The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I can’t….:lol:

Thibbs saw that one sidestep 3 in garbage time and said that's it

Leon Rose is constructing a roster for another coach. The players don't fit Thibs play style. He'll get blame and then sacked. Another coach comes in and the issue still remains the same.
Air fryers are overrated.

Convection oven is the superior method.

Also the Knicks stink, RJ is the truth, and I hate Randle. I'd trade him for Westbrook.
That looked like 2016/pre-covid Russ last night. Shame the only time that’ll happen is when AD/Bron aren’t on the floor.
I don’t think this detail got brought up the other day:

Considering Wall and Westbrook have similarly sized deals, is Frittata’s idea that he believes he can still get some form of assets back for John Wall while still on this deal so they’re not going to buy him out? Or is it that Wall won’t accept any form of buyout (which he shouldn’t IMO)?

Just trying to understand why Rust would get a swift buyout offer (not sure if he’d accept because he shouldn’t either tbh) and Wall wouldn’t
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