The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Russ looks a good 8 inches taller than his brother. Crazy.

Genetics really can be random as hell sometimes. It’s the same number thing with my dad and his brothers.

If the lakers are going to be this bad with LBJ then they should cash in now and trade Lebron

He’ll be in year 20 next year
While on one end of the roster I think you can’t get anything for Rust, on the other end I don’t think you could get enough for LeBron. Not sure who is willing to mortgage their future for a season and a half of him knowing he’ll dip afterwards. We saw it with a much younger AD and Boston so I assume the same would apply to Year 19 Lebby.
Lebron aint no going anywhere

the dude is a businessman he will retire as a Laker

Russ will be gone sooner not later
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