The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Is “Let it be known” the new “Carry on”?

These tweets were actually n B2B days. Michael is really living rent free in dude’s head. The Last Dance must have made it worse :lol:

Zeke actually from Chicago, specifically the area where the Bulls play & Mike gets more love out there. It’s like Mike took his home from him.

Not to mention those playoff battles which led to the dream team stuff.

These dudes are hyper-competitive so I get it :lol: It does look ridiculous when you’re 60 tho
Say man
Was eyeing his pts prop
I know me too :lol: I’d stay away from him unless you’ve had a great 2021 & can take some losses.

Limited minutes so he may or may not get hot on any given night. There are more reliable plays out there until he gets back to his usual minutes.
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