The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Vogel has to do what he’s got to do to keep his job because he’s definitely on the hot seat.

Time to bench Russ. You can’t allow yourself to go down with that ship. That would be a crazy hill to die on.
Vogel has to do what he’s got to do to keep his job because he’s definitely on the hot seat.

Time to bench Russ. You can’t allow yourself to go down with that ship. That would be a crazy hill to die on.
Vogel played Rondo, Deandre Jordan and Russ at the same time. No way he’s benching Russ. There’s been plenty of times when he should but wouldn’t.
Vogel played Rondo, Deandre Jordan and Russ at the same time. No way he’s benching Russ. There’s been plenty of times when he should but wouldn’t.

Well then he’s dying on the dumb *** hill.

Couldn’t be me. :lol:
As much as it would humor me to bench him, you can't. That's locker room seppuku.

I’d agree with that if the record was better but at this point, if Vogel is already on the hot seat - there is absolutely nothing to lose.

There is no way I’d go out like that. Shake it up and try something else before you’re fired.
Holding Ben hostage in hopes of a superstar is a waste of Embiids time. Could be building chemistry with someone that could help them.

Well; they’re not getting another superstar for Ben, so might as well see exactly how much they could improve with just additional rotation players.

This is basically where I’m at:
Embiid has been a monster the last month, but the rest of the roster is blah. Not sure you can get something of reasonable value for Simmons that would make me think the Sixers are in contention.

I have to think he’s saying he wants a superstar, which is highly unlikely, but in reality he’s watching other situations around the league deteriorate and believes pending explosions are on the way that could potentially lead to bette packages (see: Fox talks resurfacing and the Hawks entering the chat). It would explain why he wants Ben to play - to raise his value for pitches to suitors who may be looking for a change in the offseason.
This is basically where I’m at:

I have to think he’s saying he wants a superstar, which is highly unlikely, but in reality he’s watching other situations around the league deteriorate and believes pending explosions are on the way that could potentially lead to bette packages (see: Fox talks resurfacing and the Hawks entering the chat). It would explain why he wants Ben to play - to raise his value for pitches to suitors who may be looking for a change in the offseason.
I’d say this, with Simons no longer being 2 years away and Dame basically out til March, a Simmons-Dame swap works for both teams
i dont agree vogel should be fired... that man won a chip even though it was in the bubble he still got 1... its not his fault they traded trez, kuz and kcp for a washed westbrook which is a downgrade imo... it doesnt help that AD is back to his usual injury prone self
I’m a keep it a thousand. Bulls, we not ready mayne! :smh: The hell is the point of us holding the number one spot just to get put out in the first round after barely stealing a game?!

Just go on and give that spot to a team that’s gone do something wit it.
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