The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Life comes at you quick. We’re back to being terrible. 8 games under .500 and team morale dead in the water. Okongwu gave us a spark and it still wasn’t enough. John Collins my boy but he needs to start taking it to people off the dribble more. Gotta expand his game to more than just set shots and oops.
Yeah, with this news have to think the Nets are strongly considering paying NYC the fine money for Qyrie to play home games.
I hope my dude and favorite PG, one Michael (Mikey) from Waltham is seeing this and concludes his research, the Nets are going to need him. This isn’t like Joe Harris or LMA going down, this is KD, and that is a huge hole to fill, and while Jimothy Harden is trying to round into shape, this is above him now.
Nah that what happens when you take a team lightly and don’t give max effort,you’re susceptible to getting embarrassed.

Your logic don’t apply to players on the floor :lol:

In LeBron’s eyes he sees no Murray or Porter Jr= Easy night
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