The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I guess living in NYC area I am a little ignorant to this. I've seen it with Cleveland, where else has there been a noticeable difference? That speaks to a bigger problem that goes way beyond sports but I'm curious of more examples

65k people stood outside to watch the bucks and another what 18k. Over 80k. They don’t all eat before the game. They all don’t go home after the game. Makes sense to have a restaurant or bar in the area. Young 20 something wants to live where it’s popping, they move in the area. Developers see an opportunity to build apartments. Grocery stores come. Construction jobs are created. Jobs are created.

So yeah Giannis is underpaid.
65k people stood outside to watch the bucks and another what 18k. Over 80k. They don’t all eat before the game. They all don’t go home after the game. Makes sense to have a restaurant or bar in the area. Young 20 something wants to live where it’s popping, they move in the area. Developers see an opportunity to build apartments. Grocery stores come. Construction jobs are created. Jobs are created.

So yeah Giannis is underpaid.
Yeah but as a city you can't rely on that. Sure it's a plus when it happens everyone enjoys the winning and things that come with it like u listed but that's gotta be stircly a plus. If your city doesn't have enough jobs because a star athlete signs elsewhere you've got way bigger problems and that's a whole nother discussion.
Yeah but as a city you can't rely on that. Sure it's a plus when it happens everyone enjoys the winning and things that come with it like u listed but that's gotta be stircly a plus. If your city doesn't have enough jobs because a star athlete signs elsewhere you've got way bigger problems and that's a whole nother discussion.

Giannis is 26? 27? If I’m an apartment developer I’m looking to cash out at the peak. A 100 unit apartment building sold for $20Ms in Milwaukee. A 300 unit building would go for $75 Ms. developers don’t care about the long run or the city as a whole.
Giannis is 26? 27? If I’m an apartment developer I’m looking to cash out at the peak. A 100 unit apartment building sold for $20Ms in Milwaukee. A 300 unit building would go for $75 Ms. developers don’t care about the long run or the city as a whole.
Which is why those developers should be held in check somhow if something may not benefit the city in the long run. That's on the city as well if they allow something they know isn't for the best long term just to make a quick buck short term but like I said, that's a whole nother topic
Pro athletes are by far the most overpaid profession. Watching sports has always been a good chunk of my life and still is but I cant deny this. You could pay these guys a fraction of what they make and they would still choose it over almost every other way to make a living. Just hard to see people not able to afford Healthcare, clothes, food, certain neighborhoods kept in certain conditions, while folks are given generational wealth to do something that contributes so little to society. Random rant over.

aepps20 aepps20
Which is why those developers should be held in check somhow if something may not benefit the city in the long run. That's on the city as well if they allow something they know isn't for the best long term just to make a quick buck short term but like I said, that's a whole nother topic

Yeah that isn’t how capitalism works. Sounds like that’s where your beef is
Wow. Just read that Rihanna is a billionaire now. She’s an NBA fan; she should put a group together and try and buy the Kings. I’d have more faith in her turning it around for them than current ownership.
I feel like I've mentioned this before but I know a couple of people who own slices of sports teams, and the one that I know the "best" owns a piece of the Bucks. After they won the chip, his investment was worth more than 4X what he put in and he was basically getting ready to sell it, but ended up not doing it.

So yeah.... He benefits more from capitalism than the players on the Bucks most of whom aren't even on the roster and subsequently got to experience the feeling of winning a title, and he has made the combined salary of the roster several times over. He got a ring too.
I feel like I've mentioned this before but I know a couple of people who own slices of sports teams, and the one that I know the "best" owns a piece of the Bucks. After they won the chip, his investment was worth more than 4X what he put in and he was basically getting ready to sell it, but ended up not doing it.

So yeah.... He benefits more from capitalism than the players on the Bucks most of whom aren't even on the roster and subsequently got to experience the feeling of winning a title, and he has made the combined salary of the roster several times over. He got a ring too.
But he's already operating at a completely different level when life put him in a position to be able to own a sports franchise. If the opportunity isn't there in sports he's getting it elsewhere. How else would athletes make what capitalism marketing and a bunch of other factors have afforded them the ability to make?
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