports but I'm curious of more examples
Somebody invests in something they do it with the intention of making more money. That's how it works. And these emotional responses to someone even thinking of questioning the value of your heroes is exactly how they keep the money rolling in :lol:
I know when you were typing this you thought this was a banger of a comeback
Somebody invests in something they do it with the intention of making more money. That's how it works. And these emotional responses to someone even thinking of questioning the value of your heroes is exactly how they keep the money rolling in :lol:
I've made lots of money investing, I don't need it explained to me. I put money in, I sit on my ***, and I either lose money or make money. More often than not I make money. In my sleep. From someone else's labor. I get a fat check every month from a single mother who works much harder than I do and then I take some of that and invest in companies who hire people that work much harder than I do to ensure the company succeeds and I watch the profit passively roll in while many of them struggle to survive. And when I see losses, no matter how large, I know they're mostly temporary and I'll bounce right back. So when I see thousands wiped off I still sleep just fine, a luxury that most of the people who generate profit for me don't have.

I'm not defending athletes because they're my ****ing heroes, I'm a grown man. I'm defending laborers because I intimately know how they're exploited. Because I've been exploited and I actively exploit others and I'd rather a more equitable system existed. Instead of this one where the people who look like me and most of those athletes, tend to be taken advantage of far more than the people who look like the owners.
Moved the goalpost at least 3 times, I don't know what the argument is anymore

First it was that the world's ills are not being resolved because athletes make too much. Then it was that athletes are lucky that white owners invest in sports because otherwise they wouldn't make money. Now it's that because fans are emotional is the reason sports keeps making money

Aint calling another man my hero without a good reason lol. Seems like that was an emotional comment there if anything
Milwaukee, Oklahoma City, Memphis, Englewood soon.

Downtown LA too. Prior to Staples getting up and running, it had gotten to the point that Downtown LA was a relative ghostown after work hours and on the weekends. Having the arena there kicked off a revitilazation of the area so there's much more going on in Downtown LA both from a residential and commercial standpoint than was the case 25 years ago.
Somebody invests in something they do it with the intention of making more money. That's how it works. And these emotional responses to someone even thinking of questioning the value of your heroes is exactly how they keep the money rolling in :lol:
Fans are paying money to see the players, no different from any subsector of the entertainment industry.

You want to shift that money from the players back to owners, for the owners to do what exactly? Solve the world’s problems?
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